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Waterloo District DDGM Meeting
R.W. Bro. Douglas A. Fickling District Deputy Grand Master Waterloo District Thank you all for attending tonight’s meeting. I hope that you find it informative, and we’ll make it fairly short, I hope March-25-17
Agenda Welcome Budget District Charity Update
Introduction of District Chairmen District Events Official Visits, Installation & Protocol Questions Refreshments March-25-17
Budget District Levy remains unchanged @ $6 885 Members : $5,310
Expected Surplus: $60 25/03/2017
Charity “A Mason’s Charity Should Know No Bounds, Save Those Of Prudence” Masons continually amaze me with their Charitable Actions Even with that disclaimer of “save those of prudence”, you don’t have to look very far in any masonic lodge to see charity in action. Mason’s give of their time and money over and over again, because it is a part of who we are, and what we have been taught to believe in. 25/03/2017
District Charity I am suspending the DDGM charity this year. My hope is that it will free up time, talent, and means to support alternative fundraising opportunities such as: Broken columns Buildings Personal charities of choice Yes, I have a personal charity of choice, but it isn’t very sexy, and in fact we are all constantly affected by it, and probably personally donate to it already. I run a yearly bbq for the Cancer Center here in town. Cancer has touched my wife, mother, father-in-law, and so on. But I believe there is so much else that, as a group, we should be concentrating on this year: Our broken columns – do we have the funds in place to support our own should the need arise? Buildings – These are our homes! Lets make sure they are safe, vibrant places to meet and enjoy fellowship in. Personal Charities – limited resources to go around, so support those charities that will give you a personal sense of well being, knowing you helped something you really believe in. I know I will be continually amazed by Masonic charity. 25/03/2017
Masonic Charity Masons/Knights Golf Tourney in support of National Service Dogs Curling Bonspiel in support of Out of the Cold Temple Lodge Fund Raiser where the proceeds go towards National Service Dogs Just because there is no DDGM Charity, does that mean there is nothing District or Lodge related going on? 25/03/2017
Waterloo District Grand Lodge Officers
R.W. Bro. Douglas A. Fickling District Deputy Grand Master R.W.Bro. James A. Van Trigt Grand Registrar R.W. Bro. Douglas A. Nichols R.W. Bro. David J. Cameron R.W. Bro. Richard W. Kaufman Members of the Board of General Purposes V.W. Bro. Barry Turnbull V.W. Bro. Robert G. Kluun Grand Stewards These are the Brethren of Waterloo District serving as Grand Lodge Officers in various capacities. Congratulations to all those elected and appointed to serve the fraternity at large. Grand Lodge is all of us, every mason, in every lodge is served by the team of Grand Lodge Officers, Board of General Purposes and Committees. After attaining the Office of Warden and serving as Worshipful Master you have greater opportunities to participate and serve with Grand Lodge. The formation of our Grand Lodge enables us, all the masons in Ontario to do things that we as individuals or individual lodges we could NEVER accomplish. A couple quick examples; the MasoniChip Program, the Masonic Foundation of Ontario, the Ontario Mason magazine, the Cornerstone Program and so on. These are examples of what the collective “WE” can do together through our Grand Lodge! March-25-17
DDGM Advisory Board R.W. Bro. William R. Lawrence
R.W. Bro. Kim W. McGeagh R.W. Bro. Richard W. Kaufman Thank you to these Past District Deputy Grand Masters for offering to me, their time, wisdom and experience during my term of office. I have already been consulting with them on several topics. I appreciate and value their input. Thank you again! March-25-17
Waterloo District Chairmen
First of all I’d like to thank all those who are serving the District as a Chairman. I could never accomplish alone what we can accomplish together! These men are the conduit for the flow of information to the lodges and lodge officers, as well as the connection point to the various resources available through Grand Lodge. We as team are here to serve the District. I will be asking the Chairs to post to the website updates about this various portfolios as appropriate. Our primary vehicle for reporting will be the Masters, Past Masters and Wardens Association meetings. We will report at Official functions only urgent and immediate matters, I do not want to use the time of the lodge for routine reporting from Chairmen and Event Coordinators. March-25-17
District Secretary W. Bro. Gord Ough Accountable to the District
110 Old Chicopee Drive, ON N2A 3M8 Accountable to the District March-25-17
District Secretary Role & Responsibilities
Attend all Official Visits with the DDGM Attend as many other District Events as time allows. Inspect the Tyler’s Register, Minute Book, Treasurer's Ledger, Audited Financial Statement at the Official Visit for each lodge and report accordingly Complete DDGM_L2_2010 Collect DDGM_L1_2010 – Review for completeness Collect DDGM Assessment Generally assist the DDGM with the discharge of the administrative duties and responsibilities within the District The District Secretary and I are required to complete reports that for all intent and purpose serve as an inspection of the Lodges in the District. We need your cooperation in completing our report package and completing it ON TIME. I will be speaking to our expectations of the Lodge later in this presentation. March-25-17
District Chaplain V. W. Bro. Robert Johnston District Divine Service
Sunday April 21st, 2013 St. Andrews Presbyterian Church 54 Queen Street, North – Kitchener 7:00 PM Please mark this date in your calendar and plan on attending with your family. I’ve attended our District Divine Service over the years and it’s well worth the time and any effort it takes to attend. It’s church, but it’s “our” service. Last’s years service was very well attended and was very diverse in the content. It demonstrated to me that we, like the various religions, sects and denominations, are more alike than different. In my mind there is no reason that we would not have all of our Senior Officers in attendance from every lodge in the District. And let’s encourage the new masons to join us as well! St Andrews is a beautiful church and the Pastor, Rev. Mark Lewis is an excellent speaker and very welcoming. March-25-17
Protocol & Etiquette R.W. Bro. Jack Mittelholtz
Role & Responsibilities Provide support, guidance and advice to the DDGM on matters of Protocol & Etiquette. Provide advice and guidance to the Masters, Wardens and Directors of Ceremony of the District on matters of Protocol & Etiquette March-25-17
Lodge Resources W. Bro. Ken Elligson- Chairman
Friend to Friend & Mentors Brother to Brother Officer Progression Mentor’s Program Cornerstone Project This is Ken’s first term as our Chair of Lodge Resources. I know he will do a great job. Our District has 5 lodges receiving the Cornerstone this year. They are; Waterloo, New Dominion, Wilmot, Brotherhood and New Light. WELL DONE BRETHREN!!!! We will present your certificate to you in lodge next month. Please consider the Cornerstone project going forward. It has just changed to give the lodge 2 years to attain the goals. And the designation lasts for 2 years once you get it. Even if your lodge doesn’t enroll in the program, there are lots of good ideas to keep your lodge vibrant and working well in the package. Look into some or all of the programs ... I know that there is something there for every lodge. You pick what works for you. Try it! It really does work. Talk to Ken, he won’t do the work for you, but he will provide support and guidance, as will I. March-25-17
Lodge Resources Roles & Responsibilities
Promote the use of the programmes in the Lodges of our District Provide assistance and guidance to implement any of the above programs by acting as liaison with Grand Lodge. March-25-17
Strategic Planning Committee
R.W. Bro. Kim McGeagh – Chairman Committee members to be determined Role & Responsibilities To create, revise and monitor a District Strategic (Long Range) Plan. This is an important Committee that has done some great in the past. It is very important that we don’t drop the ball on planning our future. This year we will be rebuilding and revitalizing this committee. Kim will be doing what it takes to see that we set ourselves up for success in the future. As needed, he will add committee members as he sees fit. Mission, Vision & Objective See Appendix March-25-17
Masonic Education W. Bro. Grahame Booker – Chairman
Roles & Responsibilities Promoting the advancement in knowledge through the use of Masonic books, videos and other sources of information (i.e. Internet) Support the Lodge Masonic Education Chairmen by directing them to Masonic resources to promote the advancement in membership knowledge within their Lodge. To attend a Lodge at the invitation of the Worshipful Master and make such presentation as deemed appropriate to advancement in membership knowledge . There are several well versed men about the District when it comes to Masonic Education, History and Knowledge, and Grahame Booker ranks high among them. I want to thank Grahame for accepting this post yet again. Encourage the Masonic Educators of your Lodge to contact Grahame if they need any assistance or resources. Grahame may not have the answer, but I’m certain he’ll know where to find it. I will work with Grahame to plan and schedule the education sessions on the 3 degrees once or twice through the year. Look for more on this in the coming months. As DDGM I’m willing to provide the refreshments for a District Masonic Education Event, symposium or , as Richard called it two years ago, a tongue wagging session, should one be planned and organized for the District during this coming year. March-25-17
Masonic Foundation and Benevolence
W. Bro. John Wilson Roles and Responsibilities To be the conduit of information and education regarding the Masonic Foundation to the lodges in our district To be the Chairman of Masonic Benevolence, as it is needed in our district One of the cornerstones of our Fraternity is benevolence. In the 1930’s & 40’s many men were attracted to our Craft because of the cornerstone principle of “Brother helping Brother”, Brotherly love. They knew that during the time of the great depression and post world war era, if they fell on hard times the lodge would be there for them. Charity at that point of our journey was directed to one another. Over time as a society our affluence and social programs have caused us to direct our “charity” outward to the boarder community, most Districts now have a community project, like ours with National Service Dogs. However, never let us forget that looking after our Brothers and their Families is also our mandate. Benevolence is defined as a “an act of kindness, or gift given out of generosity” No one I know asks for a gift. The Brethren who are in need will rarely ask for assistance. We need to see the need and give the gift. This is Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth in action. I challenge each and everyone of us to be looking for the opportunity to practise “an act of kindness” this year. 25/03/2017
Public Relations Bro. Daniel Graham – Chairman
Roles and Responsibilities Help create enthusiasm and publicize the Fraternity, its vision and what it stands for to members and the general public To support the D.D.G.M., District Chairmen, Masters, and Brethren with web postings, public presentations, or with any media relations or protocol issue. March-25-17
Blood Donors W. Bro. Bob Rischel – Chairman Roles & Responsibilities
Assist Lodges with sponsoring Blood Donor Clinics. Promote the giving of blood Present awards of recognition. Liaison between Canadian Blood Services and the Lodges of the District. Thank you to W. Bro. Bob Rischel for accepting this role. Bob has tough shoes to fill, following W.B. Rob Zilles in this role. But, I’ve seen Bob in action and feel confident he is up to the task. Masons and their families have been long time supporters of the blood collection services. I encourage you all to consider becoming a blood donor if health permits, or volunteering at clinic. W. Bro. Rischel will be our conduit of information regarding upcoming clinics in our Region, hosting or volunteering at clinics and of course recognizing milestones of Mason donors. March-25-17
District Historian W. Bro. William Griffiths Roles & Responsibilities
Record and report the events of the District. Maintain the records and reports passed down from the past. I want to thank W. Bro. Griffiths for taking on this role for our District. We will be making his reports available to the District via our website, for all to see and enjoy. March-25-17
Computer Resources Webmaster
W. Bro. David Creed Roles & Responsibilities Maintain the District Website. Provide assistance and guidance to lodges with the development, implementation and maintenance of their websites. March-25-17
Web Posting Moderator R.W. Bro. Richard W. Kaufman
Roles and Responsibilities To approve content to be published on the District Website Promote the use of information technology by the District and individual lodges. 25/03/2017
Regalia R.W. Bro. Colin Heap – Chairman Roles & Responsibilities
Inventory of Useable Regalia Disposition of Unusable Regalia Sourcing of New Regalia for the District Officers Resource to lodges for purchase and disposition of Regalia and Masonic items March-25-17
MasoniChip Coordinator
V.W. Bro Tony Atkins – District Coordinator Thank you to V.W. Bro. Tony Atkins for taking on this role in our District. I encourage you to look for partnership opportunities with other events and community groups. I believe that this program has become the flagship of Freemasonry in Ontario First Major Clinic – Queensmount Arena on Oktoberfest. This clinic was a huge success last year, and looks to be even bigger this year as word has spread regarding it. We need support from across all lodges. I encourage you to drop Tony a line and volunteer for this huge event. We are also looking for someone to step up and be the co-ordinator for the day – Tony will do all the pre and post work (getting machines from Woodstock, returning them, etc) but due to family commitments cannot actually be there that day. March-25-17
Waterloo District Events
Mason-Knights Golf Tournament
R.W. Bro. Colin Heap – Coordinator Saturday September 15th, 2012 8:00 am – Shotgun Start Grand Valley Golf Course Roseville Rd – Cambridge March-25-17
District Christmas Ladies Night
Friday November 30th, 2012 6:30 PM Bingemans 425 Bingemans Centre Drive Buffet Dinner & Dance Lulu’s Road House Band Ticket Price – Approximately $ pp I will be asking the lodge secretary's to help coordinate the ticket sales. This is a great event that everyone can enjoy, all we do is pay our money and enjoy the evening. I hope many of you plan to attend, and make this another great success! March-25-17
Twin City #509 Centenary Saturday, March 9th, 2013 Bro. Jeremy Smith
Put this date on your calendar. Should be an excellent day. 25/03/2017
9th Annual Military Table Lodge
R.W. Bro. Kim McGeagh W. Bro. Kamran Farooq Saturday March 23rd, 2013 Waterloo Temple 5:30 PM – Social Hour Tickets $ 40.00 I really can’t say enough good things about this event. It’s unique, it’s fun and if you haven’t attended I recommend it to you. Each year Bros. McGeagh and the team work very hard to improve the evening’s festivities, and I’m sure this year will be no exception. I hope I will see a full house this year. March-25-17
Curling Bonspiel W. Bro. Bob Rischel– Coordinator
Saturday March 2nd, 2013 Ayr Curling Club Out of the Cold! March-25-17
Principle Officers Night
Bro. Harry Bishop - Coordinator Host Lodge – Waterloo Lodge Wednesday March 13th, 2013 Waterloo Temple Dinner roughly 6:00 PM Lodge – 7:30 PM Not in the trestle board! March-25-17
District Divine Service
Sunday April 21st, 2013 St. Andrews Presbyterian Church 54 Queen Street, North – Kitchener 7:00 PM Regalia to be worn – Business Suit Family Welcome Get it in your calendar. There is no reason we shouldn’t fill this church. March-25-17
Waterloo – Wellington Drayton Theatre
R.W. Bro. Roy Chadwick – Coordinator June 2013 I will not be able to attend the District Meeting on Wednesday August 22nd. I will be in England on vacation. Could you please read out the attached report at the meeting and announce that the Drayton Theatre Event will be organized for June 2013 as confirmed with John Green. Best Regards. Roy Chadwick. Chairman’s Report for the Wellington / Waterloo Drayton Theatre Event. Event date : Saturday June 30, 2012. Format : Choice of Afternoon Performance at 2:00pm or Evening Performance at 8:00pm. Dinner served at 5:30pm. Attendance : Total of 34 for Waterloo District. 23 attended the Afternoon Performance. 11 attended the Evening Performance. Approximate attendance for Wellington District 120. Event profit for Waterloo District was $204. Although this event was well advertized and promoted within our district, the attendance was much lower compared to previous years. However, I did receive very positive and complimentary feedback from the people that did attend. Acknowledgement and appreciation to V. W. Bro. Gary Fries for his help. Also to the Lodge Secretaries for promoting this event within their own Lodge and through their Lodge Summons. Respectfully and Fraternally Submitted. R. W. Bro. Roy Chadwick. Drayton Event Chairman for Waterloo District. March-25-17
Grand Master’s Reception Committee
R.W. Bro. Richard W. Kaufman – Chairman Friday March 1st, 2014 I assume the date is confirmed with the Grand Secretary? March-25-17
Other Districts Brant District Grand Masters Reception: Saturday September 15th 2012 – Burford Guelph District Grand Masters Reception: Saturday Feb 23rd, Holiday Inn Scottsdale in Guelph 25/03/2017
Official Visits, Installation & Protocol
Official Visits Plan to receive visitors – 20 mins after opening. Keep business to a minimum. 3 waves of visitors Past Grand Lodge Officers, District Chairmen & General Visitors Masters of the District, Current Grand Lodge Officers & the Accompanying Lodge Master of Accompanying Lodge – Introduce Members District Deputy Grand Master Presented by D of C The Official Visit is special night in the life of a lodge and for the Master and Officers. A night to “strut your stuff”. The night of your Official Visit is like no other lodge meeting, you are going to have visitors and ceremony that doesn’t happen at your regular meetings. I want you to seriously think about the first bullet on this slide. This night is really about your visitors and guests, lodge business should be kept to a minimum and executed expeditiously. I’m looking to the Masters to work with your Secretaries, who are all well experienced and should have no problem guiding you through the necessary business in an orderly and efficient manner. This night is the Official Visit of the District Deputy Grand Master, please be aware that I will be bringing or adding about 30 – 40 minutes to your meeting, between receiving the visitors and guests as outlined here, and my address at the end of the evening. Therefore, when planning your evening keep this in mind. I’m happy to see degree work, keeping in mind that we’d all like to be out of lodge before 10 PM, and at an Official Visit the District Deputy will make a few closing remarks. In respect to the Office of the District Deputy Grand Master please plan on approximately 10 minutes for my remarks at the end of the evening and plan the balance of the night’s work with this timeframe in mind. The District Secretary and I will be in touch with the Master and Secretary prior to the meeting, please let me know what you are planning the night of the Official Visit so I can plan accordingly, I want to work with lodges to ensure an enjoyable evening for all and to take into consideration the work the lodge needs to get done. March-25-17
Official Visits Form DDGM_L1_2012
Lodge Master’s/Secretary’s Report To be completed by the Worshipful Master and Lodge Secretary Returned to the D.D.G.M. 3 weeks prior to the O.V. Lodge Secretary will receive via a link to form DDGM_L1_2012 (It’s on the Grand Lodge website!) The completed form to be returned to the District Secretary a minimum of 1 week prior to the O.V. via return , for review There are forms to be completed by the lodge Secretary in consolation with the Worshipful Master as in previous years, nothing new here. The District Secretary and I are asking you to adhere to the timelines as outlined on this slide. As you maybe aware I am required to submit all reports within 14 days of the Official Visit, for me to meet that commitment, I need you to meet this schedule. I thank you in advance for your cooperation. March-25-17
Ceremony of Installation
Plan to receive visitors – 20 mins after opening. Keep business to a minimum. 2 waves of visitors Past Grand Lodge Officers & General Visitors Masters of the District, District Chairmen & Current Grand Lodge Officers (including the DDGM) It is customary to send the DDGM an invitation to the Installation & Investiture of Officers, along with a worksheet from the Installing Master outlining the work of the evening. In our District I believe we assume that the DDGM will simply show up, and I will. If I can’t I will get a replacement. March-25-17
Ceremony of Installation
The Installing Master must ensure that all participating use the 2012 – Ceremony of Installation & Investiture of Officers of a Lodge Please provide to the District Secretary a copy of the “Return of Officers” Form immediately upon the completion of the Ceremony. “Return of Officers” Form is on the Grand Lodge Website (“Installation Reports and Forms”. Keep in mind the appointed officers can be invested by proxy if absent at the time of installation. Elected officers must be invested in person. This evening is about the lodge and newly installed Worshipful Master, my remarks will be brief on the evenings of Installation. March-25-17
Masonic Memorial Service
D.D.G.M. will attend and will be available to assist as needed. It is the responsibility of the Worship Master and Lodge Officers to provide a Masonic Memorial Service when requested using the most current Memorial Service publication Dress – Business Suit All Grand Lodge Officers (Past & Present) Dress Regalia Preparations for a Masonic Memorial Service are usually neglected until minutes before having to perform this rite and ceremony. Having been on both sides of a Masonic Memorial Service I can tell you that our presence and this ceremony has enormous meaning to the family of our departed brother. And they and he, deserve better than 5 minutes of preparation on our part. I am challenging each lodge to get prepared. - Radical thought – hold a practice! - Radical thought 2 – go over the words so people know how to pronounce them! Doesn’t our departed brother deserve a little effort from us? If you are looking for some Masonic Education for an evening, there is an excellent piece on The Masonic Memorial Service by M.W.Bro. Raymond S.J. Daniels. Drop Grahame or me a line and we’ll be happy to provide it. If you find yourself standing in front of family and guests, sit down if you can! We should no obstruct the view. March-25-17
Masonic Memorial Service
Please notify the DDGM as soon as a Memorial Service is requested. From the Grand Master: A Masonic Memorial Service DOES NOT have a eulogy as part of the service. There is no wiggle room here. Do not do it. 25/03/2017
College of Freemasonry
Significant changes. Please refer to the Masonic Education Monthly for the details. DDGM course is now referred to as the Past Masters Course Note that the timeline will change! Those of you aspiring to the Office of District Deputy Grand Master, take note. You MUST be in possession of a certificate of completion of the course for prospective DDGM’s as offered by the College of Freemasonry. There will now be 11 “touch points” instead of 3, so turnaround time will be longer. March-25-17
General Include in Subject Line of correspondence to Grand Lodge: Lodge Name, Lodge Number & District Include your “District” in all correspondence to the Custodian of the Work Courtesy to “cc” the District Deputy Grand Master: Questions of the Custodian Requests for dispensation March-25-17
From our Grand Master…. “No open books in the Lodge, except for the official prompter.” “No photographs in the Lodge while the VOTSL is open.” In closing, I again want to thank you for this opportunity to serve the Craft in general, but in particular Waterloo District. I pledge to do my best for the District this year. I’m excited, and I’m looking forward to all this year will bring. Together we will have a GREAT Year! Thank You March-25-17
Elevator Pitch To promote Brotherly Love among Waterloo District Masons with fun, honesty and integrity. Building and strengthening our relationships by focusing on our common goals and ideals while working together to help each other, our lodges, our district and the craft. 25/03/2017
Questions March-25-17
Appendix Strategic Planning Committee How to Keep Business On-Time
Mission Vision & Objectives How to Keep Business On-Time Official Visit – 3 Waves Diagrams Installation – 2 Waves Diagrams March-25-17
Strategic Planning Committee
Our Mission The Mission of Freemasonry is to provide its members with opportunities for personal growth through fellowship, education, service and leadership experience, and increased self-esteem through challenge, recognition, support and the opportunity to give something back to the community. Its Mission outside of the Fraternity is to fulfil charitable needs; display positive family values and offer leadership to the community. March-25-17
Strategic Planning Committee
Our Vision Freemasonry exemplifies leadership, charity, fellowship and positive family values within the community, the country and the world at large. Our Objective The objective of Masonry is “to take good men and make them better” through the benefits of social intercourse and personal development that come from membership, including: a fraternal atmosphere; enhanced personal confidence; improved organizational and planning skills; enriched management competence; and strengthened public presentation and speaking proficiencies. March-25-17
How To Keep the Business On Time
Circulate or pre-read the minutes – accept a motion to accept the minutes as circulated or read. Pre-arrange motions, movers and seconds. Read only necessary correspondence (Grand Lodge), list other correspondence. Refer “issues” requiring discussion to your General Purposes Meeting or your next regular meeting. March-25-17
East Chairmen of the District Past Grand Lodge Officers
General Visitors Official Visit – First Wave March-25-17
East Masters of the District Accompanying Lodge Grand Lodge Officers
Official Visit – Second Wave March-25-17
Official Visit – Third Wave
East D.D.G.M. Received under the wands Given Grand Honours Escorted to the East Assumes the Gavel D.D.G.M. Official Visit – Third Wave March-25-17
East Past Grand Lodge Officers & General Visitors
Installations – First Wave March-25-17
East Masters of the District Chairmen of the District DDGM
Grand Lodge Officers Installations – Second Wave March-25-17
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