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HEALTH BROKERS IN ROTTERDAM TARGET DISTRICTS Structure of this presentation:  Goal – to improve perceived health  Change of mentality  Short analysis.

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Presentation on theme: "HEALTH BROKERS IN ROTTERDAM TARGET DISTRICTS Structure of this presentation:  Goal – to improve perceived health  Change of mentality  Short analysis."— Presentation transcript:

1 HEALTH BROKERS IN ROTTERDAM TARGET DISTRICTS Structure of this presentation:  Goal – to improve perceived health  Change of mentality  Short analysis of the deprived districts  Different approach (from top down to bottom up)  Results so far

2 HEALTH BROKERS IN ROTTERDAM TARGET DISTRICTS  6 districts, 2 health brokers  Period: 2011 – 2014  Goal program Working Together on Good Health: 10% improvement of the perceived health in at least 2 out of 6 districts

3 WHY PERCEIVED HEALTH?  Measurement is possible in a short term (unlike healthy life expectancy)  It is an overall effect measure  Perceived health is a good predictor of future health  The programm puts people in the districts in the center  But most important reason:  How people feel determines the extent to which people participate in society => bridging to a socially and economically stronger Rotterdam

4 10% IMPROVEMENT OF THE PERCEIVED HEALTH HOW ??? This is a large number of people! => Change of mentality Residents have to take responsability for their own health

5 CHANGE OF MENTALITY Not only of the residents but also of the professionals, policy staff and decision makers civilian power! Professionals, policymakers support and facilitate citizen initiative They have to let go!

6 GOAL AND APPROACH OF THE HEALTH BROKERS  3900 residents are working on health improvement within voluntary organizations at the end of 2013 precondition:  Professionals and policymakers have confidence in the plans of citizens and help citizens to perform So we are working on an shift in thinking => process approach (not just a bunch of projects!)

7 BOTTUM UP AND TOP DOWN ↑ Healthbrokers support and facilitate ideas of citizens and partners in de district ↓ Healthbrokers make connections and ensure cooperation between other programms in Rotterdam such as - Beweegkracht Rotterdam - Full Engagement - Zichtbaar Actief They look for chances !

8 3 districts in borough Feijenoord, Rotterdam

9 Some figures of the target districts (1) Age: Afrikaanderwijk 0-19 29% 20-64 61% 64+ 10% Hillesluis 0-19 29% 20-64 63% 64+ 8% Bloemhof 0-19 27% 20-64 64% 64+ 9% Inhabitants: Afrikaanderwijk 9014 Hillesluis 10721 Bloemhof 13713 Depression Afrikaanderwijk 22 % Hillesluis 16 % Bloemhof 20 % Population density: Afrikaanderwijk 188 Hillesluis 121 Bloemhof 172

10 Some figures of 3 target districts? (2) Ethnic composition of the population: Afrikaanderwijk: 34% Turkish; 14% Moroccan; 14% Dutch, 11% Surinamese etc. Hillesluis: 30% Turkish, 18% Dutch, 14% Moroccan, 13% Surinamese etc. Bloemhof: 27% Dutch; 26% Turkish, 11% Surinamese, 10% Moroccan etc.

11 Our work in three of the target districts (1) The health broker asks the residents how they think health can be improved !  We asked residents how they perceive health  We asked resident organisations what they think is the best way to improve health and what they think they could do themselves to improve health in the district

12 OUTCOME 1: TRAIN THE TRAINER  Active residents in 2 of the districts (Bloemhof and Hillesluis) want professionals to train them so that they can give knowledge to other residents (knock-on effect)

13 EXAMPLES TRAIN THE TRAINER  Womans platform Bloemhof: weight loss together  District sport club for 40+: Feijenoord Beweegt (Feijenoord Moves)  Ambassadors Stressles(s):

14 OUTCOME 2: VOLUNTARY ORGANISATIONS WORK ON HEALTH IMPROVEMENT Voluntary organisations in Afrikaanderwijk say: We are experts, we know how to reach people, we know the problems of the people, we know how to make them feel well They organize : Afri Olympic Games for all ages Evening walk together (5 km, all ages) (Yes, I can My Wijk) Fusball-tournaments (also girl teams) Medication checks Meetings for health education etc.


16 PRELIMINARY CONCLUSIONS  Experimental bottom up approach seems to work  Health has become more an issue for inhabitants of the 3 districts  Health has also become more an issue for professionals and policymakers in Feijenoord


18 Samen Werken aan een Goede Gezondheid UITGANGSPUNTEN Inwoners in wijken Rotterdam centraal:  SWGG focust op ervaren gezondheid  SWGG gaat uit van de mens in context  SWGG vertrekt vanuit gezondheid, niet ziekte  SWGG versterkt eigen kracht, neemt niet over  SWGG steunt eigen initiatief Positionering gezondheid:  SWGG benadert gezondheid als doel én als middel  SWGG creëert bewustwording en agendeert gezondheid  SWGG doet decentraal wat kan, centraal wat moet  SWGG zet in op duurzame gezondheid

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