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Why wont the past stay dead and buried?. What do you remember from the Preliminary course? 1. Where is Italy? a) South America b) Africa c) Europe 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Why wont the past stay dead and buried?. What do you remember from the Preliminary course? 1. Where is Italy? a) South America b) Africa c) Europe 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why wont the past stay dead and buried?

2 What do you remember from the Preliminary course? 1. Where is Italy? a) South America b) Africa c) Europe 2. Italy is shaped like a a) boot b) elephants trunk c) hand 3. Where is this building? a) Rome b) Athens c) London 4. The ancient empire centred in Italy was the a) Greek b) Persian c) Roman 5. What is shown in the diagram? a)An aqueduct b) an amphitheatre c) a triclinium

3 Communication Skills Critical Thinking Information and Media Literacy Skills Problem Identification Self-Direction Unit Question: How can we discover how people lived and died in Pompeii and Herculaneum? The skills youll be practising:

4 Unit Question: How can we discover how people lived and died in Pompeii and Herculaneum? Italy Volcanoes Mt Vesuvius Archaeology

5 Unit Question: How can we discover how people lived and died in Pompeii and Herculaneum? Italy Volcanoes Mt Vesuvius Archaeology Life in Pompeii and Herculaneum

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