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Www. © Copyright 2012 iWare Logic Technologies Pvt. Ltd. metricedge.

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1 www. © Copyright 2012 iWare Logic Technologies Pvt. Ltd. metricedge

2 www. © Copyright 2012 iWare Logic Technologies Pvt. Ltd. metricedge Disclaimer All other trademarks, service marks and logos used in this webinar are the trademarks, service marks or logos of their respective owners. The views expressed in this presentation are views of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views of metricedge.

3 www. © Copyright 2012 iWare Logic Technologies Pvt. Ltd. metricedge Wouldnt it be great if we all had beautiful minds? Dr. John Nash, who shared the 1994 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences, is a rare individual with unknown algorithms working in his mind, who can identify patterns in mountains of seemingly random numbers. Apparently, his mind, processes huge arrays of numbers and arrives at conclusive, actionable intelligence, merely by looking at them! The movie on his life, A Beautiful Mind, powerfully portrays this uncanny ability. 3

4 www. © Copyright 2012 iWare Logic Technologies Pvt. Ltd. metricedge 4 Enter MetricEdge Making sense of Information Wouldnt it be great if we had A beautiful mind? Then we would see patterns where other see merely numbers a u t o m a t I c a l l y …

5 www. © Copyright 2012 iWare Logic Technologies Pvt. Ltd. metricedge Understanding BI Landscape Degree of intelligence employed Competitive advantage 5

6 www. © Copyright 2012 iWare Logic Technologies Pvt. Ltd. metricedge Where do CIOs spend time? A survey of 1400 CIOs was carried out by CXO Systems. Key findings included: IT executives spend more than ONE DAY a week gathering information Frequency and importance of data collection of different functions does not correlate well. Multiple Information channels demand bottom up collation. These graphs are taken from the report: Percentage of CIOs time spent on Gathering information!! 6

7 www. © Copyright 2012 iWare Logic Technologies Pvt. Ltd. metricedge 7

8 www. © Copyright 2012 iWare Logic Technologies Pvt. Ltd. metricedge 8

9 www. © Copyright 2012 iWare Logic Technologies Pvt. Ltd. metricedge So! Taking data or Taking decisions? Do you spend time making data rather than making sense of it? Would you rather cook reports or read them to take decisions? Solution: An intelligent system of collating multi-source, multi-platform, multi-format data into a ready source of collated reports updated at desired intervals 9

10 www. © Copyright 2012 iWare Logic Technologies Pvt. Ltd. metricedge An ideal solution must have… On the output Side… Readymade library of built-in reports based on best practices ITIL, COBIT, ISO 20 000 ISO 27 001, et al. Ability to construct ad-hoc reports easily Data mining capabilities Reporting capabilities for static as well as drill down reports Combined reports from disparate data sources Live Dashboards for Senior executives Scheduling and automatic distribution of reports High granularity of access controls And on the input side… Built-in integration with multiple data sources from multiple ITSM/BSM vendor solutions, databases, streams Data model must be extensible for future dB technologies 10

11 www. © Copyright 2012 iWare Logic Technologies Pvt. Ltd. metricedge How did we build MetricEdge? Our Expertise: ITIL ITIL Expert Consultants Own ITIL Courseware Thought leadership ITSM Expertise on BMC BSM IBM Tivoli HP Service Manager Business Intelligence >50 Team Size for BI DW Successfully executed BI projects, worldwide Database Administration >70 Team Size in DBA and Apps DBA Successfully executed projects, worldwide We combined our energies from multiple spaces to create a unique solution – MetricEdge. 11

12 www. © Copyright 2012 iWare Logic Technologies Pvt. Ltd. metricedge Solution Architecture 12 Remedy ARS CMDB OLTP DB Optimized for Transactions MetricEdge Data warehouse OLAP dB Optimized for Analysis ETL Tool Other DB OLTP/AP Other data sources like streaming MetricEdge Repository MetricEdge Report Library MetricEdge Report Library Reporting engine OBI Environment @email Report Scheduler Report Scheduler

13 www. © Copyright 2012 iWare Logic Technologies Pvt. Ltd. metricedge Enter MetricEdge Built-in static and drill down reports based on best practices (ITIL, COBIT, ISO 20000). Ability to build Ad-hoc reports easily Dashboard for higher level executives Built-in Integration with multiple data sources including data from multiple ITSM/BSM vendor solutions (e.g. BMC Remedy ITSM, HP Service Manager, SAP Solution Manager, IBM Tivoli etc.) Data model to accommodate current and future needs of reporting. Granularity of access controls Scheduling and distribution of reports. MetricEdge is built on the Oracle Business Intelligence platform 13

14 www. © Copyright 2012 iWare Logic Technologies Pvt. Ltd. metricedge Data used for this demo Data: Incident data SLA data Work orders Support Engineer details Customer details Models Priority Escalation 14

15 www. © Copyright 2012 iWare Logic Technologies Pvt. Ltd. metricedge A Quick Recap… Single view of disparate data islands Extensible Data Model Availability of Data to other existing reporting tools 120+ reports, 60+ metrics, 20+ ETL mappings, 50+ DW tables and pre-built repository for various ITSM modules. Better performance of Reporting system allows reduced latency in decision making. Scheduling and alerts incorporated on various events. Support Available No extra license cost for ETL tool and DB. 15

16 www. © Copyright 2012 iWare Logic Technologies Pvt. Ltd. metricedge About iWare Logic iWareLogic is a notable player in the space of Oracle Applications. In-depth knowledge about Oracle Applications allows iWareLogic to deliver cutting-edge solutions in the areas of ERP, CRM, Business Intelligence, Business Integration, Infrastructure Management, Human Resources technology. MetricEdge is business intelligence (BI) tool seeks to give CIOs and senior IT executives a tactical advantage in the business arena. It delivers a full range of BI capabilities including interactive dashboards, full ad hoc, proactive intelligence and alerts, enterprise and financial reporting, real-time predictive intelligence etc. MetricEdge is built based on our years of experience in training, consulting and software implementations across the world in ITIL, COBIT, ISO 20000 and IT Management software implementations from mega vendors. For any queries, feel free to drop a mail to

17 www. © Copyright 2012 iWare Logic Technologies Pvt. Ltd. metricedge Contact Us iWare Logic Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Aditi Samruddhi, Baner, Pune, India - 411045 Email: Website:

18 www. © Copyright 2012 iWare Logic Technologies Pvt. Ltd. metricedge 18 Thank You

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