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Pollution/Cars Pollution and cars... Find out more by carrying on to watch.

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Presentation on theme: "Pollution/Cars Pollution and cars... Find out more by carrying on to watch."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pollution/Cars Pollution and cars... Find out more by carrying on to watch

2 All about Cars Cars can be dangerous. Cars pollute the air, water and land. Cars are one of the common transports that create pollution. If I were you, I would prefer to walk because you could go with your friends, do a race, jog or anything else.

3 This is an example of traffic being hold and people giving out smoke and creating more pollution each time!

4 This is a normal Lamborghini that lets out pollution:

5 Pollution on trees Even trees have pollution on them. Some trees could be clean but might have patches of different types of pollutions on them. We still need trees to get paper but we don t need any pollution because it could ruin our environment. Not only trees but any pollution, in the air from cars from anything! There is clean pollution and dirty pollution.



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