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Reducing the Risk of Heat Illness

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Presentation on theme: "Reducing the Risk of Heat Illness"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reducing the Risk of Heat Illness
Provided by: Andreini & Company

2 What’s the big deal? It’s a fact: Heat illness can kill you. As the outdoor temperature climbs, so does your risk of heat illness. On average, more Americans die annually from heat related causes than from tornadoes, earthquakes and floods combined. During hot weather, it’s up to you take the simple steps we’ll outline today to help protect yourself.

3 What causes heat illness?
Heat illness occurs when your body keeps in more heat than it loses and your temperature rises. You are at greater risk of heat illness when you: Are dehydrated. Dehydration is your worst enemy during hot weather. Are not used to working in the heat. • Are in poor health. • Have had heat illness before

4 Symptoms of heat illness
- Discomfort - Excessive sweating - Headache - Poor concentration - Muscle pain - Cramping - Dizziness - Fatigue - Irritability - Loss of coordination - Throwing-up - Blurry vision - Confusion - Lack of sweating - Rise in heart rate - Fainting - Seizures, and possible death, if person is not removed from the source of the heat stress

5 Symptoms of heat illness
It’s important to recognize heat-related illnesses and symptoms, and how to treat them. Types of heat illness include: Heat cramps – most common Heat exhaustion – more serious than heat cramps Heat stroke – most serious, can be life-threatening

6 Symptoms of heat illness
Heat Cramps Muscle spasms in the arms, legs or stomach that typically occur after work or when relaxing Caused by heavy sweating, especially when water is not replaced quickly enough Can be painful, but usually does not cause permanent damage Heat Cramps Prevention/First Aid • Drink an electrolyte solution, such as Gatorade, along with plenty of water • Eat fruits to help with hydration • Contact your supervisor immediately if you or a co-worker becomes ill

7 Symptoms of heat illness
Heat Exhaustion Results from loss of fluid through sweating and from not drinking enough replacement fluids. Bodies internal temperature system is overworked, but not completely shut down Symptoms include extreme weakness or fatigue, nausea, headache, heavy sweating, etc. Heat Exhaustion Prevention/First Aid Move person to cool location, fan them or apply wet cloths Have them drink an electrolyte drink, such as Gatorade, along with plenty of water Contact a supervisor immediately if you or a co-worker becomes ill

8 Symptoms of heat illness
Heat Stroke Body has depleted its supply of water and salt May first experience cramps or heat exhaustion; can be mistaken as a heart attack • Symptoms include high core temperature, absence of sweating, flushed skin, dizziness, headache, nausea or vomiting; advanced symptoms include seizures or convulsions, and loss of consciousness Heat Stroke Prevention/First Aid Lowering the persons temperature is vital; move them to a cool location, fan them, and/or apply wet cloths until medical personnel arrive; If conscious, have them drink an electrolyte drink, such as Gatorade, along with plenty of water Call 911 and contact a supervisor immediately

9 Prevention: The best medicine
Your two best defenses against the heat are: Getting out of the sun or finding a cool resting place when you are starting to overheat and need to cool down. Drinking cool, fresh water throughout the day (four 8-oz cups per hour) during hot weather. That is how much water your body loses just by sweating. Don’t wait until you are thirsty to drink!

10 Prevention: Do’s and Don’ts
Know the location of your closest drinking water supplies. Choose water over soda and other drinks containing caffeine or sugar. Never drink alcohol to hydrate. The more alcohol you drink, even beer, the more dehydrated you will get. Always know who and how to call for help when you start a new work day. Wear light-colored, lightweight clothing and sunglasses, and apply sunscreen. Keep track of your coworkers. You all need to watch out for each other. If anyone looks ill, check them out. Tell your supervisor immediately if you think you are getting sick from the heat.

11 Prevention: Do’s and Don’ts
If you are new to working in the heat, tell your supervisor. It’s important to adjust gradually to working during your first two weeks of hot weather work. Get your doctor’s advice if you know you have risk factors for heat illness, such as: illnesses, like diabetes taking medications or over-the-counter drugs being on a low-salt diet

12 Our safety promise If you are working in hot weather conditions, guarantees you: Access to fresh, cool drinking water throughout the work day. Access to shade or an equally cool spot for 5 minutes at a time to rest and cool down. Training on how to work safely in the heat, including how to call for emergency services if someone is overcome by the heat.

13 Questions? Regardless of the outdoor temperature, your safety is always our top concern. For more information about preventing heat illness or other safety concerns, consult with your supervisor! Sources: Cal/OSHA; U.S. Department of Labor Fact Sheet No. OSHA This presentation is for reference use only and is not intended as legal or medical advice.

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