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4 October 2001 SEESCOASEESCOA STWW - Programma Software Engineering for Embedded Systems using a Component-Oriented Approach Vergadering Gebruikerscommissie.

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Presentation on theme: "4 October 2001 SEESCOASEESCOA STWW - Programma Software Engineering for Embedded Systems using a Component-Oriented Approach Vergadering Gebruikerscommissie."— Presentation transcript:

1 4 October 2001 SEESCOASEESCOA STWW - Programma Software Engineering for Embedded Systems using a Component-Oriented Approach Vergadering Gebruikerscommissie

2 SEESCOASEESCOA Agenda u14:00 Introduction u14:10 The component composer tool: David Urting u15:00 The component architecture: Werner Van Belle u15:30 Pauze u16:00 Component-based UI development: Karin Koninckx u16:30 An external debugger component: Mark Christiaens u17:00 Component-oriented design of common test case: Michiel Ronsse u17:30 Conclusion

3 SEESCOASEESCOA General methodology: case driven SEESCOA is generic, conceptual basic research. All developed software is to be considered as proof-of-concept. Innovative method for component-based software- development for ES, supported by General purpose of project ua notation for component modeling, with emphasis on RT aspects, memory and power consumption, and supported by a development environment ua component architecture and method ua generic architecture for the realization of user interfaces for ES uimproving the observability of the dynamic behavior of ES (debugging, profiling)

4 SEESCOASEESCOA WP 7: final validation (second case study) WP 7: final validation (second case study) Overview project WP 1 WP6: Coordination and project management WP2: component modeling WP3: component architecture WP4: user interfaces WP5: debugging 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48

5 SEESCOASEESCOA Tasks in previous months (16-24) uT 2.3: Component composer and static verification tools uT 3.3: Refinement of component architecture by the integration of other experiences uT 3.4: Design of the common test case uT 4.3: Generalization of component-based UIs uT 5.3: Implementation of external debugger component

6 SEESCOASEESCOA Deliverables uWork package 2: Component modeling wD 2.3: The component composer application with static verification tools uWork package 3: Component architecture w D 3.4: A component architecture, generalization wD 3.5: Component-oriented design of common test case uWork package 4: User interfaces wD 4.3: Component-based UI development, generalization uWork package 5: Debugging w D 5.3: An external debugger component

7 SEESCOASEESCOA Near future: months 25-30 uT 2.4: Dynamic performance verification uT 2.6: Modeling of evolution and version control (lasts until month 36) uT 3.5: Development of the common test case (lasts until month 36) uT 3.6: Live updates (lasts until month 36) uT 4.4: Innovative UIs uT 4.6: Adaptable User Interfaces (lasts until month 36) uT 5.4: Implementation of embedded debugger component

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