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Sea Island Cotton Production in Antigua and Barbuda

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1 Sea Island Cotton Production in Antigua and Barbuda
By Jedidiah Maxime and Lesroy Grant 25th January, 2011

2 OUTLINE Production (History,Status of crop,Projections for crop,Challenges) By Maxime Ginnery(Gins,Building,Bales, Challenges) By Grant Conclusion

3 HISTORY Cotton production commenced around 1903
Commercial production began 1907(2000 acres) 1920 production decreased production increased

4 HISTORY- Cont’d 1950-1960 further production increase (5,958 acres)
Late 1960’s significant decline present production fluctuates annually with cotton produced by ADC, Cotton Station and small farmers.

5 STATUS OF 2010/2011 CROP 9 acres currently under cultivation at Central Cotton Station .Harvesting to commence by Feb ,000 lbs lint expected 40 acres currently under cultivation at ADC. 14,000 lbs lint expected.

6 PROJECTIONS FOR 2011/2012 CROP ADC 100 acres
Central Cotton Station 20 acres Small farmers acres Total expected Yield Seed cotton ,000lbs Lint ,000 lbs

7 CHALLENGES Weather conditions ( wet) affected land preparation and other mechanical activities Harvesting of crop - Lack of skilled pickers Land availability for cotton production – Competition with land for housing

8 GINNERY State of Gins 3 Gins currently working efficiently and are capable to gin quantities projected

9 GINNERY (Cont’d) Building-In a state of disrepair

10 GINNERY-Cont’d Bales of Lint for marketing( 28 Bales)

11 CHALLENGES State of the Building Cost price for Lint
Frequency of purchase of Lint from Antigua and Barbuda.

12 CONCLUSION Government is committed to cotton production in Antigua and Barbuda Budgetary allocations are made for the seed multiplication, production and distribution programme and ginning of cotton seeds

13 CONCLUSION –Cont’d Support to cotton farmers are provided by the Extension Division and Cotton Station Options of Crop Improvement would be explored for the revitalization and viability of the cotton industry.

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