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U-Choose Presentation Prep Day 1. Warm-up Choose 1 INTRO. Review recent notes on Birthday and age. Write down 10 dates in Spanish. –Section 1, must finish.

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1 U-Choose Presentation Prep Day 1

2 Warm-up Choose 1 INTRO. Review recent notes on Birthday and age. Write down 10 dates in Spanish. –Section 1, must finish their pink sheets/ notes from Friday first. SPANISH IB Review notes on red pages; fold chart in half and quiz the person next to you!

3 Objectives for today … Choose your pursuit in preparing for your presentation Friday. Review a key concept you have studied in the last week!

4 Project Presentation (20 minutes) Refine your presentation content. Limit yourself to 5 key phrases/ concepts and 15 vocabulary words and phrases. Find Visuals--- Every presentation project should have strong visual support. Make sure to incorporate … 10 visuals for Rebus Book 10 – 15 visuals for Survival Guide 4-5 visuals for your song Draft presentation Presentation in Spanish should introduce your project in Spanish … Me presento, me llamo … Este es mi proyecto es … Me gusto … Aprendi …

5 Hands-on Spanish Introduction Days of the Week Ask and tell day and date Numbers * Spanish IB Stem-changers 1) 2)1)2) Verbs like gustar 1) 2)1)2)

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