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How to Deploy a Cloud Based Webserver in 5 minutes.

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1 How to Deploy a Cloud Based Webserver in 5 minutes

2 Cloud based hosting allows your company to deploy servers On Demand For Pennies With No Up-Front Fees or Contracts

3 Steps to Get a Cloud Based Webserver Up and Running 1.Deploy the Cloud Server 2.Install Mysql, Apache2, PHP5 3.Edit the Server Firewall

4 Deploying the Cloud Server First You need to find a provider (Owned by Rackspace) There are many more to choose from. I use I previously used Slicehost.

5 Deploying the Cloud Server Create an account at Once you have an account, you can deploy cloud servers. To deploy a new server, you select the size based on memory and disk space. Then you choose the OS.

6 Deploying the Cloud Server

7 New servers take about a minute to build. You will get an email with IP number and root password. You can now log into the server using SSH and set up the webserver

8 Installing Mysql Below are the linux commands Yum -fedora package manager does most the work # yum install mysql mysql-server # /etc/init.d/mysql start # chkconfig --levels 235 mysqld on Install Mysql Packages Start the Mysql Server Set the Mysql Server to start automatically on boot # mysqladmin -u root password Set the Mysql root password

9 Installing Apache Below are the linux commands Yum -fedora package manager does most the work # yum install httpd # /etc/init.d/httpd start # chkconfig --levels 235 httpd on Install httpd Packages Start the httpd Server Set the httpd Server to start automatically on boot

10 Installing Apache Below are the linux commands Yum -fedora package manager does most the work # iptables -F Remove firewall You can now enter the IP number of the server into your browser and you should see the Apache Test Page If it just hangs, you will probably need to remove your firewall to allow port 80 to talk

11 Installing PHP Below are the linux commands Yum -fedora package manager does most the work # yum install php # /etc/init.d/httpd restart Install php Packages Restart the httpd Server # yum install php-mysql Install php-mysql Package There are many more php modules you will want to install. This is the bare minimum to get php and mysql to work together

12 Restart Firewall Below are the linux commands # iptables-restore /etc/sysconfig/iptables.old # iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT # service iptables save Restore iptables from old config Add the httpd port 80 Save new config # /etc/init.d/iptables restart Restart firewall

13 Thats it – Has it been 5 minutes yet? Now that you have a full webserver running we can start building our websites. In the next few videos/slides: How to deploy many websites automatically How to template websites to use the same layout but different content The new way to drive website traffic to your website much much more…

14 Watch the sister video for these slides at: – My – Send me a – Please subscribe to my tech - Lets Thanks for watching this slideshow. If you need any help or want to ask a questions, please connect with me at the following networks


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