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Connecting with social media as a journalist By Kyle Smith & Antonio Cooper.

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Presentation on theme: "Connecting with social media as a journalist By Kyle Smith & Antonio Cooper."— Presentation transcript:

1 Connecting with social media as a journalist By Kyle Smith & Antonio Cooper

2 Key components to social media Anything and Everything can become social media Start and become the conversation Capitalize on the conversation Social media is opportunity at its finest Become a resource Making connections

3 The Purpose Show how all social media connects Show how connection provides improvement for resumes Show examples of how professional journalist are using social media Dos & Don'ts of social media Provide different blog sites to display work

4 Social media is the new resume Employers find you on social media First impression Post everything just keep it professional Remain human Builds writing portfolio Shows creativity

5 Tips on what to do when using social media Stay in contact with your sources/connections Use the sites to promote yourself and your work Stay up to date with recent trends or changes in media Find the fire when theres social media smoke

6 What not to do when using social media Dont post anything that you wouldnt want your grandmother to see Avoid using profanity Dont give off the perception of a wiener or complainer Dont just friend or communicate with everybody Pay attention to privacy settings No one is too good for you Dont assume what you see is real always double check the facts

7 FACEBOOK Connect to Friends Chat room Subscriptions Newsfeeds Social Timeline Events Comments On Blogs and Profiles

8 Twitter Leading social media site. Access to whos who of celebrity list. Accessible to other social media connection. Ability to lead the trend with #Hashtags Twitter is consistently going throughout all points of the day

9 How well use it The connection point to all social networks The promotion capital of all Social networks Use of catchy Hashtags The ability to catch the eye of any potential employer Stay active.

10 Example Bio states all necessary information to any employer All necessary links posted in bio

11 First link, EagleRadio Radio station to Eastern Michigan University Home to over 20 student run shows Purpose is to stand out and above

12 Second Link, Eastern Echo ntonio+Cooper&submit.x=0&submit.y=0 … ntonio+Cooper&submit.x=0&submit.y=0 … News Publication for Eastern Michigan University. Link to all my work at Echo. Over 30 pieces of work to look at. More than one area of expertise.

13 Third Link, Blogger Catalog for all entries of all articles Remain consistant. Connected with all SMs You are the conversation You are the trend Final step to defining your work

14 Forth Link, Youtube Directly to your page Shows your strengths and weaknesses Can post to any SM available Direct links remain within the online community forever.

15 Youtube Simple and user friendly. Post video using key words to get noticed Pays money if enough subscribers Pays money if enough views Easy way to get noticed by employers Thousands have become famous for Youtube

16 Negatives of Youtube Famous for wrong reasons Over a million videos posted per day. Time consuming to post videos Lacks where other SMs excel Comments section

17 Instagram Newest social media Concept is centered around pictures Takes the best of twitter and Facebook Use of Hashtags separate pictures Makes a picture 1000 words Unlimited characters No negatives

18 Worlds largest professional network Stay up to date with the industry Build professional relationships Connect with organizations Develop a professional online reputation

19 Blogs Professional way to present your writing Blogs are a way to get your writing out to the public It also provides you with the opportunity to get feedback about your writing Builds a portfolio Say what you want but consider the audience

20 How some journalist use social media Skip Bayless Paula Pasche Bisi Onile-Ere

21 Assignment Write down the list of SM youre involved in. If Twitter, create #Hashtag that defines you (Ex. #ACAwesome) If Facebook connect it to your twitter and post your hashtag to your Facebook status

22 Step 2 Open either Blogger or Instagram For Blogger, post the status as a blog Post the blog to your Facebook If Instagram, take a picture of the status. Post the picture of the status to both Twitter and Facebook

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