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Multimedia Authoring II, project proposal Constant van Winden en Carl Knelange Roman Army.

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Presentation on theme: "Multimedia Authoring II, project proposal Constant van Winden en Carl Knelange Roman Army."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multimedia Authoring II, project proposal Constant van Winden en Carl Knelange Roman Army

2 The main plan Roman army, commanded by the user The user is the centurion The legion can take positions in different shapes The centurion can give orders to the legion

3 How to do this For this assigment we will use the dogworld example as a basis. The army will innitially make moves on the same behavior of the avatar as with the dogworld example In a further stage more options for commanding can be added

4 Commands With a command, a sound will follow, the centurion makes a move A few possible commands are: Take battle possitions Form a square/ triangle/ circle Use the armor Retreat

5 Questions?

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