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July 14 20121 Redstone Lake Cottagers Association Annual General Meeting July 14, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "July 14 20121 Redstone Lake Cottagers Association Annual General Meeting July 14, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 July 14 20121 Redstone Lake Cottagers Association Annual General Meeting July 14, 2012

2 July 14 20122 Harvey Bates Welcome Harvey Bates RLCA Annual General Meeting July 14, 2012

3 July 14 20123 RLCA Annual General Meeting - 2012 8:30 – 9:00 Coffee 1. 9:00 - Welcome Harvey Bates 2. 9:05 - Presidents Message Jim Howard-Tripp 3. 9:20 - Eastern Ontario Regional Network (EORN)Lisa Severson 4. 9:40 - Financial & Membership Reports Shirley Rule 5. 9:50 - Lake Stewardship Report Mike Johnson /Bob Cole 6. 10:00 - COFFEE 7. 10:15 - Septic Smarts Rob Davis 8. 10:50 - Tree Preservation By-LawJane Tousaw 9. 11:15 - Election – Officers and Board Jim Howard-Tripp 10. 11:30 - Roads PresentationTed Rule 11. 11:45 - Housing Survey and AcknowledgementsHarvey Bates 12. 12:00 - BBQ Lunch

4 July 14 20124 President's Message Jim Howard-Tripp

5 July 14 20125 5 2012 Board of Directors President – Jim Howard-Tripp Vice President – Keith Beard Membership Director & Treasurer – Shirley Rule Secretary and Administrator – Karen Feltmate Newsletter Editor– Mary Lou Ciancone Assistant Editor– Lee Hayward Municipal Liaison – Aline Huleva Lake Steward – Mike Johnson & Bob Cole By-Laws – Fred Saunders AGM – Harvey Bates Web site, CHA – Shal Gewurtz Ad hoc Directors _ Ray Walters _ Karen Vose Ads & Merchandising – Ann Bates

6 July 14 20126 6 Our Issues It is all about the water The quality of the water in the lakes is declining The quality of the water in the lakes is declining Biggest cause - Depletion of shoreline vegetation and inappropriate septic systems Biggest cause - Depletion of shoreline vegetation and inappropriate septic systems Stable water levels Stable water levels A Lake Plan A Lake Plan Safety: roads, boating, discharge of firearms Safety: roads, boating, discharge of firearms Quality of Life: social activities, dining, the arts and Haliburton Village Quality of Life: social activities, dining, the arts and Haliburton Village

7 July 14 20127 7 2011/2012 Initiatives Increased Advocacy now an integral part of the Boards mandate: roads, safe boating, discharge of firearms in close proximity to residences, housing and commercial growth of Haliburton, Federal and Provincial offloading of services Increased Advocacy now an integral part of the Boards mandate: roads, safe boating, discharge of firearms in close proximity to residences, housing and commercial growth of Haliburton, Federal and Provincial offloading of services The Redstone Lake Plan - what we, collectively, want, and do not want, on our lakes The Redstone Lake Plan - what we, collectively, want, and do not want, on our lakes Coalition for Equitable Water Flow Coalition for Equitable Water Flow Internet access Internet access Enhanced social interaction Enhanced social interaction

8 July 14 20128 Eastern Ontario Regional Network (EORN) Lisa Severson

9 July 14 20129 Financial and Membership Reports Shirley Rule

10 July 14 201210 RLCA Financial Statement April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012 Bank Balance April 1, 2011$16098.33 Income: Membership Dues $4271.45 Advertising$3060.00 Clothing $237.00 Miscellaneous $6.00 Bank Interest $1.09 Total Income $7575.54 $7575.54

11 July 14 201211 RLCA Financial Statement April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012 Expenses: Web site maintenance and Tech support 542.40 Web Site domain – 1 year109.61 AGM Expenses –Food and Beverages 171.45 –Supplies (Cash box, Pens, etc) 70.36 Clothing with RLCA Logo680.57 Bank Fees (Dep Fee) 2.54 Atrens Counsel Ins. Brokers 1620.00 FOCA (Fed Ont. Cottagers Assn 10/11) 540.00 CEWF (Coalition for Equitable Water Flow) 100.00 CHA (Coalition Hal. Prop. Owners) 100.00 Total Expenses $3936.93 $3936.93 Bank Balance March 31, 2012 $19,736.94

12 July 14 201212 RLCA Membership 2012 As at July 14, 2012 Welcome to all new members present!! Paid members: –2007 - 213 –2008 - 213 –2009 - 216 –2010 - 196 –2011 - 102 prior to this meeting Current Active Members = 212 There has been a great response to the messages that been sent out regarding payments, via the Newsletter, a mail-out that was sent this spring, and e-mails. Many people sent in payments for 2 or more years when they were reminded of outstanding dues. PayPal Payments are getting more popular. –2010 – 14 payments using PayPal –2011 – 19 payments so far this year –There is an additional fee of $1.50, but its a convenient way to make your payment.

13 July 14 201213 RLCA Membership 2012 As at July 14, 2012 Members will be considered inactive after non-payment for 2 consecutive years and newsletters will no longer be sent. Most Members are currently receiving newsletters by e-mail but 32 members are still receiving them by mail, a decrease from 38 last year. Hopefully, that number will decrease every year. Please keep us informed if e-mail addresses change or if you were receiving newsletters by mail and now have an email address. There were 13 new members in 2009 and 13 in 2010. So far this year, there are 8 new members. Anyone who still has old RLCA signs is encouraged to obtain new ones. Each current member is entitled to two signs. Anyone who has not received a Redstone map, can pick one up today.

14 July 14 201214 Lake Stewardship Report Mike Johnson / Bob Cole

15 July 14 201215 Algae important to food chain balance - between plants and animals upset - zoo plankton and fish habitat are disturbed Eutrophication WATER QUALITY Phosphorus Lake Degradation human activities - vegetation destruction septic runoff - consumes oxygen algae decomposes providing food for bacteria and other organisms oxygen disappears at certain depth - lake trout cannot reproduce and survive

16 July 14 201216 WATER QUALITY Lake Trout are the Canary in the Coal Mine 32 lakes are on a watch list in Haliburton Blue/Green Blooms are more frequently reported Calcium levels down 25%

17 July 14 201217 SECCHI DISK lowered into the water until the observer can no longer see it transparency decreases as the amount of particles in the water i.e. algae and sediment increases the algae depends on nutrients from septic tanks and fertilizers monitor 2 times per month Calcium measurement Phosphorus measurement PH measurement

18 July 14 201218

19 July 14 201219

20 July 14 201220

21 July 14 201221 SOLUTIONS limiting number of dwellings ensuring adequate set backs choosing environment friendly waste methods properly installing and maintaining septic systems using phosphate free products establishing / maintaining natural buffers avoiding fertilizers reduce water use

22 July 14 201222 15 Minute Coffee Break Say hello, Ask the Board questions Consider being part of RLCA Pay membership Pass along comments on web site – newsletter - other

23 July 14 201223 Guest Speaker Rob Davis Septic Smarts

24 July 14 201224 Guest Speaker Jane Tousaw Tree Preservation By-Law

25 July 14 201225 County of Haliburton Draft Shoreline Tree Preservation By-law

26 July 14 201226 Purpose Sustain a healthy natural environment; Maintain and improve ecosystem; Protect significant and sensitive natural areas; Contribute to human health and quality of life; Maintain water quality; Reduce airborne pollution; Maintain and enhance natural habitat; Prevent soil erosion and water run-off; Protect and enhance aesthetic values; and Protect fish spawning beds.

27 July 14 201227 Lands Covered by the Draft By-law Within 30 metres of the high water mark Not applied to woodlands covered under County Forestry By-law No. 3196.

28 July 14 201228 Proposed Exemptions work on any tree(s) with a trunk diameter of less than 10 cm, as measured at 1.37 metres from ground; hazard tree removal; removal of dead, dangerous, diseased or severely injured trees or stumps; emergency work removal; pruning or removal of trees in accordance with professional practices; removal authorized or permitted under a municipal building permit; removal of any tree within 5 metres of a dwelling or septic system; removal of trees for a driveway provided it is no more than 5 metres in width; removal of trees for a pathway to the water provided it is no more than 5 metres in width.

29 July 14 201229 Other Proposed Exemptions Legislated exemptions Trees removed by the County or a Lower-tier Municipality or a local board Trees removed under an approved site plan, plan of subdivision or development permit Trees that are in woodlots and woodlands regulated by the County Forestry By-law No. 3196

30 July 14 201230 Partial Exemptions Adjacent to Spawning beds Steep slopes Proposed Prohibitions As per Section 4 of the draft By-law Permits Not proposed at this time

31 July 14 201231 Enforcement Complaint driven Designation of Officers Relief Orders Penalties under the Provincial Offences Act Where is it at now? Update on stage in process

32 July 14 201232 Election of Officers and Board of Directors Jim Howard-Tripp RLCA Annual General Meeting July 14, 2012

33 July 14 201233 Proposed Board Slate OFFICERS President –Harvey Bates Vice President – Jim Howard-Tripp Treasurer & Memberships – Shirley Rule Secretary – Karen Feltmate Lake Stewards – Mike Johnson and Bob Cole DIRECTORS Keith Beard, Shal Gewurtz (past President), Keith Beard, Shal Gewurtz (past President), Mary Lou Ciancone, Aline Huleva, Lee Hayward, Mary Lou Ciancone, Aline Huleva, Lee Hayward, Fred Saunders Fred Saunders

34 July 14 201234 Board Election STEP 1 PROPOSED SLATE IS STARTING POINT for 2012-13 BOARD Call for vote to approve Proposed Slate STEP 2 ROUNDING OUT 2010-11 BOARD # Vacancies from 2011-12 Board – Need 4 new Directors. Calling for Volunteers to join the 2012-13 Board Each volunteer or nominee to be seconded Each volunteer or nominee to be seconded Call for vote to approve each nominee to join the 2012-13 Board

35 July 14 201235 THANK YOU Congratulations to re-elected and newly elected Board members. Good luck. Welcome aboard to Roster members and thank you.

36 July 14 201236 Guest Speaker Ted Rule Roads Presentation

37 July 14 201237 Harvey Bates Housing Survey

38 July 14 201238 Acknowledgements Past RLCA Board – Hard work deserves a round of applause Retirements from Board – Thank you to each for dedicated service Bill Burdon, West Guilford Shopping Centre – for supporting RLCA At no charge, provides food for our AGM every year At no charge, provides food for our AGM every year Advertises in every issue of RLCA Newsletter Advertises in every issue of RLCA Newsletter For viable community, important to support local businesses. For viable community, important to support local businesses. Please shop in West Guilford Store Please shop in West Guilford Store All who helped bring about this AGM – Thank you Municipal Officials & Local Press – Thank you for coming

39 July 14 201239 Announcements and Other Business Donation to Haliburton Health Services $250.00 Questions from the floor

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