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Georgia Department of Technical & Adult Education

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1 Georgia Department of Technical & Adult Education
Work Ethics Program Geared to the Needs of Business & Industry *Left mouse click slowly 3 times to get complete title on the slide The mission of Georgia’s Technical Institute’s is to provide the necessary skills for students to be successful employees in their chosen careers. We are committed to incorporating these good work habits into every facet of our students education. *Left mouse click

2 Student Orientation Session
Objectives: Define work ethics Discuss importance in the workplace Demonstrate understanding of the connection between employment & good work ethics Understand the grading & reporting procedure of work ethics in the classroom *Left mouse click The Objectives of this general student orientation of the work ethics program are: Define work ethics Discuss importance in the workplace Demonstrate understanding of the connection between employment & good work ethics Understand the grading & reporting procedure of work ethics in the classroom

3 Can you give me a definition of work ethics?
What are good work ethics traits? Can you give me a definition of work ethics? *Left mouse click What are good work ethics traits? *Encourage students to respond to the questions *Write their responses on the board or use the handout (Appendix A)

4 Work Ethics Definition:
Ethics are the values and behaviors which people feel are moral. In other words, “ethics” is the name we give to our values or good behavior. So a positive work ethic is the collection of all the values and actions that people feel are appropriate in the work place. *Left mouse click Ethics are the values and behaviors which people feel are moral. In other words, “ethics” is the name we give to our values or good behavior. So a positive work ethic is the collection of all the values and actions that people feel are appropriate in the work place *Left mouse click.

5 Morals & Values Morals relate to right and wrong.
Values are beliefs that a person feels are very important. Our behavior is most often a reflection of our values. *Left mouse click Morals relate to right and wrong. Values are beliefs that a person feels are very important. Our behavior is most often a reflection of our values.

6 How does my definition of work ethics
relate to your definition? How does my definition of work ethics *Left mouse click relate to your definition? *Discuss differences/comparisons *Discuss positive work ethics traits in relation to a good work ethic – relate how good traits foster a good work ethic

7 What does Work Ethics Mean?
The term “ethics” means different things to different people, depending on their belief , backgrounds, religion, experience, training, and personal style. *Discuss different cultures and the meaning of good work ethics within various cultures. *Discuss “if” and “how” things have changed over the past few decades. The media such as television and radio have an incredible impact on us. Many of us spend quite a bit of time in front of the television. *Ask – What are some of your favorite television shows? Think about examples of good work habits and bad work habits on television. Do your favorite characters have jobs? Do they have good work ethics? How much influence do these programs have on us? Do the media shape society or does society shape media? Work ethics are combinations of traits that employers look for within people whom they employ. Therefore, work ethics may include personal characteristics, interpersonal skills, operational attitudes, teamwork, leadership, and commitment. *Left mouse click

8 Work Ethics The Big Ten Traits
The United States Department of Labor estimates that 80% of workers who lose their jobs do so not because of lack of occupational skills, but because of poor work ethics. The mission of technical education in Georgia is to provide business and industry with trained workers who possess both strong occupational skills and good work habits. Therefore, the Georgia Department of Technical & Adult Education designed a formal program to address poor work ethics. The program provides activities and knowledge to foster positive work habits. Business and industry leaders have identified essential work ethics that should be taught and practiced in order to develop a viable and effective workforce. These are the ten work ethics traits identified by business and industry leaders across the nation: *Left mouse click

9 Arrives/leaves on time
ATTENDANCE Attends class Arrives/leaves on time Notifies instructor in advance of planned absences *Left mouse click Attend s 90% or more of the required class time Is tardy for class no more than six times during the quarter Is prepared for class by reading assignments and completing homework Participates in activities by contributing to class discussion, completing assignments, and being involved in lab activities Begins and ends work as expected Uses work time appropriately Notifies instructor before planned absences or tardiness

10 CHARACTER Displays loyalty, honesty, trustworthiness, dependability, reliability, initiative, self-discipline, and self-responsibility *Left mouse click Displays a high level of effort and commitment to performing and completing work Is honest in all situations Demonstrates trustworthiness and responsible behavior

11 TEAMWORK Respects the rights of others Respects confidentiality
Teamworker Cooperative Assertive Displays customer service attitude Seeks opportunities for continuous learning Demonstrates mannerly behavior *Left mouse click Respects the rights of others *Left mouse click Respects confidentiality *Left mouse click Is a teamworker *Left mouse click Is cooperative *Left mouse click Is assertive *Explain assertive: confident, strong, positive *Left mouse click Displays customer service attitude *Left mouse click Seeks opportunities for continuous learning *Left mouse click Demonstrates mannerly behavior You are expected to: Encourage and facilitate cooperation, pride, trust, and group identity Foster commitment and team spirit Facilitate cooperation

12 Displays appropriate dress, grooming, hygiene, and etiquette
APPEARANCE Displays appropriate dress, grooming, hygiene, and etiquette *Left mouse click Presents a neat, clean appearance Practices personal hygiene Wears clothing suitable to the job, task and environment Wears full regulation uniform , if required

13 Demonstrates a positive attitude Appears self-confident
Has realistic expectations of self *Left mouse click Displays a willingness to cooperate and accepts constructive criticism Sets realistic expectations

14 PRODUCTIVITY Follows safety practices Conserves materials
Keeps work area neat & clean Follows directions & procedures Makes up assignments punctually Participates *Left mouse click Observes established policies on safety Notifies proper authorities of circumstances or situations presenting potential safety hazards Maintains equipment and supplies Does not use or knowingly permit others to use tools and equipment improperly Makes up missed assignments in a timely manner Stay son task and utilizes time constructively

Manifests skill in prioritizing and management of time & stress Demonstrates flexibility in handling change *Left mouse click Prioritizes and manages time effectively Demonstrates flexibility in adapting to changes

16 Displays appropriate nonverbal & oral skills
COMMUNICATION Displays appropriate nonverbal & oral skills Eye contact Body language *Left mouse click Communicates accurate information to others in a professional and courteous manner Demonstrates appropriate nonverbal communication skills Listens attentively to others

17 COOPERATION Displays leadership skills
Appropriately handles criticism, conflicts, & complaints Demonstrates problem-solving capability Maintains appropriate relationships with supervisors & peers Follows chain of command *Left mouse click Conveys a willingness to assist others Works to resolve conflicts and to identify solutions in which all parties benefit Demonstrates concern for treating people fairly and equitably Follows the chain of command in resolving conflict

18 Deals appropriately with cultural/racial diversity
RESPECT Deals appropriately with cultural/racial diversity Does not engage in harassment of any kind *Left mouse click Treats instructors, staff and fellow students with respect, courtesy, and tact Does not engage in harassment of any kind

19 The Big 10 Traits = The Backbone of Weekly Activities
One trait will be stressed each week Each instructor will spend a minimum of 5 minutes per week on the Work Ethics Topic of the Week *Left mouse click The Big 10 Traits are the 10 modules on which you will be evaluated. One trait will be stressed each week. Each instructor will spend a minimum of 5 minutes per week on the Work Ethics Topic of the Week.

20 Results of our Work Ethics Program
WIN-WIN situation for employers and students who become their employees What do we expect from our work ethics program? *Left mouse click We see a win-win situation for employers and for the students who become their employees!

21 Employers acquire workers with desirable work habits
How? Students begin work with positive work ethics skills which will enhance their value as employees Employers acquire workers with desirable work habits How is this going to come about? *Left mouse click Students will begin work with positive work ethics skills which will enhance their value as employees, and Employers will acquire workers with desirable work habits. Everybody wins with good work habits.

22 Do you want to… Do Better… Gain Promotions… Achieve Greater Results…
Make More Money… Become a Leader in the Business World? Think about it! *Left mouse click Do you want to… *Left mouse click Do Better… *Left mouse click Gain Promotions… *Left mouse click Achieve Greater Results… *Left mouse click Make More Money… *Left mouse click Become a Leader in the Business World? *Left mouse click

23 Show up Reliability is important!
To be in the Upper 50% Show up Reliability is important! Yes, to be in the top half of your class, your unit, and your company team, all you need to do *Left mouse click is SHOW UP. Tests have shown that over 50% of the employed people today fail to SHOW UP for work on a regular basis… that is, they are not responsible; they cannot be trusted or depended upon to SHOW UP at their place of employment as they are expected and paid to do. Many excuses are given…car won’t start, feel bad, spouse, (child, aunt, mother, et al) sick, forgot, needed to run errands, get auto license, out-of-town guests, bad weather, etc… Reliability is Important *Left mouse click

24 Show up on time Dependability earns dividends!
To be in the Upper 30% Show up on time Dependability earns dividends! Surprisingly, surveys show that 70% of the employees do not *Left mouse click SHOW UP ON TIME. These employees in the upper 30% are usually on time. However, they are employed, expected, and paid to be there ON TIME, all the time! Suppose you were an airline pilot, teacher, speaker, custodian who unlocks the building, merchant who opens the business to the public. Would it be important to SHOW UP ON TIME? Many excuses are given Traffic, flat tire, hangover, overslept, train across road, clock stopped, missed ride or bus or train or plain or boat, etc. DEPENDABILITY EARNS DIVIDENDS

25 ready to go! It’s performance that counts!
To be in the Upper 20% Show up on time, ready to go! It’s performance that counts! The winners – the real leaders – *Left mouse click SHOW UP ON TIME, READY TO GO! These employees in the Top 20% are clear-headed, alive, alert, fully dressed, fed, made-up, manicured, and prepared Their “flight charts” are ready Their lesson plan or speech is thought out Their route, their day is planned They know what they want to accomplish and how they are going to do it. The world moves aside; it makes way for the person who knows what he/she wants and moves confidently toward it. It’s Performance That Counts!

26 Why are work ethics important to employers?
Employers need and expect employees to possess certain personal characteristics that promote harmony, effectiveness, and productivity within their organization. Technical education values its relationships with businesses and industry; these employees are our customers. We listen and respond to their needs, and today their need is not solely skills training. It is work ethics training. We are obligated to make a difference in the work habits of the students who enroll in and graduate from our institution. “If there were a piece of equipment or a curriculum that was not working in our school resulting in 80% of our graduates being fired from their jobs, we would do whatever was necessary to purchase or obtain the missing element that was causing so much harm to our students.” Picture one of those infamous TV commercials like this: text books $250 pencils, paper, disk -- $12 skills training at a technical institute – the cost of tuition A GOOD WORK ETHIC – PRICELESS! ! EMPLOYER VIDEO – may be shown at this time *Left mouse click

27 Why does technical education believe work ethics are important?
Advisory committees tell us Why does technical education believe work ethics are important? *Left mouse click Each program is required to have an advisory committee of local business and industry leaders which meets biannually – these leaders in their fields ensure that curriculum matches industry needs – they tell us that work ethics training is the LINK between skills training and successful employment in the workforce. Good work ethics is the lubricant that keeps the gears of business and industry moving.

28 What to expect from the work ethics program?
Expect employers to ask to see your transcript when applying for a job We will look at how actions affect everyone in the workplace. We will also look at how displaying appropriate and productive behavior contributes to the success of the company. *Left mouse click Part of the community awareness of the DTAE Work Ethics Program is educating employers of the work ethic grade each student receives. It is very important that a student’s work ethic grades ensure that he or she can obtain a job when in competition with someone else with the same skills training.

29 Work Ethics Performance Standards
Review it Sign & date it Return it to the instructor You will be graded on work ethics in your classroom or program. It is important that you understand the grading procedure, the forms, and your final transcript. * Handout the Performance Standards form (Appendix H) – *Left mouse click Please review the performance standards carefully. Sign and date the form Return it to the instructor

30 Work Ethics Evaluation Form & Exception Form
Scale of 3 – Exceeds Expectations 2 – Meets Expectations 1 – Needs Improvement 0 – Unacceptable Everyone begins with 20 pts. *Forms (Appendix I & J) *Distribute & explain the scale as described on the slide with the following narrative. You are now being handed a copy of the evaluation and exception forms to review. *Left mouse click This is the scale of grading. 3 – Exceeds Expectations 2 – Meets Expectations 1 – Needs Improvement 0 – Unacceptable Notice that everyone begins with 20 pts.

31 Graded by “exception” : subtract point/s for poor & add point/s for above & beyond
Poor behavior – Exception Form issued Extraordinary behavior – Exception Form issued Met Expectation – No Exception Form issued Your work ethics will be evaluated by exception on a daily basis. *Left mouse click Grading by exception means that students who display poor work ethics or extraordinary work ethics for any day will receive a Work Ethics Exception Form concerning the exception to be noted. You will be given a copy of the form and will be given immediate feedback of either constructive criticism or positive reinforcement from the instructor. You are assumed to have Met Expectations in the absence of an exception form on any day.

32 Date may be set to review forms
Exception Forms Date may be set to review forms All students receive progress reports at mid-term & end of quarter When negative exception forms have to be completed, behavior modification plans to remediate the negative behavior are included on the form. Also included is a timeline for reassessment (review date) as well as a detailed explanation of the unacceptable behavior. *Left mouse click A second session is held on the review date to determine if students have improved the deficient work ethics trait. If not, points will be deducted from the next formal progress report. Overall, using this system of grading by exception will provide you input concerning your work ethics and give you the opportunity to improve your grade throughout the quarter. You will receive a formal progress report at mid-quarter and at the end of the quarter.

33 Exception Subtract points Add points
Points are assigned to evaluate your achievement of each of the ten work ethics traits listed on the evaluation form. If you receive any negative exception forms for which you have not demonstrated an improvement, you will receive a deduction on the designated trait on the form. If you have maintained exceptionally good work ethics which have been documented by exception forms, you will receive extra points on the appropriate trait. In other words, the exception forms accrued by you will determine the grade you earn on the progress reports. To put it in plain English: you begin the quarter with 20 points - the score of behavior that is EXPECTED. Each of the 10 traits count 1 point each. If you receive a negative exception form, * Left mouse click --you will have 1 point subtracted from your 20 points. Be warned. You may receive a negative exception form on more that one trait -- a point is deducted for each one. On the other hand, if you receive a positive exception form, * Left mouse click --you will have that point or points added to your beginning 20 point score. Don’t forget, you will get a progress report at mid-term and a chance to review and implement an improvement plan. From mid-term until the end of the quarter, you may receive positive exception forms which will add points back to your score. In other words, you can bring your score up from mid-term to the final grade. A brief description of the work ethics grade is printed and highlighted on your transcript so employers understand what work ethics means and how the grade was derived. *Instructor - see page 14 of the Volume I Work Ethics -- for more explanation * Left mouse click

34 The Weekly Emphasis A work ethics trait will be emphasized each week of the quarter. The DTAE Work Ethics Program is a continual part of your educational process. Throughout your program of study, the traits will be emphasized in every classroom school wide each week. The same trait will be introduced and discussed in every program throughout the institute. This orientation is your introduction to the program; but through constant repetition, the principles of work ethics will permeate every course you take until the work ethic becomes ingrained in you. Desirable work habits are stressed and modeled over time, with daily monitoring and assessment by the instructor. * Left mouse click NOTE for Instructors *Instructors – see the resource manual for the ten modules. You will find a narrative lecture, objectives, and several activities in each module that you can use to emphasize the trait of the week. Use your discretion in choosing appropriate activities to tailor to your particular student’s needs. This will allow you to go beyond the mandatory 5 minute presentation in order to focus attention on a particular ethics trait that is problematic within your program at a particular time. You may insert activities of your own, too. Your school will use different methods to emphasize the topic each week: banners, posters, bulletin boards, etc… The objective is to keep work ethics up front – visible. The same 10 traits will be emphasized each quarter. Use your creativity in choosing different activities for the number of quarters your students are in your program.

35 Georgia Department of Technical & Adult Education
Remember, you’re a new student who has decided to dedicate one to two years to technical training. What you’ll find within your program are new experiences, different kinds of people, specific course requirements, particular institutional rules and policies, and instructors who expect you to possess and to model good work ethics. Remember that your training experiences will be similar to or the same as the job experiences you will soon have as a new employee. In this program, you are the employee; your instructors are your supervisors. From the outset, your instructors will gauge your performances in productivity or timeliness. For example, the quality of your work and the amount of time it took you to produce it will be evaluated. Why? Because the real world of work requires that employees perform tasks or duties within a given period of time with minimal errors or setbacks. Perhaps you will be judged on your ability to take directions from a more experienced student who has asked you to participate on a team that is responsible for performing a certain task. Everyone around you, no doubt, will begin to take note of your operational attitudes. They will know, as you begin your program, if you attend classes regularly or whether or not you observe the policies your instructors have outlined for the class in terms of care and use of tools or other pieces of training equipment. * Left mouse click 3 times slowly If your work ethics are truly strong, however, you’ll get an early reputation as being a leader who is committed to all new experiences of an educational program that will transform your life and the ways you live. Does anyone have any questions about our work ethics program? Work Ethics Program Geared to the Needs of Business & Industry

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