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S4Carlisle Publishing Services

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1 S4Carlisle Publishing Services
Services Presentation

2 Vision To be the service provider of choice, offering value-added publishing solutions through commitment to excellence in quality, service and technology.

3 Overview Merged entity of S4 Ind Software (Est. 2001) and Carlisle Publishing Services (Est. 1978) 300 employees in India and 35 employees in the USA One company, two locations — Chennai (India) and Dubuque, Iowa (USA) Sustained upward growth year-on-year for the last 5 years

4 Values Quality Customer Focus Operational Excellence Teamwork
Integrity, Trust & Accountability

5 Structure

6 Key Clients

7 Infrastructure Area: 20,000 sq. ft. in Chennai and 19,000 sq. ft. in Dubuque Servers: 14 HP and 4 Macintosh servers Storage: 12 TB storage expandable to 96 TB Internet: Triple-bonded T1 lines Network: Giga-speed Backup: Onsite and offsite

8 Advantages 24-hour customer service and dedicated customer coordinators Accurate, on-time, effective reporting structure Effective project tracking system that tracks production and quality metrics Communication systems integrated with the project tracking system e-Learning based training. Training designed to gauge the level (both technical and soft skills) of an associate at a granular level Single digit attrition rate —one of the best in the industry

9 Quality Well-defined standard operating procedures
Process compliance team to detect process violations and bottlenecks Instant communication between offshore production teams and onshore facility managers and project editors Automated “Pitstop” checks and PDF compare at all stages of production Separate QA layer to provide a Pre Delivery Inspection (PDI) on all units shipped Individual Key Performance Indicators (KPI) identified and mapped to goals

10 Developmental Services
Obtain reviews, and synopsize reviews for author Author writing schedule, monitor author progress Manuscript review, author coordination to ensure appropriate changes Monitor art/photo counts Prepare manuscript for production Prepare design memo Text and line art permissions Photo research Work with supplement authors Budget management throughout the project Authoring of supplemental materials (Instructor's manuals, test banks, PowerPoint's, flashcards)

11 Project Management Services
Hybrid workflow College & school work, journals and trade Accurate scheduling, follow-ups, and status reports Excellent communication, client and author relationship management skills Budget management Art and design management

12 Editorial Services Accuracy Checking Copyediting
Editorial Proofreading Character-to-character proofreading Permissions Art and photo logs Indexing

13 Design Services Text and covers
Ensure Designs are production- and print-ready Simple to complex artistic designs Commercial designs Magazine and newsletters Print and electronic designs

14 Composition Services XML tagging and DTD creation
XML (first)-based composition using InDesign, QuarkXPress and 3B2 Proficient in textbooks, STM, trade books and journals PDF-based soft-proofing workflow Windows and Macintosh platforms Other paging platforms — LaTeX, FrameMaker, Word, XSL-FO

15 Art Services Experienced graphics team proficient in Illustrator, Photoshop, CorelDraw, etc. Simple charts and graphs to complex, photo-realistic art Pre-flight of art to ensure print-ready final file

16 Media Services Instructor resources for classroom teaching
Web-based training kits Interactive applications eBook formats — PDF, ePub, mobi, etc. HTML5 based narrative audio books Animated Flash contents

17 Thank You INDIA Prakash Towers, 1st Floor, 141 Rajiv Gandhi Salai (OMR), Kottivakkam, Chennai, India Tel.: | USA 4242 Chavenelle Road Dubuque, IA 52002 Tel.:

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