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2-Points to White Rock East Area Plan February 7, 2012 Briefing for the City Plan Commission.

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Presentation on theme: "2-Points to White Rock East Area Plan February 7, 2012 Briefing for the City Plan Commission."— Presentation transcript:

1 2-Points to White Rock East Area Plan February 7, 2012 Briefing for the City Plan Commission

2 2 Study Area 2-Points to White Rock East overview Located entirely with Dallas City Council District 7 1,522 acres Once home to White Rock Airport, Devils Bowl Speedway, and Buckner Boulevard Drive-In Most neighborhoods developed between 1950 and 1970 2010 Population – 19,345 Housing units – 8,405 (includes single and multi-family units)

3 3 Study Area (cont) Study Area boundaries ^ North

4 4 Why Do a Plan? Next steps for the Department of Justice Weed and Seed crime reduction program Changed demographics – younger and aging population growth Zoning out of sync with current community needs Older housing stock – single-family and multi-family Appearance of neglect Need for changes and improvements

5 5 Purpose of Plan Protect stable neighborhoods Connect homes and activities Improve safety and mobility Guide redevelopment decisions Support improvements

6 6 Purpose of Plan (cont) What the Plan does…. Reflects the values and desires of residents and businesses Provides very conceptual plans for seven strategic opportunity areas Serves as one of the Citys guides for decisions Provide actions to achieve the areas goals and objectives Is a handbook for the community

7 7 Planning Process forwardDallas! Ferguson Road Initiative

8 8 Community Input Advisory Committee SWOT Analysis Stakeholder Interviews Community Meetings

9 9 Meetings with City of Dallas Departments Strategic Planning Parks and Recreation Housing Water/Wastewater Dallas Bike Plan City Design Studio Transportation Stormwater Management Economic Development

10 10 Lots and lots of Advisory Committee meetings, meetings with businesses, and with neighbors The results follow!

11 11 Timeline for Planning Process

12 12 Consensus Vision A broad view of what the area should be in the future It must be based on neighborhood perceptions and values It is an ideal that developed by consensus building over more than a year of working together Includes themes of renewal, repurposing and renovation guided the development of the vision

13 13 Consensus Vision Statement Where crime was once a major concern in 2- Points, what is now called White Rock East is an area of diverse population with safe, stable neighborhoods, quality apartment complexes, exceptional schools, well maintained parks, and local-serving businesses. Within its boundaries is the ability to travel safely on attractively landscaped streets, connected sidewalks, multi- purpose trails, designated bicycle routes, and responsive public transit.

14 14 Did you notice the new name? White Rock East

15 15 Sections of the Area Plan Land Use Transportation Quality of Life Urban Design Economic Development Implementation

16 16 Land Use Land Use Consensus Vision Land Uses in White Rock East include desirable single family residences, multi-family units in a safe environment, successful consumer-oriented businesses interspersed in mixed use development, neighborhood parks and schools linked together in a system of attractive roadways, sidewalks and trails.

17 17 Existing Conditions Land Use (cont.)

18 18 forwardDallas! Building Blocks Using the Building Blocks in White Rock East Business Centers or Corridors Commercial Centers or Corridors Main Street Residential Neighborhoods Urban Mixed-Use Urban Neighborhoods

19 19 forwardDallas! Building Blocks (cont) Study Area Building Blocks

20 20 Strategic Opportunity Areas Strategic Opportunity Area locations

21 21 Strategic Opportunity Areas (cont.) Creating a Strategic Opportunity Areas conceptual plan through analyzing and repurposing Existing building footprintsIdentifying possible street gridStreetscape treatments and phased in developments Conceptual plan build-out

22 22 For Example: Strategic Opportunity Area #2 Strategic Opportunity Areas (cont)

23 23 Transportation Transportation Consensus Vision The transportation network serving White Rock East focuses equally on the needs and activities of all users. It works in context with adjacent development patterns. Addressing the roadway character of the areas existing thoroughfare network of safe and attractive roads ensures the positive pedestrian experience by the realization of a continuous sidewalk system, greater value to surrounding land uses, and links various areas of the community through sidewalks bike routes and trails. Ultimate success is found in its desirable streets, highways, sidewalks, and trails that promote the safe movement of pedestrians and vehicles while enhancing the communitys image.

24 24 Transportation (cont) Existing Conditions Roadway networkDART bus routes Elementary school districts Residential subdivisions

25 25 Transportation (cont) Community Desires Greenway and trailsGateways Draft 2011 Dallas Bicycle Plan Sidewalks on Ferguson, La Prada, Buckner, Etc.!

26 26 Quality of Life Quality of Life Consensus Vision Enhance the quality of life in the White Rock East area through continued crime reduction, responsive public safety, improved parks, new trails, an accessible library, a variety of housing choices with businesses that meet the residents needs.

27 27 Quality of Life (cont) The Q of L sections addressed interest in the following aspects of the residents of the Study Area : Police Fire Code Compliance Library Parks and Recreation Schools Public Works/Infrastructure Housing

28 28 Urban Design Urban Design in White Rock East focused mostly on creating a positive image of the area by improving the appearance and usefulness of the streetscape, especially sidewalks and landscaping.

29 29 Economic Development Economic development will require an understanding the market conditions balanced with the needs and desires of the community. Working with the Community Connection (a coalition of neighbors and businesses under the auspices of the Ferguson Road Initiative), property owners, businesses in a market analysis can identify the potential for new ventures while supporting the existing businesses.

30 30 Implementation The Implementation section defines the responsibilities for accomplishing the goals and measures identified in each section of the plan. In an extensive chart the goals and measures are expanded to include prioritized timeframes and responsibilities. Also identified are the top 10 measures that can be addressed as soon as feasible.

31 31 Implementation (cont.)

32 32 Walkability Survey/Sidewalk inventory Improved traffic signalization and crosswalks at Buckner and John West and Buckner at Peavy Continuous school zone adjacent to Bishop Lynch and Truett Elementary Sidewalk construction or improvements on major streets (Ferguson Road, La Prada, Buckner) Consideration of zoning changes in Regional Retail and Limited Office districts to revitalize both retail and residential areas. Classroom wing for Truett Elementary School TxDOT improvements to appearance on Buckner at IH 30 Lakeland at Ferguson Streetscape improvements (in current NIL) Petition for stop signs on Gross at Rustown Economic Redevelopment Plan for North Buckner beginning with a market study. Implementation (cont)

33 33 Next Steps Hearing for the Dallas City Plan Commission with recommendation to Dallas City Council Additional Briefings if necessary Dallas City Council submittal for adoption by resolution Get to work on implementation!

34 34 Acknowledgements White Rock East Area Study Advisory Committee Honorable Carolyn R. Davis, City Council District 7 Ferguson Road Initiative City of Dallas Sustainable Development and Construction Department Strategic Planning Division Ellen ChildressJohn Childress Pat CopelandGus Garcia Kerry GoodwinKimberly Humphries Georgia KingLauren Roberts Vicki SangerDesi Tanner Eileen Williams

35 Thank you! Please visit our website at: http:// http:// /

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