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Hands Up! Bányai Júlia Grammar School Kecskemét - 2010 -

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Presentation on theme: "Hands Up! Bányai Júlia Grammar School Kecskemét - 2010 -"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hands Up! Bányai Júlia Grammar School Kecskemét - 2010 -

2 Hands Up! Leonardo Da Vinci – Creation of Adam Hands Up! - logo

3 Hands Up! Topic The part of the body we chose is the hand. Why the hand?

4 Hands Up! - Our basic tool for work Why? Topic

5 Hands Up! - Our basic tool for work - Non-verbal communication Why? Topic

6 Hands Up! - Our basic tool for work - Non-verbal communication - Our fifth sensory organ Why? Topic

7 Hands Up! - Our basic tool for work - Non-verbal communication - Our fifth sensory organ - Frequent injuries Why? Topic

8 Hands Up! The build-up of the hand - 27 bones - 25 muscles - 22 different movements The hand

9 Hands Up! - Functional asymmetry The hand The build-up of the hand - 27 bones - 25 muscles - 22 different movements

10 Hands Up! The hand - Thumb turnable to face other fingers The build-up of the hand - Functional asymmetry- 27 bones - 25 muscles - 22 different movements

11 Hands Up! Aim of research In the future, which will become more effective in healing hand injuries? Medicine - Biological approach - Engineering - Technological approach -

12 Hands Up! Research - Interviews Dr. Gábor Kertész – traumatologist – Kecskemét County Hospital Medical interview

13 Hands Up! Research - Interviews Dr. Gábor Kertész – traumatologist – Kecskemét County Hospital Medical interview

14 Hands Up! Research - Interviews Engineering interview Dr. György Cserey – Professor and colleagues Pázmány Péter Catholic University – Information Technology Department

15 Hands Up! Research - Interviews Engineering interview Dr. György Cserey – Professor and colleagues Pázmány Péter Catholic University – Information Technology Department

16 Hands Up! Research - Interviews Engineering interview Dr. György Cserey – Professor and colleagues Pázmány Péter Catholic University – Information Technology Department

17 Hands Up! Findings of medical and engineering interviews What direction will the development of healing hand injuries take? Dr. Gábor Kertész operating Arnold Schwarzenegger as a robot

18 Hands Up! Findings of the interviews Repairing injuries. Present state. Replacement of joints Sewing back intact limbs Replacement with another body-part (e.g.toes) Dead people as organ donors (e.g. fingers) Medicine

19 Hands Up! Static artificial limbs Functional artificial limbs Arificial components (e.g.: bones, tendons, skin) Robot hands Repairing injuries. Present state. Findings of the interviews Engineering

20 Hands Up! Problems Functionality Expenses Practicability Psychological effect Even a successful artificial limb has an effectiveness of only 50%. Limited sensitivity of sensors which are still too big. Findings of the interviews

21 Hands Up! Functionality Expenses Practicability Psychological effect Long and expensive operations (10-15 hours). Expensive materials and technologies (e.g.: kevlar, titanium). Problems Findings of the interviews

22 Hands Up! Functionality Expenses Practicability Psychological effect An artificial limb will never be a 100% substitution for a real one. The precise control of sensors is not solved. Problems Findings of the interviews

23 Hands Up! Functionality Expenses Practicability Psychological effect Aesthetics and mental rehabilitation. Aesthetics contrasted to functionality. Problems Findings of the interviews

24 Hands Up! Conclusions of research After the interviews and based on the information we got during the research, we came to the following conclusions: - In the near future the achievements of medicine will be more effective in curing hand injuries. - Technological inventions already have an important role (e. g. plasticware to replace bones or tendons, or operational instruments). - In the far future technological inventions will have a more important role than medical solutions. - There will be considerable changes in surgical technology thanks to the development of engineering technology.

25 Hands Up! Robot hand Captain Hook’s hand. The robot hand made by our team

26 Hands Up! Robot hand – Researchers’ NIght

27 Hands Up! Robot hand - Video

28 Hands Up! The end Thank you for your attention!

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