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10 september 2008. Let the show begin! EAGLE  ATLAS.

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1 10 september 2008


3 Let the show begin! EAGLE  ATLAS


5 Volkskrant 6 september

6 (GeV) Jaar van het eerste resultaat 10000 1000 100 10 1 1960 1970198019902000 t-quark W&Z boson c-quark -lepton gluon 3 families ADONE SPEAR II CESR PETRA/PEP TRISTAN SLC/LEP LEP II e + e  colliders precisie machines SPEAR ISR SppS Tevatron LHC pp colliders ontdekkings machines ()()

7 Elektron e Positron e

8 Faraday when asked about the use of electricity: “I do not know, but I am sure it will be taxable …………… eventually!” Linde the Higgs

9 8:30 8:45 9:00 10:25 10:40 12:00 13:00 Ontvangst- Oerknal Ontbijt Opening - Let the show begin! (FL) CERN live - Injectie first beam! - LHC is rond (EK) - Experimenten in de wacht (APC) CERN live - CERN Control Centre Speeddate- 11:00 update CERN CERN live - Persconferentie - ATLAS Control Room Lunch - Last news from CERN


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