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The Changing Landscape of Education: Leadership in Wisconsin Raymond J. McNulty,

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The Changing Landscape of Education: Leadership in Wisconsin Raymond J. McNulty,

Best to Next Practices Raymond J. McNulty,

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Presentation on theme: "The Changing Landscape of Education: Leadership in Wisconsin Raymond J. McNulty,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Changing Landscape of Education: Leadership in Wisconsin Raymond J. McNulty, President @ray_mcnulty

2 Schools are Improving School Improvement

3 Schools are Improving School Improvement Changing World

4 The primary aim of education is not to enable students to do well in school, but to help them do well in the lives they lead outside of school.

5 Making a better 20 th Century School is not the answer.

6 We are getting better at things that do not matter as much anymore.

7 Unless we unlearn some of our traditional practices, we will never get beyond an improvement mindset.

8 The Boston Globe Ray, reading the paper on your Kindle or online just isnt the same!

9 Almost everyone wants schools to be better, but almost no one wants them to be different.

10 Teacher – Student Comparisons T – I make learning exciting for my students. 86% S – My teachers make learning fun. 41%

11 First Different - Then Better

12 Why I do this work…..

13 The future is not some place we are going to, but one we are creating. The paths are not found, but made, and the activity of making them changes both the maker and the destination. --John Schaar

14 Systems are challenged today like never before. The key challenge that we face is results.

15 In an environment driven by results, the best strategy is to DEVELOP YOUR PEOPLE. Broaden the definition of learning in your system to include adults.

16 I believe the future is not about the latest gadgets, it is about something more than gadgets, its about … LEARNING

17 Adult Learning Year! 2011

18 The focus must be on the way we work. Cooperation is what was valued in the past. It is about efficiency: You do this and I will do that. Collaboration is where we should focus. It is about shared creation, in which the focus is not on the process but on the specific results.

19 WE need to become the AGENTS of change.

20 Themes 1.Best and Next Practices 2.Some key trends 3.Innovation Skills 4.Why is change so hard? 5.Closing remarks

21 Theme Best and Next Practices

22 Best practices allow you to do what you are currently doing a little better. Next practices increase your organizations capability to do things it has never done before.

23 SystemInnovation

24 Sustaining Innovation Next Practice

25 Expertise (the way we do things around here) can be a road block to problem solving and to the development of Next Practices.

26 We have a flawed perspective of always listening to our best customers… They tell us how good the system is working for them!

27 BANKING Sears IBM Xerox

28 A Story…. Not a bad idea, but to earn a grade more than a C+, the idea has to be viable! (Yale Professor) Fredrick Smith The idea FedEx

29 -Shurnyu Suzuki In the beginners mind there are many possibilities; in the experts mind there are few.

30 First practice must change, then results, then policy.

31 Current System Something Different

32 The Horse The Automobile

33 Henry Ford quote… If I had asked the public what they wanted, they would have said a faster horse.


35 Theme Some key trends

36 First Key Trend Our roles as educators is challenged by easy access to an abundance of resources Sense Making Coaching Credentialing

37 Second Key Trend People expect to be able to learn, study and work whenever and wherever they want.

38 The world outside of school is increasingly collaborative. We must reflect upon the way student projects are structured and graded and how teachers work. Third Key Trend

39 Effective and Efficient Practices John Hattie…. Visible Learning Synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to achievement. Third Key Trend Fourth Key Trend

40 Effect Size 1.0 indicates one standard deviation typically associated with advancing childrens achievement by two or more years (improving the rate of learning by 50%) Hattie set a bench mark of.40 as the minimal desired effect

41 Some data Student expectations of self 1.44 Providing formative evaluation.90 Teacher Clarity.75 Class size.21 Retention.16

42 Intentionally Non-Compliant Student

43 The Fundamental Attribution Error When looking at our own behavior, we tend to view the situation in the environment that surrounds our action. When looking at the behavior of others, we make assumptions about their personal qualities.

44 The Effects of Praise Fixed or Growth Cant hand confidence to learners on a silver platter.

45 Disruptive Innovation

46 Theme Innovation Skills

47 All leaders have problems or situations in front of them for which there are no answers.

48 The skill set to do this is: Current Leadership works hard to efficiently deliver the next thing that should be done given the existing system. Current leadership shines at converting a vision or goal into actions to achieve that vision or goal.

49 Delivery Skills Analyzing Planning Detailed Oriented Implementing Disciplined Executing

50 Innovators seek to fundamentally change the current model. Why accept the status quo? Look for new and better ways! Steve Jobs, I want to put a ding in the universe!

51 Are you good at generating innovative ideas? Do you know how and where to find innovative people in your system? Do you know how to train your people to be creative and innovative?

52 Discovery Skills Questioning Observing Networking Experimenting Associational Thinking

53 Question Storming What is… What caused…. Why… Why not…. What if…

54 Highly Innovative Systems In your system is innovation everyones job? Is disruption part of your systems innovation portfolio? Are small project teams central to taking innovative ideas to scale? Does your system take smart risks in the pursuit of innovation?

55 Some are suggesting bold moves…. Conrad Wolfram… Start teaching math and stop teaching calculating.

56 Theme Why it is so hard to change?

57 Why is it so hard to change? The more successful a system is, the more difficult it is to recognize when it must change. By example, market leaders are the last ones to transform. The American Education System, The market leader during the industrial era!

58 Market Leader Thinking Dominant logic: Thats the way we do things here.

59 VII Shown below is the Roman numeral seven. By adding only a single line, turn it into an eight.

60 IX Shown below is a Roman numeral nine. By adding only a single line, turn it into a six.

61 SIX

62 IX6

63 Mental Locks We dont need to be creative for most of what we do (driving, shopping, business of living). So staying on routine thought paths enables us to do many things without having to think about it. Our training in school has taught us that there is one right answer.

64 The Right Answer

65 Five beautiful and well-dressed woman are standing in a tight group. One is crying and she has never been happier. The other four are smiling and they have never been more disappointed. Why?

66 The Second Right Answer What is the answer? What are the answers?

67 The Right Answer Thats not logical


69 Logic Metaphor Dream Reason Precision Humor Consistency Ambiguity Play Work Exact Approximate Direct Focused Fantasy Reality Paradox Diffuse Analysis Hunch Generalization Specifics Child Adult

70 SOFT Metaphor Dream Humor Ambiguity Play Approximate Fantasy Paradox Diffuse Hunch Generalization Child HARD Logic Reason Precision Consistency Work Exact Reality Direct Focused Analysis Specific Adult

71 SOFT Shades of gray Hard to pick up Many answers Flood light, diffused HARD Black and white Easy to pick up Right answer Focused like a spot light

72 Cat - Refrigerator


74 NEXT PRACTICE THINKING The Iterative Process Versions Create a disciplined, managed space for development of new ways to accomplish difficult tasks

75 Theme Closing Points

76 # 1 Leadership today requires a balance of traditional skills mixed with innovation skills Stability, control and standardization mixed with uncertainty, ambiguity and disruptive thinking

77 #2 Making a better 20 th Century School is not the answer It is about becoming different not just better Using researched based best practices important, but for true transformation you need a mixture of BEST and NEXT practices. 70 – 30 or 80 - 20

78 #3 Collaboration is essential for success today Cooperation wont get you the results you need Collaboration is mutual engagement to solve the challenge (21 st Century) Cooperation is a division of labor approach (20 th Century)

79 #4 We live in a world obsessed with predictability and control, some people believe that if we cant truly measure something it must not matter. We must consider the possibility that if we cant truly measure something, it may be the most important thing.

80 Technical Challenges Culture Challenges


82 Teacher – Student Comparisons T – I am aware of my students interests outside of school. 84% S – My teachers know my interests outside of school. 28%


84 BEING EXTRAORDINARY Committed to the truth Be committed to delaying gratification Be someone who always has the chance of saying yes Live a life where you do not make others wrong

85 BEING EXTRAORDINARY Be committed to courage Be someone who produces results with absolutely no force Be a person who is peaceful in chaos


87 Themes 1.Best and Next Practices 2.Some key trends 3.Innovation Skills 4.Why is change so hard? 5.Closing remarks

88 WASDA / AWSA Four Workshops Leadership in a Transformational Setting (Nov 15) Leadership and Empowerment (Jan 10) Understanding the Classroom Implications CCSS and NGA (March 13) Developing Next Practices (May 15)

89 The Changing Landscape of Education: Leadership in Wisconsin Raymond J. McNulty, President @ray_mcnulty

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