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Collocation meeting, REA, Brussels, 15 May 2013 EURO4M: European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring.

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Presentation on theme: "Collocation meeting, REA, Brussels, 15 May 2013 EURO4M: European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring."— Presentation transcript:

1 Collocation meeting, REA, Brussels, 15 May 2013 EURO4M: European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring

2 Collocation meeting, REA, Brussels, 15 May 2013 EURO4M: European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring FP7-SPACE, April 2010 – March 2014, 9 partners (KNMI, Met Office, URV, NMA, Meteo Swiss, DWD, SMHI, UEA-CRU, Météo France)

3 Collocation meeting, REA, Brussels, 15 May 2013 EURO4M: European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring FP7-SPACE, April 2010 – March 2014, 9 partners (KNMI, Met Office, URV, NMA, Meteo Swiss, DWD, SMHI, UEA-CRU, Météo France) Co-ordinator:

4 Collocation meeting, REA, Brussels, 15 May 2013 Goal:meeting the need for climate monitoring information Need:according to user-consultations by JRC/EEA, EUMETNET, WMO-GFCS, and our own Climate Liaison Team

5 Collocation meeting, REA, Brussels, 15 May 2013 Goal:meeting the need for climate monitoring information Need:according to user-consultations by JRC/EEA, EUMETNET, WMO-GFCS, and our own Climate Liaison Team LONG-TERM CLIMATE DATA + ASSESSMENTS OF CHANGE …describing climate variability and change at European scale …placing high-impact extreme events in a historical context

6 Collocation meeting, REA, Brussels, 15 May 2013



9 Collocation meeting, REA, Brussels, 15 May 2013 EURO4M ESA-CCI

10 Collocation meeting, REA, Brussels, 15 May 2013 EURO4M ESA-CCI MACC

11 Collocation meeting, REA, Brussels, 15 May 2013 EURO4M reference historical databases of ECVs: 1)in-situ observations (CRU, GPCC, ECA&D) 2)satellite CDRs (CM-SAF) 3)regional reanalyses of past weather (new!)

12 Collocation meeting, REA, Brussels, 15 May 2013 EURO4M reference historical databases of ECVs: 1)in-situ observations (CRU, GPCC, ECA&D) long-term records (50-100yr) but sparse 2)satellite CDRs (CM-SAF) spatially extensive but short (<30yr) 3)regional reanalyses of past weather (new!) spatially and temporally complete but expensive and some model bias

13 Collocation meeting, REA, Brussels, 15 May 2013 Dissemination: all 12 EURO4M datasets have factsheets and pointers on visualisation tool under development (also used for IS-ENES GCM portal, etc.) nearly all datasets are published in papers in the scientific literature maturity index would provide additional QA, but seems less adequate to answer the “fit-for-purpose” question which is user dependent, and difficult to capture in a single application performance index per ECV dataset

14 Collocation meeting, REA, Brussels, 15 May 2013 Input data:

15 Collocation meeting, REA, Brussels, 15 May 2013 From data to services (hand-over to downstream): Climate Indicator Bulletins

16 Collocation meeting, REA, Brussels, 15 May 2013 Reference historical databases Climate Indicator Bulletins bulletins present user-driven (integrated) information derived from ECV datasets avoid handling terabytes of data focus on impact relevant indicators (of extremes) including uncertainty estimates first bulletin on European temperature (for EEA)

17 Collocation meeting, REA, Brussels, 15 May 2013 Application areas: EURO4M data and information is already used in a wide range of application areas including: monitoring policy-relevant indicators, driving impact models with time series of past and present-day climate (e.g. river discharge, coastal protection, agriculture, health, energy) (GMES) Climate Change Service

18 Collocation meeting, REA, Brussels, 15 May 2013 Application areas: EURO4M data and information is already used in a wide range of application areas including: monitoring policy-relevant indicators, driving impact models with time series of past and present-day climate (e.g. river discharge, coastal protection, agriculture, health, energy) …and in many scientific studies evaluating RCM model performance, event attribution, etc. (GMES) Climate Change Service

19 Collocation meeting, REA, Brussels, 15 May 2013 Selected sites and ECVs for which station records are being digitized R&D:

20 Collocation meeting, REA, Brussels, 15 May 2013 R&D:

21 Collocation meeting, REA, Brussels, 15 May 2013 Satellite era R&D: ? ?

22 Collocation meeting, REA, Brussels, 15 May 2013 R&D: ? ?

23 Collocation meeting, REA, Brussels, 15 May 2013 KNMI: European temperature Van der Schrier et al., JGR, in press CIB1: European Temperature

24 Collocation meeting, REA, Brussels, 15 May 2013 Van der Schrier et al., JGR, in press CIB1: European Temperature

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