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Published byJoshua Moss Modified over 11 years ago
Time; Tabagauna Before creation; bera na veibuli During creation; veibuli After creation; oti na veibuli After re-creation; oti na mate
EGWhite; Christian Education, p58 There is nothing more calculated to strengthen the intellect than the study of the scriptures. No other book is so potent to elevate the thoughts, to give vigor to the faculties, as the broad ennobling truths of the Bible. If Gods Word were studied as it should be, man would have a breadth of mind, a nobility of character and a stability of purpose rarely seen in this times.
Vada; E.G.White Vakaukauwataka na vakasama Laveta na vakanananu Soli kaukauwa ki na mona Rabailevu ni vakasama Vakaturaga ni vakarau Dei ni I naki Laurai dredre ena gauna qo
..before creation....bera na veibuli.. Gen 1;6 Vakatekivu 1;6..and now WE will make human beings..TOU bulia na tamata..they will be like us and resemble us ….. Ucui kedatou, tovo vata..
Eph 1;4 …He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world…. …digitaki, bera ni veibuli Jer 1;5 …before I formed you in the womb, I knew you… …Ni sa bera niu buli iko, au sa kilai iko.. …I sanctified you… …au vakatabui iko…
Eph 1;11 …being predestined according to the purpose of Him… …ni da sa lesi e liu, me vaka na nona lewa
Eph 1;4 …just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be HOLY and WITHOUT BLAME before Him in love …digitaki keda e liu, me da yalosavasava ka sega ni cala e matana…
Bera na veibuli Me na buli iko Mo I tovo vata kei Koya ka ucui Koya Digitaki iko ni sa bera na veibuli Kilai iko ka vakatabui ni bera na veibuli Lesi e liu me vaka na Nona I naki Mo yalosavasava ka sega ni cala e Matana
...during creation… …gauna ni veibuli… Gen 1;27 …so God created man in His own image.. …bulia, ucui koya
Gen 2;7 …and the Lord God formed man out of the dust…and breathed into his nostrils the BREATH OF LIFE… …Kalou sa bulia, ceguva, cegu ni bula
Eph 2;10 …for we are His workmanship; created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them …caka me da tu vata kei Karisito me ia na I valavala vinaka, vakarautaka e liu, me da kitaka vaka kina…
Gauna ni Veibuli Buli iko Ucui Koya Buli keda o Jisu Ceguva vei iko na I Cegu ni Bula Me da ia na I valavala vinaka ka a sa vakarautaka e liu me da kitaka
…after creation… …oti na veibuli… Ps 40;5 …and your thoughts which are towards us cannot be recounted to you in order, if I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered. …nanuma, sega ni wili rawa,
1Pet 1;15 …but as He who called you is HOLY, you also BE HOLY in ALL your conduct.. …dou yalo savasava talega ko I kemudou e na I valavala kecega…
3 John 2 …beloved, I pray that you may prosper in ALL things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. …kalougata ka bula vinaka…
Oti na veibuli Sega ni wili rawa na nona nanumi iko Mo yalo savasava Kalougata Bula vinaka
BUT, ia Rom 3;23 …ni sa I valavala ca na tamata kecega… 1John 3;8 …he that committeth sin is OF THE DEVIL… …a sa luve ni tevoro ko koya sa I valavala ca tiko…
…for all have sinnED…
1John 1;9 …cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness.. …vakasavasavataki, ka kecega
Rom 3;24 …being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus… …vakadonui walega Eph 2;1 …and YOU He MADE ALIVE who were dead in trespasses and sins.. …vakabulai, a mate tu
1John 3;7 …he who practices righteousness, IS RIGHTEOUS, just as He IS RIGHTEOUS… …o koya sa I valavala dodonu sa dodonu ga… Gal 2;20 1John 3;9 …whoever has been born of God DOES NOT sin, for His seed remains in him, and he CANNOT sin.. …sa sega ni valavala ca, a sa sega ni ia rawa na I valavala ca…
…after this… 1John2;25 …and this is the PROMISE that He has promised US_ ETERNAL LIFE …yalayala, bula tawa mudu… John 3;16 …for God….
…before creation… To be made by God;buli iko na Kalou To be like Him; ucui koya, tovo vata To be chosen; digitaki To be known; kilai To be predestined; vakarautaki TO BE HOLY; valavala savasava
…during creation… Made by God; buli iko na Kalou Breath of life; Cegu ni Bula For good works; cakacaka vinaka
…after creation… Thoughts; nanumi TO BE HOLY; yalo savasava Prosper; vutuniyau Righteous; yalo dodonu Made alive; vakabulai
…after this… Eternal life Bula tawa mudu
… for we are only human… …ni da tamata ga… Human=sinful Tamata=valavala ca
He who;O Koya Thought of..; Nanumi… Chose..; digitaki… Predestined..; vakarautaki… Made..; buli… Gave life..; soli bula… Thinks..; nanumi… Wants you to prosper..; vutuniyau Makes you alive; vakabulai… Offers you eternal life; bula
…is IN you, is GREATER than he who is in the world…
Tiko e lomamu, e levu cake mai vei koya e tiko e vuravura…
… to be truly HUMAN … …tamata… …is to be GODLY… …vaKalou…
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