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Linux-oefening Operationele Aspecten van Besturingssystemen Prof. Koen De Bosschere ir. Ronny Blomme.

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Presentation on theme: "Linux-oefening Operationele Aspecten van Besturingssystemen Prof. Koen De Bosschere ir. Ronny Blomme."— Presentation transcript:

1 Linux-oefening Operationele Aspecten van Besturingssystemen Prof. Koen De Bosschere ir. Ronny Blomme

2 Overzicht  Doelstelling van deze oefening  Installatie van Linux  Beheer van Linux  Oefening in de PC-klas

3 Doel van deze oefening  Besturingssystemen in de praktijk  Systeembeheer  Unix vs Windows  Gebruik makend van VMware

4 Voorbereiding  Hardware Compatibility List  Free Disk space?  Workstation: 2 GB  Server: 2.1 GB  Personal desktop: 1.5 GB  Custom: 400MB tot 4.5 GB

5 VMware  Intel vs AMD processor  PCklas B: Persistent disk  PCklas A: Non-persistent disk  NAT

6 Installatiemethode  Bootable CDROM  Bootfloppy + CDROM  Bootfloppy + netwerk (nfs, ftp, http)  Unattended: kickstart  Linux Customization Guide

7 Disk-Partities  fdisk / disk druid  Partition Fields  Device /dev/sda1  Size 110 MB  Type ext3  Mount Point /boot

8 Filesystem Type  ext2  ext3:  software RAID  swap  VFAT: Windows 95/NT (long filenames)

9 Filesystem structure /dev/etc/lib /mnt/opt/proc /sbin/usr/var /home

10 Boot Loader  LILO / GRUB  The master boot record (MBR)  The MBR is a special area on your hard drive that is automatically loaded by your computer's BIOS, and is the earliest point at which the boot loader can take control of the boot process.  The first sector of your root partition  Recommended if you are already using another boot loader on your system / NT bootloader

11 Firewall: iptables packetfilter FW DMZ LAN Internet

12 NIS domain  vergelijk: Active Directory  database van network-resources  Master/slave servers - “replication”  LDAP (lightweight directory access protocol)

13 Accounts  root: vergelijk Administrator  standard users: bin adm nobody...  users: user private group (UPG) scheme  /etc/passwd: uid, gid  /etc/shadow: encrypted password  /etc/group (vs logingroup)

14 Home directory / Profile  info in /etc/passwd  /home/ (op fileserver?)  Profiel:  displaygebonden profiel (vs roaming)  onder homedirectory (vs afzonderlijke profiledirectory)  ~/.kde en ~/Desktop

15 Permissions  user, group, others (ugo)  files: read, write, execute (rwx)  directories: x=browse, w=create/delete  UPG scheme (RedHat):  User Private Group  umask 002 (u= rw-, g= rw-, o= r-- )  setgid bit on group-directories

16 Boot-sequentie  BIOS (ROM)  MBR: load the bootloader (LILO)  /etc/lilo.conf : boot linux kernel /boot/vmlinuz-  start the init process  /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit  /etc/inittab  /etc/rc.d/init.d bootscripts

17 Run Levels: /etc/inittab 0 : Halt 1 : Single-user mode 2 : Not used (user-definable) 3 : Full multi-user mode 4 : Not used (user-definable) 5 : Full multi-user mode (with an X-based login screen) 6 : Reboot

18 Bootscripts  Bijvoorbeeld runlevel 5: /etc/rc.d/rc5.d K01pppoe ->../init.d/pppoe K05innd ->../init.d/innd K10ntpd ->../init.d/ntpd K15httpd ->../init.d/httpd... S05kudzu ->../init.d/kudzu S06reconfig ->../init.d/reconfig S08ipchains ->../init.d/ipchains S10network ->../init.d/network...

19 RedHat Package management  rpm commando

20 Process management  ps (pid, ppid)  top  kill  renice (scheduling priority)

21 Niet in deze oefening...  NFS / SAMBA  SSH / Kerberos  Automated tasks: cron  BIND / Sendmail  Webserver: Apache  Kernel-configuratie ...

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