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Wiskunde en ICT Met de billen bloot! Michel van 06 – 460 76 141 10 februari 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Wiskunde en ICT Met de billen bloot! Michel van 06 – 460 76 141 10 februari 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wiskunde en ICT Met de billen bloot! Michel van Ast @mvanast 06 – 460 76 141 10 februari 2011

2 Stemkastjes


4 Teaching with Interactive Whiteboards Marzano & Haystead, 2009 A study that involved 85 teachers and 170 classrooms (…) in 23 percent of the cases, teachers had better results without the voting devices. Using voting devices was associated with a 26 percentile point gain in student achievement. Using the voting devices but doing little with the findings.

5 Social Media

6 Wiskundeleraren die wel op Twitter zitten gebruiken #epnwis


8 Social Media

9 Met de billen bloot

10 Digital Taxonomy of Bloom






16 Jing

17 Digital Taxonomy of Bloom

18 Hoe ziet uw gevulde taxonomy eruit? Gaat u ook met de billen bloot? Digital Taxonomy of Bloom

19 Augmented reality

20 Community Michel van Ast @mvanast 06 – 460 76 141

21 Reservedia ;) Dan Meyer (@ddmeyer)

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