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19/09/2005 Geert Van Grootel Processes, Workflows & Research Information.

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Presentation on theme: "19/09/2005 Geert Van Grootel Processes, Workflows & Research Information."— Presentation transcript:

1 19/09/2005 Geert Van Grootel Processes, Workflows & Research Information

2 Consolidated overview of information flows Flemish R&D domain

3 FWO project funding process

4 FWO Mandates FWO Research Project FWO Research Teams FWO Travel expenses IWT Ph.D funding IWT Research Projects Person Name XXXXXX Contact XXXXXX Place of birth XXXXXX Sex XXXXXX Nationality XXXXXX Civil status XXXXXX Function XXX OrgUnitXXXXXX Diploma’sXX XXX PublicationsXXXXXX Rewards & PricesX XX ExpertiseX XX Scientific careerXX XX Projects Title XXXXXX Abstract XXX X Full text X ClassificationsXXXX X Budget XX X ReferencesX X X

5 € IWETO gegevens verzamelen Equip Coop Expert Project Gegevens versturen OrgUnit/ Team Person IWETO-data in the processes

6 Information flow problems Redundancy - ambiguïty PROJECT FundingFunding Researchers A Institution A B C D E Institution B Institution C ProjectId2 y € F G K L N O ProjectId1 x € ProjectId3 z€z€ P =A =B =C =D =E =C + ? ? ? IWETO

7 IWETO-information owner owner IWETO source Proces allignement Persoon/CV ResearcherInstitutionNo OrgUnit/Team Research Organisation InstitutionNo Project Researcher Institutions Funder InstitutionNo Expertise Researcher Team InstitutionNo Equipment Researcher Team Institution No

8 Information gathering is a ex post process –Multiplication of effort –Multiplication of errors –Multiplication of information –“Not on time” delivery of information Lack of synchronisation between information and business –Information has documentary or anecdotic value –No relaible aggregations possible  no measures available Problems of information gathering

9 A possible solution Capture information directly from within the electronic business processes –Cross-organisational workflow management –Common understanding of the business objects –Common expression of the business objects –Common expression of their relations –Common understanding on primary data owners

10 Advantages Organisational independence Information quality is guaranteed in the process itself Obtained measures are in synch with the business Reduction of costs –Infrastructure – less overhead  more money for science Increased transparency

11 What does exist Information, data and metadata standards: CERIF & DC Information and data delivery services Models able to express task, roles, business processes, resources and organisational structures. Probably all the technology to realize fully integrated R&D workflow systems

12 What is needed Data, information and content must be seen regarded and treated as real assets within a value chain. Research information must be managed and leveraged within the R&D business environment.

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