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1 Infusing Economic Thinking Into Everyday Learning StreetSchool Network 2010 Annual Conference July 27, 2010 Jennifer Cornell 804-741-2806

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Presentation on theme: "1 Infusing Economic Thinking Into Everyday Learning StreetSchool Network 2010 Annual Conference July 27, 2010 Jennifer Cornell 804-741-2806"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Infusing Economic Thinking Into Everyday Learning StreetSchool Network 2010 Annual Conference July 27, 2010 Jennifer Cornell 804-741-2806 Laurel Christensen 720-425-1642

2 2 What is Infusionomics? Enables K-12 teachers to understand and seamlessly integrate economics into their classroom. A pedagogical approach to merging economics into existing curriculum. A virtual training program. A website of tools and resources. A learning community.

3 3 What are the goals of Infusionomics? Students understand the fundamentals of economics. Students anticipate consequences. Student analyze potential solutions. Students make informed, sound decisions. Students take responsibility for their actions.

4 4 How does Infusionomics work? Virtual Training: De-Mystifying Economics & Keystone Economic Principles Monthly Themes Subject-specific Concept Matching Curriculum-wide Concept Matching Financial Literacy Student Economy Economis Classroom Management Integrated Economic & Financial Literacy Youth Entrepreneurship Entrenuity Introductory Year Economic Literacy Training & Initial Practice Implementation Year Full Infusion of Economic Literacy & Financial Literacy Experiential Year Economic Literacy, Financial Literacy & Entrepreneurship

5 Year 1 Infusionomics Two Options: Infuse Economic principles on a quarterly basis using themes and Keystone Economic Principles Or… Infuse Economic principles on a monthly basis using just the Keystone Economic Principles 5

6 6 Four Overall Economic Themes These four overall themes can be implemented one per quarter. Choice Cost Resources Incentives

7 7 Choice We all make choices.KEP 1 All choices have consequences. KEP 3 Big transferable concepts: Scarcity Wants / Needs Goods / Services Consequences Resources Abundance Conflict Cooperation

8 8 Costs TANSTAAFL (There Aint No Such Thing As A Free Lunch.) KEP 2 Complimentary Concept: Economic Thinking is Marginal Thinking. KEP 4 Big Transferable Concepts: Opportunity cost Trade-off Cost/benefit Interactions Utility Justice Loyalty

9 9 (Use of) Resources Do what you do best, trade for the rest. KEP 6 Complimentary Concepts: Quantity and quality of resources impact living standards. KEP 8 Economic systems influence choices KEP 4

10 10 (Use of) Resources (cont.) Big Transferable Concepts: Specialization Interdependence Production Consumption Resources (Natural, Human, Capital, Entrepreneurship) Environments Ecology Communities Interactions Philanthropy Harmony Honesty Love Fairness

11 11 Incentives (Motivation) Incentives produce predictable responsesKEP 5 Complimentary Concepts: Prices are determined by market forces of supply and demand…and are constantly changing KEP 9

12 12 Incentives (Motivation) Big Transferable Concepts: Incentive / disincentive Reward / penalty Balance (equilibrium) Supply / Demand Trade Influence Obedience Gratitude Change Greed Grace

13 13 Keystone Economic Principles 1.We all make choices. 2.There Aint No Such Thing As A Free Lunch. (TANSTAAFL TM ) 3.All choices have consequences. 4.Economic systems influence choices. 5.Incentives produce predictable results.

14 14 Keystone Economic Principles 6.Do what you do best and trade for the rest. 7.Economic thinking is marginal thinking. 8.Quantity and quality of resources impact living standards. 9.Prices are determined by the market forces of supply and demand…and are constantly changing.

15 15 Why Infusionomics? Students participate in the economy every day. Applying economic concepts to multiple core academic areas results in: Increased understanding and reinforcement of economic principles. Increased relevance of subject matter. Improved performance in academics.

16 16 How does Infusionomics work? Concept Matching Timing & Keystone Economic Principle Related Economic Concepts (ex.) Course/ Subject Area UnitIntegration Points Essential Questions/ Goals Assessment September/ October Choice & Consequences Scarcity Wants, Needs Costs, Benefits Consequences … TBD Costs Opportunity Cost Price … TBD Resources Capital, Human Natural, Entrep Consumers Producers …

17 Infusionomics Flow Chart Step 1: Prior to the Quarter/Month - Train all teachers on the Keystone Economic Principles for the next Quarter – use the video and/or - Determine where concepts will be introduced and integrated based on course curriculum - Complete Concept Matching Grid Step 2: Beginning of the Quarter/Month - Introduce the theme, keystone(s) and corresponding concepts to students at the classroom level or with the entire school (you can utilize Powell Lessons or Virtual Economics lessons for this) 17

18 Infusionomics Flow Chart – cont. Step 3: During the Quarter/Month - Integrate themes, KEP(s) and corresponding concepts into curriculum and instruction, according to the concept matching grid, throughout the quarter/month in all classes - Relate themes, KEP(s) and corresponding concepts in ways that promote authentic learning - Assessment is ongoing and varied (all or portions of the KEP assessments on line can be utilized) Step 4: End of Each Quarter/Month - Train all teachers on the Keystone Economic Principles for the next Quarter/month - Determine where concepts will be introduced and integrated based on course curriculum - Complete Concept Matching Grid - Teachers complete evaluation forms 18

19 19 Virtual Training De-Mystifying Economics Features Dr. Gerry Swanson, Professor of Economics, Eller College of Management, University of Arizona 20economics.htm 20economics.htm Keystone Economic Principles Features Mrs. Donna Broughton, NFIB Middle School Teacher of the Year

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