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1 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Co-Host of ICEE 2008 – July 28-31, 2008.

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1 1 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Co-Host of ICEE 2008 – July 28-31, 2008

2 Practical Placements Supported by European Programs Peter MOSON dean, Faculty of Natural Sciences EU Leonardo Institutional coordinator, (joint paper with Ildikó VARGA, Ágnes MOSON)

3 3 ICEE 2007, Coimbra, Portugal Practical Placements Supported by European Programs, Peter Moson et al. SUMMARY 1. Students’ mobility in the European Union 2. History of the EU internship programs 3. Experience of Hungarian engineering education 4. Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) 5. ICEE 2008 (photos)

4 4 ICEE 2007, Coimbra, Portugal Practical Placements Supported by European Programs, Peter Moson et al. 1.STUDENTS’ MOBILITY in the European Union Recognition The academic, practical placements play an important role in the higher education. The globalization of economy requires more and more international experience. Creation of different programs (7 year budgetary period). Two of them (Erasmus, Leonardo) were selected into the best 50 achievements of the European Union published for the 50th anniversary of the EU in March 2007.

5 5 ICEE 2007, Coimbra, Portugal Practical Placements Supported by European Programs, Peter Moson et al. 2. History of the EU internship programs Leonardo da Vinci 1 (LdV1), 1993-1999. Projects with special objective, target population, managed both outgoing and incoming students. LdV2, 2000-2006. Decentralized projects with special objective, target population, managed for outgoing students, young graduates. Lifelong Learning Program, 2007-2013. Erasmus: academic and practical placements of students, LdV3: projects for young graduates (workers).

6 6 ICEE 2007, Coimbra, Portugal Practical Placements Supported by European Programs, Peter Moson et al. 3. Experience of Hungarian engineering education – Practical placements – EU Leonardo program Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) 70% of M.Sc. level diplomas; Budapest Polytechnic (BMF) – B.Sc level. Nowadays Bologna declaration (B.Sc, M. Sc). Long (13-20 weeks) placements in EU countries. Scholarship (115 EURO / week + travel + insurance). Professional, cultural preparation. Double tutorship. P. 7. Quantitative summary P. 8. Distribution of participants by countries P. 9. Other aspects (Consortia, methodology etc.).

7 7 ICEE 2007, Coimbra, Portugal Practical Placements Supported by European Programs, Peter Moson et al. YearNumber of the contractTo which country; Students /Graduates PlacementsEU support EURO persweeks 00-02 01-01 01-03 02-03 02-04 03-05 04-06 05-06 05-07 06-08 Sum HU/00/PL/205 HU/01/PL/202 HU/01/PL/217 HU/02/PL/201 HU/02/PL/210 HU/03/PL/204 HU/03/PL/203 HU/04/PL/308 HU/04/PL/202 HU/04/PL/210 HU/05/PL205 HU/05/PL/213 HU/05/PL/302 HU/05/PL/206 HU/06/PL/202 HU/06/PL/204 HU/06/PL/217 HU/06/PL/302 18 projects Germany (S) France (S) Germany (S) France (S) Europe (S) France (S) Europe (S) Europe (G) France (S) Europe (S) Spain (S) Europe (G) France (S) Europe (S) France (S) Spain (S) Europe (G) 30 24 10 15 22 18 15 22 25 33 10 35 25 33 20 15 18 385 600 312 200 195 315 308 360 300 308 500 660 150 700 350 643 280 225 360 6766 136782 54840 41777 36667 47917 55760 57720 46350 35600 77250 109825 27110 107045 62875 101175 49600 42416 56185 1.146.894

8 8 ICEE 2007, Coimbra, Portugal Practical Placements Supported by European Programs, Peter Moson et al. Placements and countries in BME-BMF projects Number of placementsCountries 142France 126Germany 36Spain 19Italy 11Austria 5-10 Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Greece <5 Ireland, Sweden, The Netherlands, UK Type of projects (4): summer placements in France, Spain; higher year students, young graduates to EU.

9 9 ICEE 2007, Coimbra, Portugal Practical Placements Supported by European Programs, Peter Moson et al. Projects (18) Consortia. Sending organizations (BME, BMF). Intermediary organizations (Leo-Net, IBISTRA, Spanish Chamber of Commerce, universities – INSA de Rennes etc.), hosting companies corresponding to the studies of beneficiaries (wide range: GE – e.g. Peugeot, SMS – RLI, opsira GmbH, architecture). Methodology. Main task – find the appropriate enterprise. Development, more and more activity of students and mentors. European award (2005) one of the 5 best EU student mobility projects. Problems. Length (summer), copyright, recruiting for a project, bankruptcy, interest of market based intermediary organizations. Acknowledgements. EU, Hungarian Leonardo Office, Enterprises, Home and partner universities, STAFF.

10 10 Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) 1782 Institutum Geometricum -Hydrotechnicum 2000- Budapest University of Technology and Economics  8 Faculties, 90 Departments 27 000 Students, incl. about 900 PhD students 18 B.Sc and a large number of Master Programs, 15 Doctorate Schools Acad emic Staff: approx. 1400, with scientific qualification: 700 Faculties:  Civil Engineering (1782)  Mechanical Engineering (1871)  Architecture (1873)  Chemical Engineering (1873)  Electrical Engineering and Informatics (1949)  Transportation Engineering (1951)  Natural Sciences (1998)  Economic and Social Sciences (1998)

11 11 Nobel laureates of BME Dénes GÁBOR (1900 - 1979) holography, in 1971 Jenő WIGNER (1902 - 1995) theoretical physics, in 1963 György OLÁH (b:1927) carbonic chemistry, in 1994 Research & higher education

12 12 Former students of BME Tódor (Theodore) von KÁRMÁN Aeronautical Engineer & Mathematician (1881-1963) Leo SZILÁRD Physicist (1898-1964) Ernő RUBIK " cube " (1944-)

13 13 ICEE 2006, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA Specialities of Bologna type Education in Hungary, Peter Moson 5. ICEE 2008, Hungary, Pécs - Budapest Photos 1.Budapest, Danube, BME, Gellért Hill. 2-4. Central building. 5. Informatics building. 225 years of BME – final event: ICEE 2008

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