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A. Poffijn (FANC/UGent) Santander July 05 Radon exposure vs exposure to other sources of ionising radiation Content General distribution Man-made sources.

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Presentation on theme: "A. Poffijn (FANC/UGent) Santander July 05 Radon exposure vs exposure to other sources of ionising radiation Content General distribution Man-made sources."— Presentation transcript:

1 A. Poffijn (FANC/UGent) Santander July 05 Radon exposure vs exposure to other sources of ionising radiation Content General distribution Man-made sources Natural sources

2 A. Poffijn (FANC/UGent) Exposure from radiation sources General

3 A. Poffijn (FANC/UGent) Exposure from radiation sources Man-made

4 A. Poffijn (FANC/UGent) Medical exposure

5 A. Poffijn (FANC/UGent) Radiology X-ray diagnostics In Belgium: 1200 X-ray examinations per year per 1000 (Unscear: 920) Average effective dose: 1,78 mSv/y (Unscear: 1,2) CT: 0,96 mSv/y

6 A. Poffijn (FANC/UGent) Exposure from radiation sources Natural

7 A. Poffijn (FANC/UGent) Radon in the domestic environment (I) General

8 A. Poffijn (FANC/UGent) Radon in the domestic environment (II) Reference levels

9 A. Poffijn (FANC/UGent) Radon in the domestic environment (III) Sources (BE)

10 A. Poffijn (FANC/UGent) Radon in the domestic environment (IV) Risk mapping (BE) Indicative map (Rn- south > Rn-north) Radon survey in 10000 homes in Southern Belgium Geo-statistical analysis General risk map

11 A. Poffijn (FANC/UGent)

12 Radon at work (I) Reference levels Directive 96/29/Euratom Enhanced exposure to natural radiation cannot be neglected from R.P. Work activities Radon at work NORM Aviation exposure

13 A. Poffijn (FANC/UGent) Radon at work (II) Categories of workplaces (BE) All underground workplaces (mushroom galleries and visitor caves included) Facilities for water production, treatment and distribution Workplaces at ground level in radon risk areas as defined for homes Any other type of work place as defined by the FANC

14 A. Poffijn (FANC/UGent) ??? General distribution of radiation burden: What is the (best) way of presenting national data (population weighted,...) Radon mapping : What is the (best) way for presenting data in view of a combination at an international level? (average, geomean, percentage,…)

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