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Bas Kruiswijk Leiden 12 mei 2010 Service Oriented Architecture Part 2 - Organisational perspective.

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Presentation on theme: "Bas Kruiswijk Leiden 12 mei 2010 Service Oriented Architecture Part 2 - Organisational perspective."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bas Kruiswijk Leiden 12 mei 2010 Service Oriented Architecture Part 2 - Organisational perspective

2 © Twynstra Gudde 12-5-2010 Service Oriented Architecture 2 Overview Part 2: SOA from an organisational perspective 1.Basic concepts 2.SOA from an organisational perspective –Software services en business / organisation services –Domains –Layered structure and process orchestration 3.SOA from a technical perspective 4.Process management 5.The SOA infrastructure 6.Applying SOA in the design process

3 © Twynstra Gudde 12-5-2010 Service Oriented Architecture 3 SOA Concepts From an organisational perspective –Software- and business services –Software services correspond to business services –Services are meaningful to end users / business people –Domains –Domains or responsability in an organisation –Offers services to other domains –Uses services of other domains –Reponsable for the way the services are provided –Services and processes –Services are the responsability of a specific domain –Processes exceed this level and can span multiple domains

4 © Twynstra Gudde 12-5-2010 Service Oriented Architecture 4 Services mirror business processes –Services and business processes –Organisational units (responsabilities) offer services to customers and partners, and to each other –Business processes provide these services –Organisational units are responsible for executing these business processes  Domains –Separation of ‘interface’ and ‘implementation’ of business services, in the same way as technical services –Software services mirror business services –Business processes correspond tot services –Services are decomposed into smaller services, just as business processes are decomposed in subprocesses

5 © Twynstra Gudde 12-5-2010 Service Oriented Architecture 5 The promise of SOA –ICT jungle => Business control –Transparancy (how does ICT support business processes) –Aligning ICT with business –ICT rigidity => ICT Flexibility and agility –Enable (business) innovation, adapting to changes fast –ICT adapts quickly to business change –Enables an incremental change strategy (vs big bang) –Output oriented (focus on business value and purpose) –Reuse –Services can be reused in different applications –Services can be made available outside the organisation

6 © Twynstra Gudde 12-5-2010 Service Oriented Architecture 6 Granularity The right size of a service –Services may correspond to business processes –or to one step within such a process –and may be a compound or decomposed service –There are differences in granularity – there is no ‘right’ size –But there is a general rule: a service provides a meaningful piece of business functionality –This can be structured in a layered architecture

7 © Twynstra Gudde 12-5-2010 Service Oriented Architecture 7 Basic service Basic services provide access to databases and existing systems Database Backends Basic services Existing system

8 © Twynstra Gudde 12-5-2010 Service Oriented Architecture 8 Consumers use services Database Backends Basic services Existing system Consumers (presentation)

9 © Twynstra Gudde 12-5-2010 Service Oriented Architecture 9 Domains are the business owners of services Database Backends Basic services Existing system Domain Consumers (presentation)

10 © Twynstra Gudde 12-5-2010 Service Oriented Architecture 10 Compound services Database Backends Basic services Existing system Consumer (presentation) Compound services Domain

11 © Twynstra Gudde 12-5-2010 Service Oriented Architecture 11 Process services Support of business processes Database Backends Basic services Existing system Consumers (presentation) Compound services Domain Process services

12 © Twynstra Gudde 12-5-2010 Service Oriented Architecture 12 Enterprise servicebus Servicebus Database Backends Basic services Existing system Consumers (presentation) Compound services Domain Process services

13 © Twynstra Gudde 12-5-2010 Service Oriented Architecture 13 Orchestration engine Servicebus Orchestration engine Database Backends Basic services Existing system Consumers (presentation) Compound services Domain Process services

14 © Twynstra Gudde 12-5-2010 Service Oriented Architecture 14 Portal Servicebus Orchestration engine Portal Database Backends Basic services Existing system Consumers (presentation) Compound services Domain Process services

15 © Twynstra Gudde 12-5-2010 Service Oriented Architecture 15 Servicebus Backends Basic services Compound services Process services Portaal Presentation Orchestration engine BPEL XML, SOAP WSDL, UDDI J2EE (EJB etc.).NET (C# etc.) J2EE Portlets.NET Web parts HTML, XML, XSL J2EE JSP / Java Beans).NET ASP / ActiveX) ODBC, JDBC

16 © Twynstra Gudde 12-5-2010 Service Oriented Architecture 16 SOA Classification According to ‘SOA in practice’ Basic services Compound services Process services Fundamental SOA Federated SOA Process-enabled SOA basic data services basic logic services orchestrated services micro-flow macro-flow stateless stateful

17 © Twynstra Gudde 12-5-2010 Service Oriented Architecture 17 Alle intellectuele eigendomsrechten met betrekking tot deze presentatie berusten bij Twynstra Gudde. Niets uit deze presentatie mag worden verveelvoudigd of openbaar gemaakt zonder schriftelijke toestemming van Twynstra Gudde. Bas Kruiswijk

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