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Where Does This Course Fit?

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Presentation on theme: "Where Does This Course Fit?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Where Does This Course Fit?
Advanced Monitoring Where Does This Course Fit? Credential Counselors and Analysts of California Conference October Roxann L. Purdue Commission on Teacher Credentialing Lynda Nichols California Department of Education Lloyd McCabe California Department of Education

2 Topics for Discussion Roles and Responsibilities
New Courses – Determining Content What are the steps in the decision making process related to staffing new courses? Considerations – Assignment, HQT, Funding Meeting “Highly Qualified Teacher” Requirements for NCLB CTE Courses Earning Academic Credit Alternative Method for Meeting High School Graduation Requirements Course Examples CBEDS Course Codes as a Tool 2 2 2

3 Covering the Basics Roles and Responsibilities for Certificated Staff Assignments - Commission on Teacher Credentialing - California Department of Education - School Site/District/County Office Does a teacher need to hold a credential or authorization? NCLB Compliance Requirements 3 3 3

4 Roles and Responsibilities
Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC): Teacher Preparation Programs Credential Requirements Authorizations Appropriate Assignment Assignment Monitoring Oversight Sanctions for Misassignments Report of Assignments to Legislature CTC Presenter 4 4 4

5 Roles and Responsibilities
California Department of Education (CDE): Title II Compliance Monitoring Intervention and Sanctions Title I, Title II, and/or Title III accountability status under Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Compliance with teacher requirement provisions of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001 CTE Teachers Meeting ESEA Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) Compliance 5 5 5

6 Roles and Responsibilities
Site/District/County Office: Job Specifications Recruitment Hiring Priority – EC § NCLB Compliance Funding Compliance Site/district/county administrators responsibility under EC § (b): Evidence of credential(s) in order to make a legal assignment or legal documentation on file if assignment made on basis of an option in statute or regulations 6 6 6

7 Does a Teacher Need to Hold a Credential or Authorization?
Individuals need to hold the appropriate authorization prior to providing instructional services EC §44001 EC §44225(e) EC §44830(a) EC §44831 EC § EC §33126(b)(5)(B) EC § (b)(2) EC § (e)(2)(3) 44225(e)(e) Determine the scope and authorization of credentials, to ensure competence in teaching and other educational services, and establish sanctions for the misuse of credentials and the misassignment of credentialholders. The commission may grant an added or supplementary authorization to a credentialholder who has met the requirements and standards of the commission for the added or supplementary authorization. The commission shall exempt the holder of a teaching credential obtained prior to January 1, 1974, who adds an authorization by successfully completing a commission-approved subject matter examination, from the requirements of subdivision (e) of Section and Sections 44261, , and (2) Commencing July 1, 1989, a certificated person who is required by an administrative superior to accept an assignment for which he or she has no legal authorization, after exhausting existing local remedies, shall notify the county superintendent of schools in writing of the illegal assignment. The county superintendent of schools, within 15 working days, shall advise the affected certificated person concerning the legality of his or her assignment. There shall be no adverse action taken against a certificated person who files a notification of misassignment with the county superintendent of schools. During the period of the misassignment, the certificated person who files a written notification with the county superintendent of schools shall be exempt from Section If it is determined that a misassignment has taken place, any performance evaluation of the employee under Sections to 44664, inclusive, in any misassigned subject shall be nullified. (3) The county superintendent of schools shall notify, through the office of the school district superintendent, a certificated school administrator responsible for the assignment of a certificated person to a position for which he or she has no legal authorization of the misassignment and shall advise him or her to correct the assignment within 30 calendar days. The county superintendent of schools shall notify the Commission on Teacher Credentialing of the misassignment if the certificated school administrator has not corrected the misassignment within 30 days of the initial notification, or if the certificated school administrator has not described, in writing, within the 30-day period, to the county superintendent of schools the extraordinary circumstances which make this correction impossible. 33126(b)(5)(B) B) For purposes of this paragraph, "misassignment" means the placement of a certificated employee in a teaching or services position for which the employee does not hold a legally recognized certificate or credential or the placement of a certificated employee in a teaching or services position that the employee is not otherwise authorized by statute to hold. 7 7 7

8 New Courses Content of the class and authorization(s) held are determining factors for appropriate assignment Determination of primary focus of course content and course designation by local level necessary Verify designation by CBEDS Codes, Course Description & Funding Source 8 8

9 New Courses Type of class such as review, honors, intervention, or supplemental instruction is not a factor Credential and authorization must match content whether remedial or honors 9 9

10 California Basic Educational Data System (CBEDS) Assignment Codes and Course Definitions
Course definitions provided by assignment code and title – Course categories fall within a sequence (ex English)

11 CBEDS Course Codes Science Y If CTE course is used as an NCLB core class….districts must change the NCLB Core column from U to Y and then add the content area to the NCLB Content Area Category Assigned Name column 11 11 11

12 Career Technical Education Course Defined
Education Code (EC) section (E)(ii) A course in career technical education means a course in a district-operated CTE program that is aligned to the CTE model curriculum standards and framework adopted by the state board 

13 CTE Courses Courses designated as career, technical, trade or vocational by the local level should be taught by an individual holding a Designated Subjects Vocational/Career Technical Education Credential in the appropriate industry or industry sector 13 13

14 Regulations Current Regulations –
Title 5 section 80004(c) clarifies that holders of Single Subject Teaching Credentials in specific subject areas (agriculture, business, home economics, industrial arts, and industrial technology education) are also authorized to teach trade, technical, career or vocational classes. 14 14

15 Primary Focus of Content
Considerations – Does the course have a primary focus on CTE standards and industry sector content? Does the course have a primary focus on academic content standards with some integration of the industry sector content based on the academy theme? 15 15

16 Questions to Ask Flexibility –
As CTE designated courses become integrated with academic curriculum, counties and districts need to understand the structure of the program at the high school and ask questions related to the focus of the course and how instruction is delivered. 16 16

17 Co-teaching Considerations –
Some integrated courses have a dual emphasis in CTE and academic standards. Co-teaching models and collaborative teaching may be one method for staffing these courses 17 17

18 Local Assignment Options & NCLB
Additional Considerations – Use of local assignment options in the Education Code Options for NCLB compliance for CTE teachers Options for NCLB compliance for teachers serving on a local assignment option 18 18

19 Factors to Consider Considerations for Course Implementation
Funding Source Highly Qualified - Subject Matter Credential Held Considerations for Course Implementation There is no one “right” way to implement a new course. Each school or district develops their own plan. What will be the graduation credit for the course? How will the course be funded? What are existing policies within district that might affect implementation? Do policies support process or do they need to be modified? Are all teachers correctly credentialed to provide instruction in the academic or CTE areas? Are the HR/Credential Analysts a part of the process to ensure staffing issues are addressed?

20 NCLB Compliance Requirements For Teachers of NCLB Core Academic Subjects
When thinking about the teachers teaching reading/language arts, it is still important to understand the NCLB requirements as well. 20 20

21 NCLB Core Academic Subjects
How That Looks in California English/language arts/reading Includes reading intervention, RTI² and California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE)-English classes Mathematics Includes math intervention and CAHSEE-Math classes Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Geosciences, Physics Social Science history, government, economics, geography Foreign Languages (specific) Drama/Theater (English credential) Visual Arts Music Dance (physical education credential) English Reading/Language Arts Mathematics Science History Economics Civics/Government Geography Foreign Languages Arts 21 21

22 Alternative Methods for Meeting High School Graduation Requirements
EC Section (b) provides an alternative method for meeting high school graduation requirements – "The governing board, with the active involvement of parents, administrators, teachers, and pupils, shall adopt alternative means for students to complete the prescribed course of study which may include practical demonstration of skills and competencies, supervised work experience or other outside school experience, career technical education courses in high schools, courses offered by regional occupational centers or programs, interdisciplinary study, independent study, and credit earned at a postsecondary institution. Requirements for graduation and specified alternative modes for completing the prescribed course of study shall be made available to pupils, parents, and the public." 22 22 22

23 Alternative Methods for Meeting High School Graduation Requirements
Appropriate credential and authorization – If a class is a CTE based class and the school district has a policy that allows granting graduation credits to the class per EC Section (b), then it may be taught by the holder of a credential authorizing the teaching of CTE in the specified industry sector. 23 23 23

24 “Highly Qualified Teacher” Provision of NCLB for CTE Courses Earning Core Academic Credit
CDE has established policy - If a CTE course is an alternative way to meet graduation requirements as stated in Ed Code Section (b); and Teacher has four-year college degree; and Holds proper credential (Designated Subject, Single Subject, or Standard Secondary) in CTE discipline; Then teacher meets “highly qualified teacher” provision – whether “New” or “Not New”

25 Course Content Review Whole Group Activity –
Examples of Course Descriptions (provided based on prior submission) Decision making process Questions to ask Research options and tools 25 25

26 Title II Leadership Office Contact Information Ron Taylor Administrator Lynda Nichols Consultant Jackie Rose Analyst, Fiscal Kelly Heffington Analyst, Data These are the people with expertise on the NCLB compliance issues at CDE. 26 26

27 Administrator’s Assignment Manual
Information on credentials issued, authorizations, and options for employers Assignment Unit – Roxann L. Purdue 27 27 27

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