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Very little specific data in literature concerning psychiatric sector Three case studies  Audit of hand hygiene at Broadmoor, a high secure psychiatric.

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Presentation on theme: "Very little specific data in literature concerning psychiatric sector Three case studies  Audit of hand hygiene at Broadmoor, a high secure psychiatric."— Presentation transcript:

1 Very little specific data in literature concerning psychiatric sector Three case studies  Audit of hand hygiene at Broadmoor, a high secure psychiatric hospital (K. Ahmed: Journal of Hospital Infection 75 (2010) 128–131):No MD in the study  Handwashing Patterns in Two Dermatology Clinics (H.A. Cohena E. Kitaib I. Levyc D. Ben-Amitaid: Dermatology 2002;205:358–361)  National Campagne Handhygiëne 2006-2007 en 2008-2009 WIV Brussel

2 Handwashing Patterns in Two Dermatology Clinics (H.A. Cohena E. Kitaib I. Levyc D. Ben-Amitaid:Dermatology 2002;205:358–361) –Population: 13 dermatologist physicians –Results: - all the physicians’ hands were found to be contaminated - average compliance:31,4% - main reasons of non compliance: excessive work schedule58% lack of awareness35,3% reaction to disinfectants17,7% lack of readily available facilities15,7%

3 Patients in isolation had significantly higher scores on both the anxiety and depression scales at the time of follow-up than did patients who were not isolated. There was no significant difference between the scores of the two groups before isolation Annxiety and depression in hospitalized patients in resistant organism isolation South Med. J. 2003 Feb; 96(2):145-5

4 Hand hygiene seems to be sufficient for prevention of MRSA transmission on a closed psychiatric ward Ebner W, Schlachetzki J, Schneider C, Dettenkofer M, Langosch JM. Hand hygiene seems to be sufficient for prevention of MRSA transmission on a closed psychiatric ward. J Hosp Infect. 2010 Aug;75(4):334-5

5 There is a high prevalence (±20%) of MRSA carriage in Nursing Home. Residents colonized with MRSA had, nevertheless, a 4- to 6-fold increased risk of developing an infection compared with non-carriers, and experienced higher morbidity and mortality. Denis O, Jans B, Deplano A, Nonhoff C, De Ryck R, Suetens C, Struelens MJ. Epidemiology of methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) among residents of nursing homes in Belgium. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2009 Dec;64(6):1299-306.Epidemiology of methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) among residents of nursing homes in Belgium.

6 Statistically significant associations with infection prevalence were found with age, psychiatric diagnosis and, activity of daily living score, and the duration of hospitalization Haenen R, Moens G, Jacques P. The prevalence of infections in psychiatric institutes in Belgium. J Hosp Infect. 1997 Dec;37(4):273-80The prevalence of infections in psychiatric institutes in Belgium.

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