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V.S SWOT Mohammad Al-Rubaiy (Google) Abdul-Latif Al-Duaij (Microsoft)

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Presentation on theme: "V.S SWOT Mohammad Al-Rubaiy (Google) Abdul-Latif Al-Duaij (Microsoft)"— Presentation transcript:

1 V.S SWOT Mohammad Al-Rubaiy (Google) Abdul-Latif Al-Duaij (Microsoft)

2 Background search-engine company –most popular –> 8 billion pages revenue –Advertisement (99%) –search: licensing –other: selling & licensing & receiving donations 25 sales offices in ~15 countries software company history –1–1975 –m–monopoly revenue –s–software –g–gaming –c–cell-phones –t–television

3 SWOT - Internal (Strength) 1) brand image 2) customer loyalty 3) workforce skill & motivation 4) New Product Development 5) multiple segments 1) brand image 2) economies of scale 3) workforce skill & diversity 4) charity 5) multiple industries & segments

4 SWOT - Internal (Weaknesses) 1) stock price 2) Total Quality Management 1) stock price 2) employees dissatisfaction

5 SWOT - External (Opportunities) 1) government regulation: low 2) expansiveness: segments 3) trade barrier: unavailability 4) market: big 5) technologies (hardware): new 1) position (competitors) 2) cash: loads 3) HQs: several 4) monopoly: almost 5) technologies (hardware): new

6 SWOT - External (Threats) 1) competition, main: Microsoft and Yahoo! 2) substitutes 1) legal issues 2) losing market share (competition) 3) future products: failure

7 Case events –G–Google MS territory –M–Microsoft looses many top employees –M–Microsoft sues Google (non-competence) outcomes –G–Google dominates: search sector (web & PC) –M–Microsoft s lawsuit (non-competence) taken seriously, but mostly rejected 4: X technical, X hiring

8 Sources Wikipedia Kevin Kelleher Fred Vogelstein Mint India

9 V.S

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