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Developing a Life Mission Statement

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1 Developing a Life Mission Statement
…with life balance goals…the basis of a plan for your life!

2 Introduction Brian Simmons exists as a visionary builder to…
Further the kingdom of God through Christian education, teaching and influencing others

3 Cure for the Common Life- Living in your Sweet Spot by Max Lucado
Your “sweet spot” exists at the intersection of Your everyday life Your strengths God’s glory Use your uniqueness (what you do) to make a big deal out of God (why you do it) every day of your life (where you do it) Illustration: the wrong bag at the airport!

4 Lucado (cont) God made you you-nique
Secular society says, “You can be anything you want to be.” God says, “You can be everything I want you to be!” Henry Ford/ Charlie Steinmetz story Find the passion of your life…”I was meant to do this!”

5 Lucado (cont) What do you LOVE to do? What do you do WELL?
Success occurs at the intersection of what you love to do and what you do well Success occurs at the intersection of preparation and opportunity

6 Slogan and Core Values Slogan: Christian education is God’s call on my life Core Values God Family Christian school ministry Church ministry …so that God will ultimately be glorified by a life well-spent.

7 Life Balance Goals God Family Christian education CPBC
Grow & abide (John 15) Serve motivated by love for God and others Family Each of my children will receive a kingdom education Each family member will choose to become a disciple of Christ Christian education HCS ACSI leadership Nehemiah Group, LLC ( Crossroads Bible College IWU CPBC Teaching Elder responsibilities Outreach/ small group

8 Vision…the preferred future we are trying to create
…so that those in my sphere of 50’ will grow in their relationship with God as disciples of Jesus Christ empowered by the Holy Spirit in order to make a difference for eternity

9 Q&A: an outline for this presentation
Q: What is a life mission statement? A: A concise statement of why you exist. This is a statement explaining God’s calling on your life. Q: What are Life Balance Goals and why are they important? A: Life Balance Goals assist you in making the difficult choices in life between good, better, and best. Q: How do I write a Life Mission Statement with Life Balance Goals? A: This workshop will lead you through the process.

10 What is a Life Mission Statement?...some Q’s to consider…
It is a statement of why you exist! What is your “highest and best” contribution in furthering the kingdom of God? What are your core beliefs ? What are your present roles ? What are your spiritual gifts ? What are you good at ?

11 Why is a Life Mission Statement important?
Jim Collins: “Hedgehogs see what is important and ignore the rest” Collins: “It is impossible to have a great life unless it is a meaningful life… it is difficult to have a meaningful life without meaningful work.” Rick Warren: “The best use of life is to spend it on something that outlasts it!” A Life Mission Statement Summarizes God’s purpose for your life Points the direction in your life Defines “success” for you Clarifies roles Defines God’s call on your life Remember… when all is said and done we report to an audience of One!

12 Life Balance Goals Build on islands of health and strength
Only work with those who are receptive to what you are trying to do Spend the most time on things that will make a BIG DIFFERENCE if you succeed Plan! Celebrate what God is doing through you!

13 Life Balance Goals are Important!
They allow you to say “Yes!” and “No!” They help you to focus on the activities that offer the greatest potential for service to the Lord and others They help you to determine the best use of your time, treasure, and talent Keep the plates spinning & get help!

14 How do I write these statements?
Begin by writing key life mission phrases based on your core beliefs, present roles, spiritual gifts, and talents Write these into a draft statement Write out your life’s core values (think in terms of your various roles in life) List goals for each core value (role)

15 Conclusion Wilkinson: “Your future holds great promise for fulfillment and reward is you make certain choices now.” “Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven” (Mt 6:19-20) The best way to make and live out these choices is via a commitment to a personal mission statement and life balance goals! I can only do this as I walk with God daily and chose to pursue holiness!

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