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[Company name + tagline] [Logo]

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Presentation on theme: "[Company name + tagline] [Logo]"— Presentation transcript:

1 [Company name + tagline] [Logo]
Executive Summary [Company name + tagline] [Logo] Nota: les membres du jury et de Cap Digital ayant accès aux dossiers déposés dans le cadre de l’appel à candidatures « SCALE UP » s’engagent à garder confidentielle toute information contenue en leur sein.

2 Contact information Company Address: Company Website: Contact Name: Contact Title: Contact Phone: Contact

3 Problem addressed What problem are you addressing?
Who is your target market? What solutions currently exist? What is wrong with them?

4 Solution developed Please concisely describe:
what your product or service is (software, hardware, SAAS, platform,…) what it does? who is it for? What are the features of your solution? What are the benefits of each feature?  How innovative are you? What makes you stand out from the competition?

5 Solution developed Key metrics:
Amount of money or time your client will save/earn with your product/service Average return on investment for your customers Amount of time needed to install your solution Number of years of research spent to develop your product 

6 Technological aspects
Technical aspects of your solution form factor functionality features architecture patents ….

7 Executive team Person Name, Title Brief biography
Will this person attend the acceleration program in the US? (y/n)

8 Financial statement 2011 2012 2013 2014 Revenues Capital stock
Capital stock Earning Before Interest & Tax (EBIT) Net operating result Fixed assets Equity capital Long term debts (>1 year) Working Capital Requirements (WCR) Workforce

9 Key facts Major indicators of company progress, both in the U.S. and Europe, such as Major Clients Significant number of customers reached / products sold Total funding to date

10 Additional information
Major Investors Board of Directors / Board of Advisors Anything else you feel strongly represents the growth of your company

11 Case studies Present a significant case study for your technology, as it is used in your target sector(s) If you already have references that you can mention, please add them here.

12 Finally What are your reasons for applying?
What is your experience to date in trying to access the US market? (missions you’ve already taken part in, potential partners you may have contacted,…)

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