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主我們同心在祢面前 We come together in unity

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1 主我們同心在祢面前 We come together in unity
我們呼求 We Cry Out 主我們同心在祢面前 We come together in unity 以禱告尋求祢面 To seek Your face as we pray “We Cry Out” words and music by Grace Tseng and Sandy C. Yu © 2007 Stream of Praise Music Ministries. CCLI License #

2 我們轉離所有的惡行 We turn away from our sinful ways
定意單單跟隨祢 We’re called to walk in Your ways “We Cry Out” words and music by Grace Tseng and Sandy C. Yu © 2007 Stream of Praise Music Ministries. CCLI License #

3 1. 主我們是屬祢的子民 We are the people called by Your name
求賜下父神的心 Give us Your heart as we pray “We Cry Out” words and music by Grace Tseng and Sandy C. Yu © 2007 Stream of Praise Music Ministries. CCLI License #

4 我們要回轉向祢父神 Send us revival, forgive our sins
也要看見復興 Lord, let Your kingdom come “We Cry Out” words and music by Grace Tseng and Sandy C. Yu © 2007 Stream of Praise Music Ministries. CCLI License #

5 2. 主我們國家是屬於祢 Father, this nation belongs to You
求祢來掌管全地 Pour out Your Spirit, we pray “We Cry Out” words and music by Grace Tseng and Sandy C. Yu © 2007 Stream of Praise Music Ministries. CCLI License #

6 願祢來憐憫醫治這地 Send us Your mercy and heal our land
榮耀再次降臨 Lord let Your glory fall “We Cry Out” words and music by Grace Tseng and Sandy C. Yu © 2007 Stream of Praise Music Ministries. CCLI License #

7 *我們呼求祢阿爸父 Oh Abba we cry out to You
設立祢寶座在這地 Restore Your throne upon this land “We Cry Out” words and music by Grace Tseng and Sandy C. Yu © 2007 Stream of Praise Music Ministries. CCLI License #

8 祢必睜眼看側耳垂聽 Open Your eyes and hear our cries
奉主名的呼求 Forgive us Lord, we pray “We Cry Out” words and music by Grace Tseng and Sandy C. Yu © 2007 Stream of Praise Music Ministries. CCLI License #

9 萬民都要來敬拜祢 All nations bow before Your throne
榮耀高舉祢的聖名 To lift Your name above all names “We Cry Out” words and music by Grace Tseng and Sandy C. Yu © 2007 Stream of Praise Music Ministries. CCLI License #

10 復興這地全能的君王 我們歡迎祢 Come and reign, Almighty King Meet us in this place
“We Cry Out” words and music by Grace Tseng and Sandy C. Yu © 2007 Stream of Praise Music Ministries. CCLI License #

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