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Data Management Student Information System
Project Overview
Outline Introduction Data Management Objectives Project Goals
SIS Selection Process Project Time Line Advisory Committee Project Team
Introduction The First Nation Student Success Program (FNSSP) supports the development of school success planning, student learning assessments and performance measurement in individual First Nation schools. The FNSSP is an initiative that supports First Nation schools on reserve in their ongoing efforts to respond to their students’ needs and improve student and school results.
Database Management The Database Management component will enhance and support the collection and analysis of data on student and school performance which is critical to a school’s ability to advance and track student achievement. It allows schools to set targets and monitor results and report to parents and communities on how students are doing. Data includes the day-to-day record keeping of students, grades, results of standardized testing and other academic assessments, including attendance.
Objectives Streamline the school administrative tasks:
Easy to access student information Attendance Grades Academic history Demographics Discipline Contact information Health information Standard testing information
Objectives (Cont’d) Streamline the management and aggregate data reporting tasks: Nominal Roll Special Education Monthly attendance rates Graduation rates Drop-out rates Literacy test results Numeracy test results
Objectives (Cont’d) Have rule-specific access to data management modules. Have a Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) and OCAP compliant structure. Reduced requests from the Education Director’s office for student information. Maintain student confidentiality while providing access to staff members.
Objectives (Cont’d) Configure system to schools’ unique specifications: Teachers Scoped to Life-Long learning School information Courses Students Report cards Federal and provincial reporting Additional modules as required for facilities, busing, scheduling, etc.
Project Goals The goals of the project to implement a Student Information System (SIS) are: Implement a single SIS across all First Nations schools in Manitoba. Implement a centralized repository for data management and reporting purposes. Provide school-based and aggregate reporting to education authorities, schools, students, parents, the province of Manitoba, and Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC). Facilitate school improvement through data-driven decision making. Implement a SIS that reflects the Provincial standard for learning outcomes. Streamline school administrative tasks. Reduce requests from the Education Director’s office for student information. Maintain student confidentiality Configure SIS for schools’ unique specifications.
SIS Selection Process Project documented 317 requirements for SIS
including: Assessment Attendance Demographics Discipline Health Scheduling Special Education Gradebook/Transcripts Reporting
SIS Selection Process (Cont’d)
RFP was sent to 6 potential vendors: Maplewood Mayet (partnered with Protegra) Dadavan Trevlac HARTS Orion Software (partnered with Pearson)
SIS Selection Process (Cont’d)
Based on how well the vendors’ met the requirements, each solution was scored and totaled. Vendors with the 3 highest score were short listed to demonstrate their solution. Mayet Maplewood Dadavan
SIS Selection Process (Cont’d)
Based on vendor demonstrations, each solution will be scored according to functionality, ease of use, and suitability of product. The vendor/solution with the highest score will be selected.
Addressing School Assessments
Technical Assessment Hardware, network, and connectivity Provide best practices and recommended upgrades/enhancements Work with school to determine equipment needs/upgrades
Training Staff Skill Assessment
Assess school staff computer skills and create customized training Provide training on Maplewood, MS Office, and general computer skills to school staff and teachers on ongoing basis. Provide training materials and Maplewood reference material in mulitple formats: hard copy, online, and Captivate demos.
Support Information Worker Service Desk
Data Management will provide funding for an Information Worker for each community. The Information Worker is under the supervision of the Director of Education. The Information Worker is responsible for local administrative and system support of the implementation of the Student Information System (not technical support). Service Desk The MFNERC has a Service Desk for Data Management that is available to answer any technical or software questions regarding Maplewood.
Milestones Achieved Year 1 Year 2 Vendor Demonstrations
Nov 25-26, 2009 NA Select SIS Vendor Dec 8, 2009 Customize SIS as Required Complete In Progress School Training and Technology Assessments Conduct Training on SIS for all school staff Pending Configure SIS Security Configure Report Formats Install Required Hardware in Schools Upgrade Internet Bandwidth as Required Data Conversion/Testing Go Live Date Sept 2010 Sept 2011
Year 1 Schools Communtiy School Bunibonibee Cree Nation
1972 Memorial School Oxford House Elementary School Fisher River Cree Nation Charles Sinclair School Opaskwayak Cree Nation Joe A. Ross School Sagkeeng First Nation Sagkeeng Anicinabe Community School Sagkeeng Anicinabe High School Sagkeeng Consolidated School Tataskweyak Cree Nations Chief Sam Cook Mahmuwee Education Centre Wasagamack First Nations George Knott School Waywayseecappo First Nations Waywayseecappo Community School
Year 2 Schools Community School Cross Lake First Nation
Mikisew Middle School Otter Nelson River School Fox Lake First Nation Fox Lake Native Spiritual School Sapotaweyak Cree Nation Neil Dennis Kematch Memorial School Brokenhead Ojibway First Nation Sargent Tommy Price Opaskwayak Cree Nation Oscar Lathlin Memorial School Keeseekoowenin First Nation Keeseekoowenin School O-Chi-Chak-Ko-Sipi First Nation Donald Ahmo School Sandy Bay Ojibway First Nation Isaac Beaulieu Memorial School God's Lake Narrows First Nation God’s Lake Narrows First Nations School
Advisory Committee Purpose: Assist with SIS vendor selection
Assist with creating policies and procedures regarding data management/storage/access for SIS Develop governance policies
Project Team Howard Burston – Project Sponsor
Paul Scott – Project Manager Jason Bailey – System Administrator Gary Page – Senior Trainer/Technical Writer Chris Guimond – School Trainer Adam Dyck – School Trainer Jonathan McKenzie – Technician Harvey Wastasecoot – Technician Michael Laferriere – Technician Theo Baschak - Technician Conrad Beck – Service Desk Giselle Morriseau – Administrative Assistant
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