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Hypothetical constructions

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1 Hypothetical constructions
WISH prezentare

2 She wishes she didn’t have a lazy son.
+ Past Simple pentru a indica regret pentru o situatie care apare sau nu in prezent. Situatie: His mother regrets (is sorry) she has a lazy son. She wishes she didn’t have a lazy son. She wishes her son weren’t so lazy. She wishes her son were more diligent. Situatie: It’s a pity I don’t have much free time. I wish I had more free time.

3 She wishes she were sleeping now.
+ Past Continuous pentru a indica regret pentru o actiune aflata in desfasurare in prezent. Situatie: Jenny is working. She wishes she were sleeping now. She wishes she were not working this moment. Situatie: The children are playing in the street. Their parents wish they weren’t playing in the street. Their parents wish they were playing in the park.

4 Her teacher wishes Jenny had done her homework.
+ Past Perfect pentru a indica regret pentru o situatie dezirabila, dar nerealizata, din trecut. Situatie: Jenny didn’t do her homework yesterday. Her teacher wishes Jenny had done her homework. Situatie: I forgot to buy the magazine. I wish I hadn’t forgotten to buy the magazine. I wish I had bought the magazine.

5 I wish my neighbour wouldn’t gossip any more.
+ would + V pentru a indica o dorinta fara mari sanse de realizare in viitor (1); sau ca alternativa pentru Past Simple atunci cand vorbim de obiceiuri (2). Situatie (1): My boyfriend hasn’t written to me yet. I wish my boyfriend would write to me soon (but I don’t think he will). Situatie (2): My neighbour gossips a lot. I wish my neighbour wouldn’t gossip any more.

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