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11/1/2005StreetTIVO Arjen P. de Vries

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Presentation on theme: "11/1/2005StreetTIVO Arjen P. de Vries"— Presentation transcript:

1 11/1/2005StreetTIVO Arjen P. de Vries

2 11/1/2005StreetTIVO N5: Semantic Access Main goal: –Improve search system engineering efficiency Approach: –Given Declarative specification of collection, background information, and context Declarative specification of retrieval model –Generate a parameterised search system

3 11/1/2005StreetTIVO Collection + Search Strategy  System

4 11/1/2005StreetTIVO TRECVID example A query –//VideoSegment[ about(./transcript, “airplane taking off”) and about(./keyframe, airplane-in-sky.jpg)] and a retrieval model specification … [avg( [log((0.9*psd(s,d)) + (0.1*ps(s))) | s<$NSamples]) | d<$NDocs ] …

5 11/1/2005StreetTIVO Spiegle Prototype Retrieval model specification (RAM) + Collection schema (XML) + Cirquid XML-IR (TIJAH) + MonetDB/XQuery

6 11/1/2005StreetTIVO Waterland Demo Demonstration system querying “De Digitale Voorziening” at the Dutch broadcasters MonetDB/ XQuery TIJAH 4 VIDEO (IR engine) NEXI.cgi

7 11/1/2005StreetTIVO

8 11/1/2005StreetTIVO let $NEXI_QUERY:="//segment[about(.,metro)]" let $ranking := doc(fn:concat($NEXI_CGI,$NEXI_QUERY)) let $vids := distinct-values($ranking//Result/@docID) let $vranking := element Vranking { for $v in $vids let $vshots := $ranking//Result[@docID=$v] let $vscore := for $f in $vshots/@score return $f cast as xs:double let $MAXvscore := max($vscore) let $MINvscore := min($vscore) order by $MAXvscore descending return element Vid { attribute id {$v}, attribute score {$MAXvscore}, for $s in $vshots[@score > $MINvscore] return $s } TIJAH’s NEXI query language ~ XPath+about MonetDB/XQuery to present result fragments grouped by video

9 11/1/2005StreetTIVO Golden demo “A demo not seen anywhere else” Co-operation between projects: N1: Multimedia Features Twente, UvA, Delft N3: Ambient Data Management CWI, Philips, Twente N5: Semantic Access CWI, Twente

10 11/1/2005StreetTIVO PVR + MultimediaN Features Teletekst ASR (automatic speech recognition) Scene- and/or shot-segmentation Detecting repeated objects Tracking a library of famous people [your fav “detector” here…] + Information Retrieval

11 11/1/2005StreetTIVO Idea: P2P  Collaborative Multimedia Indexing Work distribution Result exchange Fault tolerance Challenge: feature detection takes long time

12 11/1/2005StreetTIVO CWI Seed farm 10 workstations

13 11/1/2005StreetTIVO Work distribution Result exchange Fault tolerance AmbientDB StreetTIVO aims for the world-wide MythTV community (starting in NL). Scalability and robustness! CWI Seed farm 10 workstations

14 11/1/2005StreetTIVO StreetTIVO Architecture StreetTIVO module Multimedia Feature Detection AmbientDB P2P database TIJAH 4 VIDEO (IR engine) XQuery/embedded SOAP/XQuery Extending the search functionality corresponds to installing a new detector and updating the TIJAH 4 VIDEO XQuery queries

15 11/1/2005StreetTIVO Key Persons Thijs Westerveld (CWI) Multimedia search Matthijs Mourits (CWI) mythTV boxes Jennie Zhang (CWI) P2P data management Djoerd Hiemstra (CTIT) TIJAH Roeland Ordelman (CTIT) ASR (Dutch) YOUR NAME IS WELCOME HERE!!!

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