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+ Purpose Evaluations are highly valued by admissions officers for the insight they provide into who you are. Although you do not have direct control over.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Purpose Evaluations are highly valued by admissions officers for the insight they provide into who you are. Although you do not have direct control over."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Purpose Evaluations are highly valued by admissions officers for the insight they provide into who you are. Although you do not have direct control over what your recommenders write, there is plenty that you can do to insure your evaluations will present your finest qualities.

2 + Start Early Most private/independent 4yr institutions require 1-2 teacher evaluations and a school report completed by your counselor. Some schools also allow you to submit an extra evaluation/recommendation. Finding recommenders and giving them the evaluation forms early should be your first priority in this process.

3 + Start Early Recommenders need at least 3 weeks, if not a month, to prepare your evaluations, especially if they are busy teachers or administrators and are likely to have a stack of other evaluations to write. Complete and submit a Letter of Recommendation Request Packet for each of your recommenders.

4 + How to Hunt Down the Best Recommenders You want people who can testify to your strengths, who are believable and who wont reveal anything damaging – Essentially you want people who know your strengths and will attest to them. Obviously the teachers in whose classes you excel(led) will be your most likely candidates.

5 + How to Hunt Down the Best Recommenders For the School Report, you do not have much of a choice. Many schools specify which administrator should complete the report, usually your counselor. If given a choice, of course pick the one who knows you best or who you feel can write the stronger evaluation.

6 + The Bonus Evaluation Some colleges offer the opportunity to submit an extra or bonus evaluation. TAKE THEM UP ON IT! 1 more opportunity to bolster your application. An extra evaluation can help you stand out. Consider the following: Activity advisor, work supervisor, volunteer supervisor, church leader, coach, etc… Still Quality over Quantity!

7 + Get Recommenders Who Can Write About the Intimate Details of Your Life Watch out for signs that youre asking the wrong person for a recommendation. You want a recommender who can write about specifics and reference anecdotes and examples. A+ in class doesnt guarantee an A+ evaluation. Vivid details over generic statements. Select a good combination of recommenders (Be sure to follow any specific guidelines).

8 + Warnings Avoid the Name Game It doesnt matter what title your recommender has unless he or she can write a meaningful and individual letter tailored to you. Weakness in Numbers When colleges specify a certain number of evaluations, you should not exceed this number. Avoid Crunch Time When asking recommenders to write an evaluation, it is important to approach them at an appropriate time. Spell Check Most recommendations are now submitted online. Be sure to provide your recommenders CORRECT email address.

9 + Preparing the Request Packet Cover Letter Should highlight what you want your recommenders to include in their letter. Should clearly state the schools you are applying to and their deadlines. Resume Gives detailed information about your activities, jobs, and academic achievements.

10 + Preparing the Request Packet Complete the revised Request Form/Brag Sheet Be thorough, but concise. The revised Request Form includes a waiver. By checking this item you will waive your right to review your recommendation at any time. Provide Evaluation Forms and Addressed Envelopes (if applicable) Make sure that you complete your portion of the recommendation forms.

11 + A Gentle Reminder and a Genuine Thank You As mentioned earlier, your recommenders are undoubtedly busy individuals… This means you should develop tactful ways to ask your recommenders if they have finished or are nearly finished writing/submitting you recommendation. Dont harass them, but gently check on their progress and remind them of the deadline.

12 + A Gentle Reminder and a Genuine Thank You Another subtle way of reminding your recommenders to finish their evaluations on time is by writing them Thank You letters right before the deadlines. This way, your recommenders will get one of the best reminders possible – one that assumes that they have already done what they agreed to do even if they havent.

13 + A Gentle Reminder and a Genuine Thank You Regardless of whether it is meant to also be a reminder, a Thank You is a must. Thank your recommenders for their time and effort, and explain what an important role they have play in your pursuit of higher education. ALWAYS SHARE THE GOOD NEWS!!!


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