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Welcome to the European Parliament. The European Union 500 million citizens in 27 countries EU-lidstaat Kandidaat-lidstaat.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the European Parliament. The European Union 500 million citizens in 27 countries EU-lidstaat Kandidaat-lidstaat."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the European Parliament

2 The European Union 500 million citizens in 27 countries EU-lidstaat Kandidaat-lidstaat

3 23 official languages

4 Eight enlargements 19521973 1981 1986 1990199520042007

5 Population Population (x million) 500 1322 128 142 301 EUChinaJapanRussiaUSA

6 EU Member States according to size Size (x 1000 km²) France Spain Sweden Germany Poland Finland Italy United Kingdom Romania Greece Bulgaria Hungary Portugal Austria Czech Republic Ireland Lithuania Latvia Slovakia Estonia Denmark Netherlands Belgium Slovenia Cyprus Luxemburg Malta 544.0 506.0 410.3 357.0 312.7304.5295.1 243.8230.0 130.7 111.0 93.091.982.5 77.368.462.762.349.043.4 43.133.830.3 20.1 9.3 2.60.3

7 EU Member States according to size in population Population (x million) 82.4 63.4 60.9 59.1 44.5 38.2 21.6 16.7 11.2 10.6 10.5 10.310.19.08.3 7.7 5.4 5.3 4.3 3.4 2.3 2.0 France Spain Sweden Poland Finland Italy United Kingdom Romania Greece Bulgaria Hungary Portugal Austria Czech Republic Ireland Lithuania Latvia Slovakia Estonia Denmark Netherlands Belgium Slovenia Cyprus Luxemburg Malta Germany

8 The Euro

9 EU as world partner Agriculture Other expenses incl. administration Regional development Freedom, security and justice 45% 6% EUR 141,5 billion 31% 6% 11%1% Rural development € 2010 Budget of the EU Financial year 2010

10 Decision Triangle European Parliament 754 members representing the European citizens Adopt legislation and budget Democratic control European Commission 27 Commissioners Right to initiate legislation Implementation of policies and budget Council of the EU 27 ministers representing the Member States Adopt legislation and budget Negociating international treaties/agreements

11 Sleutelfiguren van de Europese Unie Martin Schulz President of the European Parliament Herman Van Rompuy President of the European Council Jose Manuel Barroso President of the European Commission CatherineAshton High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Cyprus President of the Council of the European Union

12 Budget Parliament and Council co- decide on the EU budget Decide on enlargement of the EU Parliament must assent to the accession of new member states Legislative powers Parliament and Council co- decide on most EU legislation Parliamentary control Parliament controls the other EU institutions and may force the Commission to resign European Parliament powers

13 European Commission European Parliament Council of ministers First reading Second reading Third reading First reading Second reading Third reading Right to initiate legislation Conciliation Ordinary legislative procedure

14 Country SeatsCountry Seats GermanyAustria France Bulgaria United Kingdom Denmark Italy Finland Spain Slovakia PolandIreland Rumania Lithuania Netherlands Latvia Belgium Slovenia Czech Republic Estonia Greece Cyprus Hungary Luxemburg PortugalMalta Sweden Seats in the EP 754 99 74 73 54 51 33 26 22 20 19 18 13 12 9 8 6

15 Political Groups EVP: European People’s Party (Christian Democrates) S&D: Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament ALDE: Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Greens/EFA: Greens/European Free Alliance EFD: Europe of Freedom and Democracy Group Non-attached members ECR: European Conservatives and Reformists Group GUE/NGL: Confederal Group of the European United Left - Nordic Green Left 271 190 85 57 53 34 33 30

16 Calendar

17 Want to know more?

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