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Fertile women and their sensitivity to male attractiveness in commercial interaction ( Karolien Driesmans)

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Presentation on theme: "Fertile women and their sensitivity to male attractiveness in commercial interaction ( Karolien Driesmans)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fertile women and their sensitivity to male attractiveness in commercial interaction ( Karolien Driesmans)

2 Zijn vrouwen in hun vruchtbare periode gevoeliger voor overtuiging door aantrekkelijke mannen?

3 -reclame -sales interacties - Word of mouth

4 Hormonal influences on women’s behavior pag. 4



7 Browner skin Narrower facial shape Less fat Fuller and more symmetrical lips Darker eye brows More and darker lashes Upper half of the face broader in relation to the lower Higher cheek bones Prominent lower jaw More prominent chin No receding brows Thinner lids No wrinkles between nose and corner of the mouth


9 Mate attraction tactics Mate attraction goal active Fertility Looking for potential mates Increased sensitivity to male attractiveness Increased persuasive strength of attractive males?

10 These findings suggest that around ovulation women are more receptive to stimuli that highlight the qualities of potential mates. Do these results also hold in a marketing context? Are fertile women (compared to non-fertile women) more sensitive to and more persuaded by specific types of men (symmetric, masculine, tall, dominant) in personal sales encounters, advertisements or word of mouth ?



13 menstrual lutteal

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