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Speeding It Up at the USPTO July 2013 July 23, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Speeding It Up at the USPTO July 2013 July 23, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Speeding It Up at the USPTO July 2013 July 23, 2013

2 Speeding Up Searching

3 New Global Patent Search Network New Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC)

4 Global Patent Search Network New Global Patent Search Network –Cooperation of United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) of the Peoples Republic of China. –Search Chinese Patent Documents in Chinese or English (2008-2011) –Available at

5 Global Patent Search Network




9 Speeding Up Searching For a Good Patent Search You Need to Find the Right Class –United States Patent Classification (USPC)- hard –International Patent Classification (IPC)- difficult IPC too many patents in a group to review

10 Speeding Up Searching

11 Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) will allow you to perform a single classification search across multiple patent offices Joint (Global) Classification System Based on the European Classification system (ECLA) –More granular than the International Patent Classification (IPC) system ECLA about 140,000 Entries CPC about 200,000 Entries CPC is International Patent Classification (IPC) Compliant Participants –EPO –USPTO –Korean Patent Office (KIPO) –China (SIPO)

12 Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) Now Implemented in the USPTO (January 1, 2013) –2 Year Transition Newly filed US applications ("A" publications) will be classified in the USPC and the CPC US patent grants ("B" publications) will be classified in either the USPC or the USPC and the CPC CPC symbols will be printed on the front page, next to the IPC and USPC symbols. –By January 1, 2015- USPTO will exclusively classify CPC (but will keep IPC)

13 Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) Sections IPC CPC Classes Subclasses Groups Subgroups A01B33/08 A 01 B 33(/00) 08

14 Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) Sections –A: Human Necessities –B: Operations and Transport –C: Chemistry and Metallurgy –D: Textiles –E: Fixed Constructions –F: Mechanical Engineering –G: Physics –H: Electricity

15 Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC)

16 Speeding It Up at the USPTO July 23, 2013 Copyright 2013 Woodard, Emhardt, Moriarty, McNett & Henry LLP

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