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Een programma door Bruno Van de Vel en Matthias Vermeulen.

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Presentation on theme: "Een programma door Bruno Van de Vel en Matthias Vermeulen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Een programma door Bruno Van de Vel en Matthias Vermeulen

2  0üÁ  While Áø24  Text(20,Á," GEMAAKT")  Text(20,78-Á,"DOOR: ")  Á+1üÁ  End  Text(35,17,"BRUNO EN MATTHIAS")  For(X,1,750)  End  ClrHome

3  Repeat A>1 and A÷10  Disp "GRAAD VAN VGL?"  Disp "(MAX 10, MIN 2)"  Prompt A  ClrHome  End  {3,A+2}üdim([A])  0ü[A](1,1)  0ü[A](2,2)  0ü[A](3,1)  For(T,A,0,ú1)  ClrHome  Disp "COEF X^"  Output(1,8,T)  Prompt C  Cü[A](1,2+A-T)  End  [A](1,2)ü[A](3,2)  ClrHome

4  Repeat D÷abs(C) and Dùúabs(C)  Disp "GEHELE DELER"  Prompt D  ClrHome  Dü[A](2,1)  End  For(T,3,A+2,1)  0ü[A](2,T)  End  For(T,2,A+1,1)  [A](2,1)*[A](3,T)ü[A](2,T+1)  [A](1,T+1)+[A](2,T+1)ü[A](3,T+1)  End  ClrHome

5  If A=2  Then  Goto 2  Else  Goto 3  End  Lbl 2  0üXmin  0üYmin  20üXmax  20üYmax

6  Horizontal 3  Line(2,0,2,13)  Horizontal 0  Line(3,4,3,10)(Pijltjes)  Pxl-On(49,15)  Pxl-On(49,13)  Text(1,1,"HORNER"  Line(19,8,21,8)  Pxl-On(36,93)  Pxl-On(38,93)  Text(45,1,[A](2,1)  Text(22,13,[A](1,2)  Text(55,13,[A](3,2)  Text(22,40,[A](1,3)  Text(45,40,[A](2,3)  Text(55,40,[A](3,3)  Text(22,67,[A](1,4)  Text(45,67,[A](2,4)  Text(55,67,[A](3,4)

7  Repeat Á=45  getKeyüÁ  End  ClrDraw  ZStandard  Stop

8  Repeat Á=26 or Á=45  getKeyüÁ  End  If Á=26  Then  Goto 4  Else  ClrDraw  ZStandard  Stop  End

9  Lbl 4  ClrDraw  Line(19,8,21,8)  Pxl-On(36,93)  Pxl-On(38,93)  Line(0,8,1,8)  Pxl-On(36,1)  Pxl-On(38,1)  Horizontal 0  Horizontal 3  Text(22,1,[A](1,5)  Text(45,1,[A](2,5)  Text(55,1,[A](3,5)

10  If A>3  Then  Goto 5(Idem als Lbl4 maar kolom verder)  Else  Repeat Á=24 or Á=45  getKeyüÁ  End  If Á=24  Then  Goto 3  Else  ClrDraw  ZStandard  Stop  End

11  Lbl 6  Repeat Á=24 or Á=26 or Á=45  getKeyüÁ  Text(22,63,[A](1,7)  Text(45,63,[A](2,7)  Text(55,63,[A](3,7)  End  If Á=45  Then  ClrDraw  ZStandard  Stop  End  If A>5 and Á=26  Then  Goto 7  Else  Goto X  End

12  Lbl X  If Á=24  Then  Goto 3  Else  Goto 4  End

13  Zelfde systeem als 3 de, 4 de en 5 de graad

14  Zelfde systeem maar:  Repeat Á=24 or Á=45  getKeyüÁ  End  Dus enkel verschuiving naar links mogelijk


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