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RSD Capital Update – January 2011

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1 RSD Capital Update – January 2011

2 Background Adopted in December 2008 Joint OPSB/BESE Plan
Over 200 community engagement meetings Technical Studies Demographic Study Building Assessments Standards Developed

3 Basis of Plan Elementary Schools --- PreK-8 ½ mile walking distance
50% of students from the neighborhood 50% of students outside of the neighborhood Students 160 sqft/student 3-5 Acres (New Acquisition)

4 Basis of Plan High Schools --- 9-12 City Wide
No neighborhood boundaries Students (Comprehensive) Students (Boutique) 180 sqft/student 10 Acres (New Acquisition)

5 Basis of Plan 2008 GCR Projection of Population for the School Year Low Projection Moderate Projection High Projection Population 372,683 383,641 404,420 Student Population 41,173 46,711 55,690 Planned for the Moderate Demographics are updated every 2 years Currently underway

6 Basis of Plan Community wanted school buildings to maximize public assets (joint use) Flexibility to reconfigure in the future Over 6600 seats in temporary facilities Modular Buildings Leased Spaces Phase1 is designed to create permanent seats

7 Master Plan Number of Students Impacted Maximum Building Capacity
Phase Elementary Schools High Schools Total 1 10,860 7,176 18,036 2 9,516 2,906 12,422 3 5,285 956 6,241 4 4,464 2,593 7,057 5 3,549 871 4,420 6 5,112 38,786 14,502 53,288

8 Master Plan Number of Projects Phase Elementary Schools High Schools
Total 1 21 9 30 2 16 6 22 3 10 4 7 5 8 68 19 87

9 SFMOP Type of Projects Phase New Renovations Total 1 19 11 30 2 13 9
22 3 5 4 6 8 44 43 87

10 Scheduling Criteria 5 High 4 Significant 3 Medium 2 Minor 1 Low
Rating Funding Environment Historical Capacity Location High Funding In Hand, Internal and External Cleared of FEMA issues Creates a complete school seats Area of the City that will allow for the demobilization of Modular Campus 4 Significant Internal Funding in Hand and External Commitments Immenent FEMA Issue Identified and Assesed with a process to follow Creates additional seats on a campus due to an addition 300 seats In an area of the City that does not have a permanent structure with capacity within 3 miles 3 Medium Internal Funding Identified and External Commitments Signed FEMA Issue Identified and working through the FEMA process Creates additional seats on a campus due to an addition 200 seats In an area of the City that does not have a permanent structure with capacity within 2 miles Minor External Commitment Identified FEMA Issue Identified Creates additional seats on a campus due to an addition 100 seats In an area of the City that does not have a permanent structure with capacity within 1 miles Low External Commitment Probable FEMA HOLD Does not create seats In an area of the City that does not have a permanent structure with capacity within . 5miles

11 Construction Status Cash Flow FY ‘08 -- $133 Million
FY’ $170 Million Projected

12 Construction Status Program Schedule --- Major Projects

13 Construction Status Program Financial – Major Projects




17 Stabilization Projects--Active
Roof Removal and Replacement at Drew Elementary School Waterproofing Exterior Masonry at McDonogh #15 Elementary School Repair of Auditorium Floor and School Roof at Live Oak Elementary School Renovation of Auditorium at O. Perry Walker Sr. High School Removal and Replacement of all Exterior Doors at Live Oak Elementary School Removal and Replacement of Exterior Windows and Doors at Schaumberg Elementary School Installation of Air Conditioning and Central Heat in the Annex Bldg at Schaumberg Elementary School Installation of Interior and Exterior Water Fountains at Schaumberg Elementary School Installation of Sinks in Classrooms at Schaumberg Elementary School Roof Repairs or Replacement from Hurricane Gustav: Gaudet, Eisenhower, Jackson, Habans, S. Williams, Henderson, Clark, Mc 42, Einstein, M. L King, Wicker, AP Turead, Mc 32, Harney, Mc 28 and Tubman

18 Stabilization Projects -- Completed
Roof Removal and Replacement at Martin Behrman Elementary School Roof Removal and Replacement at Henry Allen Elementary School Roof Removal and Replacement at John McDonogh Senior High Roof Removal and Replacement at Johnson Elementary School Roof Removal and Replacement at Dibert Elementary School Roof Removal and Replacement at Gentilly Terrace Elementary School Renovation of Play Yard at Sylvanie Williams Elementary School Repair of Auditorium Wall at Sarah T. Reed High School Structural Assessment at New Orleans Free School Demolition of Cottage at Andrew H. Wilson Elementary School Selective Replacement of HVAC Equipment at McDonogh #42 Elementary School Repair Roof and Interior Water Damage at Schwarz Alternative Replace Chillers at Schaumberg Elementary School Install a School Based Health Clinic at Walter L. Cohen High School Install a School Based Health Clinic Modular Building at Sarah T. Reed High School Replace Switchgear at Fredrick Douglas High School

19 Modular Projects Modular Structures at Langston Hughes Elementary School Removal of existing temporary modular structures and restoration to John F. Kennedy High School John F. Kennedy Modular Relocation The modular units, which are the former Langston Hughes Modular campus, will be relocated from John F. Kennedy High School to Abramson High School site, Schwarz Alternative Campus and Coghill Modular Campus. The units will be reassembled on the prepared sites. Holy Cross Modular Relocation Removal of temporary modular structures from John F. Kennedy High School to the former Abramson High School Site and reassemble on the prepared Abramson High School Site

20 Mothballing Projects -- Active
Safe and Secure buildings to the US Department of Interior Standards Remove sources of water intrusion, roof repairs Secure doors and access points on first floor (VPS System; Metal Doors) Provide ventilation/louvers for the ground floor and upper floor windows Hazard materials identification and removal Clean and remove debris from the site Historical Sites Augustine, Armstrong, Bell, Jones, Shaw, Jeff, Mondy, Hansberry, Haley

21 Demolitions Status 221 Buildings on 38 School Campuses Benefits
Including 71 portables on 19 sites removed, 2 pending 28 sites/ 104 buildings have been completed 1sites/11 buildings in demolition phase 3 sites/10 buildings in procurement phase 4 sites/22 buildings in design 1 site/1 bldg on hold Benefits Eliminates blight from neighborhoods trying to recover Reduces insurance cost ~ $100k - $150k per campus

22 Demolition Projects – Remaining Sites
George Washington Carver High Florence Chester Elementary Barbara Jordan Elementary Portables at Schwarz Fisk-Howard Elementary Thomy Lafon Elementary John F. Kennedy High Francis Gregory Jr. High Phillis Wheatley Elementary James Derham Jr. High Mary Church Terrell Elementary

23 Path Forward: DRAFT Timeline for Amendments to Master Plan
Phases: Sequence of Projects January 2011 RSD/OPSB Staff to review Demographic Data February 2011 Recommendations made to RSD/OPSB and State Superintendents March 2011 Presentation to OPSB Public Comments April 2011 OPSB and BESE vote on Recommendations

24 Path Forward: DRAFT Timeline for Amendments to Master Plan
Educational and Building Standards January 2011 Kick off meeting of National Consultants and Local Subject Matter Experts End of February 2011 Recommendations made to RSD/OPSB and State Superintendents March 2011 Presentation to OPSB Public Comments April 2011 OPSB and BESE vote on Recommendations

25 Path Forward: DRAFT Start of Phase 2
Project Schedule May 2011 Contracts brought to BESE for approval Summer 2011 Kick off of Community Engagement Meetings Fall 2014 Buildings Ready for Students

26 Questions ??? Questions??

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