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Investigation the effect of Fusarium toxins on wheat microelem content II. Sampling for preliminary measurements.

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Presentation on theme: "Investigation the effect of Fusarium toxins on wheat microelem content II. Sampling for preliminary measurements."— Presentation transcript:

1 Investigation the effect of Fusarium toxins on wheat microelem content II. Sampling for preliminary measurements

2 The wheat quality and consumer safety is threatened by Fusarium Head Blight (FHB) caused by i.e. Fusarium culmorum, F. graminearum and F. avenaceum. Diseased spikelets exhibit symptoms of premature bleaching shortly after infection.

3 Fusarium fungi are commonly found toxin-producing soil fungi The first symptoms of FHB occur shortly after flowering. Diseased spikelets exhibit premature bleaching as the pathogen grows and spreads within the head. If the anthers are infected just after their emergence, the fungus will colonize and kill the florets and kernels will not develop or are shriveled and wilted. Fusarium head blight can reduce the yield even by 50% and the infected kernels produce mycotoxins- fungal chemicals that are harmful to animals.

4 Visible effects of Fusarium sp. on wheat

5 I. Gathering wheat ears and flag leaves 17. 06. 2010. Kecskéstelep, Cereal Research Nonprofit Kht. The FHB disease is recorded most frequently under hot, wet climatic conditions.

6 I. Gathering wheat ears and flag leaves 17. 06. 2010. Kecskéstelep, Cereal Research Nonprofit Kht. 1. GK Mini Manó/Nobeokabozu wheat population (Prof. Mesterházy Ákos ) Genetic mapping population with 350 members. The Fusarium resistance is a complex, quantitavie character. Their aims is to develop lines with several resistance genes. After crossing, the progenies will be inbred to increase the homogenity (recombinant inbred lines)

7 Experiments with artificial Fusarium infection Cereal Research Nonprofit Kht. Prof. Mesterházy Ákos


9 17. 06. 2010. Kecskéstelep, Cereal Research Nonprofit Kht. 1. GK Mini Manó/Nobeokabozu wheat population (Prof. Mesterházy Ákos ) Four rows from each variety Selecting 5-5 sensitive and resistant varieties with green flag leaves

10 Wheat sampling 1. GK Mini Manó/Nobeokabozu population Plants were selected nearby the artificial inoculation

11 Wheat sampling 1. GK Mini Manó/Nobeokabozu population Resistant lines : 474, 484, 496, 502, 515

12 Wheat sampling 1. GK Mini Manó/Nobeokabozu population Sensitive lines : 415, 493, 500, 504, 518

13 I. Gathering wheat ears and flag leaves 17. 06. 2010. Kecskéstelep, Cereal Research Nonprofit Kht. Samples were taken from naturally infected plants. 2x5 heads with flag leaf and stem were packed, labeled and put immediatly on ice in a cooler box, later they were stored on -80 °C. From sensitive lines the more severely damaged heads were selected, from the resistant ones the green, healthy ones.

14 I. Gathering wheat ears and flag leaves 17. 06. 2010. Kecskéstelep, Cereal Research Nonprofit Kht. 2. Wheat parcels treated with fungicide R

15 Wheat sampling 2. Wheat parcels treated with fungicide cv. „R” were relative resistant

16 Wheat sampling 2. Wheat parcels treated with fungicide cv. „S” were relative sensitive SR

17 Wheat sampling 2. Wheat parcels treated with fungicide cv. „S” were relative sensitive ca. 50% of heads were infected

18 Wheat sampling 2. Wheat parcels treated with fungicide 10-10 more infected and visibly healthy spikelets were selected from both parcels. II. Seeds were harvested about 3 weeks later, in 07. 2010. from all wheat lines for investigations of element and toxin contents.

19 Thank you for your attention!


21 1. GK Mini Manó/Nobeokabozu genetic mapping population (Prof. Mesterházy Ákos ) Nobeokabozu: FHB resistant line A recombinant line from China: ‘WSY’, Wangshubai/Sumai3/Yangangfanzhou GK Mini Manó Arthur 71 / Sava // Rusalka / NS 171.2 /3/ F 30.74 Resistant line to e.g. leaf rust

22 Egyes gombák mikotoxinokat termelnek (pl. Fusarium sp.) A Fusarium toxinok eltérő módon, más-más életfolyamatra hatnak, pl.: gátolják a DNS- és fehérjeszintézist, sejtosztódásra hatnak, sejthalálhoz vezetnek, igen erős immunrendszer gátló. a lipidszintézist blokkolják, különösen a vese reagál érzékenyen, felborítják nemi hormonok egyensúlyát (Méh- és petefészek duzzadás, méh előreesés, abortálás gyakori következmény, pusztulás ritkán.) A hatásuk összeadódhat a szervezetben, hiszen több toxint tartalmazó étel vagy takarmány egyszerre több ponton támadhat.

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