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Communicating Christ in a Complex World. The Post-everything culture: 1)Post - 911 2) Post - denominational 3) Post - Christian 4) Post - modernity.

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Presentation on theme: "Communicating Christ in a Complex World. The Post-everything culture: 1)Post - 911 2) Post - denominational 3) Post - Christian 4) Post - modernity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communicating Christ in a Complex World

2 The Post-everything culture: 1)Post - 911 2) Post - denominational 3) Post - Christian 4) Post - modernity

3 What is the real issue? Accomodation? Contextualization?

4 1.What is post-modernism? Definition: A broad, diverse and often paradoxical emerging culture defined as having passed through modernity and being ready to move to something better beyond it. An umbrella term for an attitude and approach to life, not a single identifiable philosophy or style. - Sweet – A is for Abductive

5 2.Core Values of the Post- Everything U.S. Culture a)Pluralistic - skeptical of certainty b)Deconstructive - sensitive to context c)Nihilistic - life has little value or purpose d)Globally connected - yet isolated e) Polarized – yet highly prize community f)Color blind – ethnic diversity is the norm

6 2.Core Values of the Post- Everything U.S. Culture g)Materialistic – yet value the spiritual h)Technologically astute – relationally stilted How would the culture respond to the idea of visiting one of our churches?

7 Perhaps not unlike you or I taking our family to visit a Muslim mosque, Jewish synagogue or Hindu temple?

8 2.Core Values of the Post- Everything U.S. Culture Considering the previous – what are the spiritual felt-needs of our culture and what are the natural bridges for the gospel story to meet those felt- needs?

9 Characteristics of post-modern church culture* – a)Communication: From Print to Cultural Transmission b)History: From Ahistorical to Tradition c)Theology: From Propositionalism to Narrative d)Apologetics: From Rationalism to Embodiment * Webber- Younger Evangelicals

10 Characteristics of post-modern church culture e)Ecclesiology: From Invisible to Visible f)Being Church: From Market to Mission g)Pastors: From Power to Servanthood h)Youth Ministers: From Parties to Prayer i)Educators: From Information to Formation

11 Characteristics of post-modern church culture j)Spiritual Formation: From Legalism to Freedom k)Worship Leaders: From Program to Narrative l)Artists: From Constraint to Expression m)Evangelists: from Rallies to Relationships n)Activists: From Theory to Action

12 Necessary Changes in How We Do Ministry* - 1)From Living in the Past to Engaging with the Present 2) From Market Driven to Mission Oriented 3) From Bureaucratic Hierarchies to Apostolic Networks 4)From Schooling Professionals to Mentoring Leaders 5) From Following Celebrities to Encountering Saints *Gibbs- Quantum Changes in How We Do Ministry

13 Necessary Changes in How We Do Ministry* - 6) From Dead Orthodoxy to Living Faith 7) From Attracting a Crowd to Seeking the Lost 8)From Belonging to Believing 9)From Generic Congregations to Incarnational Communities *Gibbs- Quantum Changes in How We Do Ministry

14 6.Focus on one aspect: EPIC - From does it make sense? to was it a good experience? a)Experiential – b)Participatory – c)Interactive (Word to Image) d)Communal –

15 Our Challenge – Non-negotiables in communicating the Word of God Primacy of Christ Authority of the Scriptures

16 Myths Concerning Communication (Kraft – Communication Theory) 1. Hearing the gospel with ones ear is equivalent to being reached 2. All people need to bring them to Christ is to be exposed to hearing or reading the Bible 3. Preaching is Gods ordained means of communicating the gospel

17 4. The sermon is an effective vehicle for bringing about life change 5. There is one best way to communicate the gospel Myths Concerning Communication:

18 God s Chosen Way of Communicating – Incarnational Witness God chose to communicate his love through the incarnation The more relationship the less resistance to challenges of existing presuppositions The best witness is one that is lived out among the hearers

19 Sensitivity to the Holy Spirit is key to effective incarnational witness – Why? Complex nature of conversion requires spontaneity & innovation He knows the condition of the human heart

20 He brings the conviction essential for hearers to hear the truth Only He can effectively mediate the mystery of the gospel Sensitivity to the Holy Spirit is key to effective incarnational witness – Why?

21 In what ways have the principles in this session helped you to think about contextualizing the gospel in the complex cultures of a post-everything world?

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