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State of the Art The Status and Trends of HIV/AIDS Epidemics

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1 State of the Art The Status and Trends of HIV/AIDS Epidemics
Karen Stanecki, US Census Bureau and Chair of Monitoring the AIDS Pandemic Network

2 Topics for discussion HIV epidemics are emerging across the region
No society is immune Epidemics are inter-related and not self-contained

3 Recent trends in HIV infection, 1996–2001
+ 100% % + 60% + 160% + 30% + 40% + 20% Recent trends in HIV infection, 1996–2001 The global view of HIV, end 2001 15 – 39% 5 – 15% 1 – 5% 0.5 – 1.0% 0.1 – 0.5% 0.0 – 0.1% not available HIV prevalence in adults, end 2001 Source: UNAIDS/WHO July 2002 outside region

4 Rising rates among injectors in Vietnam

5 HIV infections in Japanese men by transmission mode

6 HIV prevalence in sex workers and STI clinic patients in Vietnam

7 Prevalence among sex workers in Chinese provinces

8 Rising rates among sex workers in Indonesia

9 Indonesia HIV infection rates
= 0 % = 1 - 5 % = < 1% = > 5 % SW 1.5% IDUs 40% 26.5% 53% 6.4% 8 % 6% 24.5% SW = sex worker IDUs = injecting drug users

10 MSM in Cambodia sex with different partner types

11 Potential spread of HIV from high risk groups to the general
Population, Central Bangladesh Rickshawpullers (76% married) SM 9 Percent are IDU 69% visit FSW MSM 34% ) (46% married Visit 33% FSW Visit IDU FSW FSW (40% married) (9% married ) 2 Percent are IDU 1 Percent are IDU

12 Cumulative reported HIV infections per million population in Eastern European countries: 1993-2001
300 600 900 1,200 1,500 1,800 Estonia* Russian Federation Cases per million population Ukraine Latvia Belarus Moldova, Republic of Kazakhstan Lithuania 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Projected * actual 2001 year-end data Source: National AIDS Programmes (2001) HIV/AIDS surveillance in Europe. Mid-year report. Data compiled by the European Centre for the Epidemiological Monitoring of AIDS



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