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Major Initiatives of CBSE in Recent Years
CBSE Update Major Initiatives of CBSE in Recent Years
Overview Curriculum Design Introduction of New Subjects
Biotechnology, Fashion Studies and Multimedia and Web Technology – XI & XII Disaster Management – VIII to X & XI Education in Life Skills – VI to VIII Environmental Education – I to IX Curriculum Reforms Mathematics Laboratory Alternatives to Homework Science through Activities – Class VI
Overview (contd…) Curriculum Evaluation.
School-based Evaluation – IX & X Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation – I to VIII Internal Evaluation in Social Science – IX & X Internal Evaluation in Mathematics – IX & X Restructuring of Science Practical Work – IX & X Empowerment of Principals and Orientation of Teachers Enrichment Activities. Some Initiatives in other Aspects of School Education. Destressing Education.
NCERT’s Revised Curriculum
NCERT has revised the curriculum for various classes based on NCF 2005. New syllabus and text books will be implemented in a phased manner as given under: Phase I ( ) Classes I, III, VI, IX and XI Phase II ( ) Classes II, IV, VII, X and XII Phase III ( ) Classes V and VIII NCERT has put up text books in their website. Their Website number is Circular No. 01/2006, dated and 04/06, dated
New Subjects Biotechnology
Introduced as elective subject at Sr. School in Textual Materials & Laboratory Manuals published by the Board for both XI & XII Interested schools should apply on plain paper to EO (Sc.) Space, funds for equipments and teacher – conditions for getting permission. Teacher: PG in Biotechnology/Bio-chemistry / Genetic Engineering/Micro Biology/Life Sciences Teacher training programmes being conducted at different centres. Circular No. 09/
New Subjects (contd…) Fashion Studies
Introduced in class XI as elective subject in 70% Theory & 30% Practicals. Focus: Garment design, fabrics, elements of fashion and basics of garment making. Approximate estimate for Lab: Rs. 4-5 lakhs Teacher : Graduation with three year diploma in Fashion Design/Graduation with Diploma in Textile Design/M.Sc Home Science with clothing and Textiles with 3 years experience in apparel industry. Interested schools should apply on plain paper giving details of space for lab and willingness to spend for equipments and appoint suitable teacher to the Director (Academic) Circular No. 12/
New Subjects (contd…) Web and Multimedia Technology
Introduced in class XI in Thus CBSE offers three Computer based subjects. All three courses on par with other elective subjects. A candidate can opt for either Computer Science or Informatics Practices. In addition a candidate can opt for Multimedia and Web Technology. Thus a maximum of only two out of three IT based course allowed. Circular No. 10/ , 26/ and 13/
New Subjects (contd…) Education in Disaster Management
Disaster Management introduced as Frontline Curriculum in class VIII in Integrated with Social Science – 10% Course Materials for class IX prepared and introduced in Class X material prepared and introduced in Extended to class XI as a component of Geography from Hindi Version of Course Materials released. Nation-wide teacher training programmes conducted. Collaboration with UNDPA & NIDM and Ministry of Home Affairs. Circular No. 10/04 dated , 03/05, dated
New Subjects (contd…) Life Skills Education
Introduced for class VI in Interdisciplinary in nature. Evaluation through grades as Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation only positive attributes of learners to be reflected. Develops self awareness, social commitment, eco-sensitivity and positive adaptive behaviour in children. Implemented in class VII in and in class VIII in Course materials have been published by CBSE. Training Programmes are being conducted. Circulars Nos.21/ , 11/ ; 04/
New Subjects (contd…) Environment Education
As a compulsory subject from Class I. Being implemented on the directive of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India. Syllabus for all classes developed by NCERT already sent to all affiliated school. Atleast two periods per week for this subject. Assessment can be part of CCE to be reflected as grades in a five point scale. A handbook for teachers upto class VIII has been published. An activity based manual for class IX has been published in 2006. Schools are advised to teach the subjects upto class IX as per NCERT Syllabus. Details of Phased implementation and evaluation will be intimated to all schools by CBSE in due course. Circular No. 8/ and 08/06 dated
Mathematics Laboratory in Schools
Curriculum Reforms Mathematics Laboratory in Schools Concept of Mathematics Laboratory introduced by the Board in Manual titled ‘Mathematics Laboratory in Schools’ published by the Board to give guidelines and specimen activities. Aim: To remove the fear for Mathematics among children and to make the subject more interesting. All affiliated schools were advised to start the Mathematics Laboratory for classes III onwards and integrate evaluation of practical competencies in Maths with the evaluation of the subject. Circular No. 03/
Maths Laboratory (contd…)
Maths Lab provides a conducive ambience for students to learn the subject in a joyful manner through practical activities and interaction. Teachers need to pay attention to both the transactional strategies and evaluation strategies. Simple experiments and projects will lead to the development of different skills like numerical, observation, thinking, analytical and so on. Establishing a Maths Lab does not involve high cost. Improvised aids using inexpensive material can be made. Space required is also quite limited. Guidelines given in Mathematics Laboratories in schools – class III to VIII, class IX and class X CBSE publications. Circular No. 10/
Reforms (contd…) Alternatives to Homework
The Board introduced the Concept of Alternatives to Homework for classes III to V in A manual with guidelines and specimen exercises has been published. Alternative activities are child-friendly, replacing the dull and mechanical homework usually given to children. Activities involve children in meaningful interaction with other members and their environment. Skills identified in the book are not to be evaluated formally but the behavioural changes brought about by the empowerment process may be reflected as positive inputs in School Achievement Record. Circular No. 05/
Science through Activities
Schools should encourage children to learn Science through simple activities and experiments. To promote such an approach based on learning by doing the Board has brought out a book called Learning by Doing for class VI. It gives a number of simple activities and experiments that can be done using very inexpensive materials and apparatus. Such activities will help children understand Science concepts in each lesson.
Modifications in Social Science for classes VI to VIII
There will be three units in Social Science Unit I will be devoted to History as per following syllabus: Class VI – Ancient India Class VII – Medieval India Class VIII – Modern India Unit II and III include Geography and Civics and some components of Economics Accordingly there will be two textbooks in Social Science for each class Social Science Part-I – History Social Science Part-II – Geography, Civics and Economics. Circular No. 16/2005 dated
Evaluation School based evaluation certificate – IX and X.
Introduced in Certificate Format developed by Board and sent to all affiliated schools. Guidelines (circular 14/ ) have been issued. School-based Evaluation Certificate to be issued by schools to all class X pass-out candidates This will be in addition to Board’s marks sheet and passing certificate This certificate gives a holistic profile of every learner in terms of attributes, attitudes, interests, values besides performance in scholastic and co-scholastic areas. It is mandatory that every school issues School-based Evaluation Certificate to class X pass out candidates.
Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (Primary)
Desisting assessment of students on the basis of one-shot examinations Achievement Records for classes I & II and for classes III – V Holistic and continuous assessment on a 5 point scale. Comprehensive: Covering scholastic and co-scholastic areas. Only positive feedback on the achievement of learners to encourage multiple talents. Rating scales for different subjects for classes I to V have been circulated to all schools to help teachers carry out the assessment in a systematic and scientific manner.
Five Point Grading Scale (for Primary)
Five Points are as under: (100 Point Scale) A* Outstanding A Excellent B Very Good C Good D Scope for improvement Below 35 Circular No. 05/04 dated , 18/04 dated , 31/2004 dated , 25/04 dated and 21/05 dated
Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (Upper Primary Level)
Emphasis on extension of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation up to class VIII Seven Point grading scale has been notified Seven Points are as follows: A* - 90 and above A - 80 to 89 B* - 70 to 79 B - 60 to 69 C - 45 to 59 D - 33 to 44 E - Below 33 percent It will facilitate maintenance of meaningful continuity from primary level and smooth transition to grades in secondary level as and when introduced. Circular no. 02/06 dated
Strengthening Internal Evaluation at Secondary Level
Already internal evaluation existed at secondary level in Science Now the Board has introduced internal evaluation In Social Science for 20 marks In Mathematics for 20 marks Internal Evaluation in Social Science from March, 2006 Board Exam for class-X and Mathematics from March, 2007 Board Exam for class-X.
Internal Evaluation in Social Science - Details
80 marks for External Board Examination 20 marks for school-based internal evaluation 20 marks will be allotted to the following aspects: Formative and Summative Tests : 10 marks Assignments : 05 marks Project Work : 05 marks How to award marks – (detailed guidelines have been already circulated) contd…
Formative and Summative Testing
Contd… Formative and Summative Testing In class IX on the basis of announced unit tests Marks out of 10 to be awarded and than average can be calculated for arriving at 10 marks In class X average of class IX and class X unit tests (2-3 tests) will be calculated for marks to be given out of 10.
Assignments Weightage : 05 marks
Assignments: Written Questions, Tasks or Activities that are based on the lesson or unit of teaching. Mode of Assessment: for recording purpose in every month well-planned assignments may be given They may be graded using five point rating scale: A-5, B-4, C-3, D-2, E-1. Record of 5 announced assignments, one in each month may be kept and average may be calculated to arrive at the final award – out of 5 marks for both classes IX-X
Projects Weightage : 5 marks
In class IX a student will do two projects of which one should be related to Disaster Management from the list specified. In class X a student will do any one project out of the list specified Some important points : 9-15 pages; only handwritten in neatly bound simple folder; teacher’s report should be included. Keep the reports for inspection Scheme of evaluation – split up of 5 marks Initiative, cooperation - 1 mark Content and research - 1 mark Creativity and originality mark Analysis of situation - 1 mark Viva or written test mark Circular No.02/04 dated , 06/04 dated , 07/05 dated , 13/06 dated
Some important points regarding Internal Assessment in Social Science
Internal Assessment in Social Science for 20 marks already implemented in March, 2006 examination for class X. Feedback suggests that some schools are not following the laid down guidelines seriously. Boosting of Internal Assessment marks will result in down scaling of the awarded marks. It may also lead to cancellation of internal marks and the result will be declared on the basis of external marks alone. Schools are advised to send five best projects to the Board. The topics for the project for classes IX and X will be shortly sent to all schools. Circular No. 13/06 dated
Internal Evaluation in Mathematics
Internal assessment in Maths began in class IX from First class X Exam in this scheme will be in March, 2007. 80 marks for Board Exam for class X and 20 marks for internal assessment. Distribution of 20 marks Evaluation of skills marks Assessment of Record work - 05 marks Assessment through Summative and Formative tests - 05 marks
Internal Evaluation in Mathematics (contd...)
How to Award Marks Step 1: Assessment of any two skills in Maths will be done at the end of class IX & X independently by the school through a test in 1½ hours. Should be conducted for groups of students, each group not exceeding 20 students. Marks out of 10 should be awarded following guidelines provided. Step 2: a record of at least 10 activities will be maintained by each student. This record will be assessed at the end of class IX and X for 5 marks. Step 3: Class IX: Work out weightage out of 5 of the marks in Unit Test and cumulative test of first and second terms. Class X: Work out average of final assessment of class IX and first term exam of class X for a weightage of 5 marks. contd…
Detailed instruction in Circular No. 10/02.03.045
Contd... Step 4 : Add marks of skills (10 marks), Record work (05 marks) and summative and formative testing (05 marks) to arrive at marks for 20 Board will send award list to be filled and returned by the last week of January, 2007 for class X restricting split up as up as shown above Detailed instruction in Circular No. 10/ Also Circular No. 14/06 dated
Restructuring Science Practical Work
To strengthen practical work in Science and to produce positive correlation between theory and practical scores Salient Features: First class X exam in this scheme – March, 2007 Theory 60 marks; practical skills-40 marks Theory: 2 hours and 30 minutes written Board Examination Separate written paper on Practical skills for 20 marks – duration: one hour and 30 minutes
Restructuring Science Practical Work (contd…)
Paper will have multiple choice questions: 20 of ½ mark each and 10 of 01 mark each. Exam on Practical Skills will be conducted soon after the theory exam on a separate date Internal Assessment in Science for 20 marks ( 15 for skills 3 for record work and 2 for viva). Prescribed experiments for classes IX and X indicated in Secondary Curriculum Document of the Board. Detailed Guidelines in circular 19/ and 15/06 dated Books published : Assessment of Practical Skills in Science – class IX and class X (two books)
Empowerment of Teachers
New syllabus, new courses, new approach in pedagogy Extensive and continued training of teachers is required CBSE extends help for such teachers training courses Besides this step, the Board provides training to teachers in Disaster Management, Education in Life Skills and Mathematics Laboratory. It is necessary for the schools also to provide the teachers a thorough understanding of NCF 2005 and the new NCERT syllabus
Empowerment of Heads of Institutions
Heads of Institutions need both training and retraining Strategic leadership courses in collaboration with leading business schools in India Specific contextualized training courses are also so being arranged with help from NIEPA. Two such 5 day courses in October, 2006 and January, 2007 have been announced. Fee Rs. 8000/- Induction courses for first generation principals.
Students Enrichment Activities
Some of the activities are: Olympiad: - Group Mathematics Olympiad - National Informatics Olympiad - Also National Olympiads in Physics, Chemistry and Biology National Science Exhibition Quiz : CBSE Heritage India Quiz Essay contests on road safety and pollution control International Choir music contest Most of these activities are institutionalise and hence circulars are sent to schools as per the annual schedule.
CBSE National Sports Program
One of the best organized sports programs of the country. Held in 14 disciplines every year. From this year the 15th discipline in Taekwondoo is being included. Nearly 4000 independent schools participate in this programme. Held at Regional and National Levels. Some of the records established by CBSE students equal and surpass the SGFI standards. The annual calendar for has already been sent to schools.
Incentives to High Achievers
CBSE believes that it has a great social and national commitment to encourage talented and motivated students to pursue higher studies overcoming constraints like finance, social background etc. It has launched a series of Scholarships: Merit scholarship for pursuing professional and non-medical/non-engineering undergraduate courses. Merit scholarships to single girl children from class XI onwards. Chacha Nehru Sports Scholarships for sports Talent.
Competition to Promote Innovation and Creativity
National Competition for Technological Innovation and Traditional knowledge exclusively for school students. CBSE and National Innovation Foundation, Ahmedabad collaborate in this venture. In the competition more than 400 entries were received from school students. NIF is processing the best for patenting them. A CD containing these projects will be shortly available. The campaign for Young Inventors and Innovators is about to be launched. Schools will get a poster and details. Encourage students to participate. Circular No. 11/06 dated
Adolescence Education Programme
National Adolescence Education Programme, a project of MHRD, supported by UNFPA has been launched in CBSE schools. Aim is to facilitate adolescents to understand their physical, biological and emotional changes and to equip them with life skills for responsible behaviour. A number of advocacy programmes and Master Trainer programmes are being conducted in different nodal centres.
The Sahodaya Movement CBSE’s Sahodaya Movement involves nearly 130 Sahodaya School Complexes across the country and abroad networking nearly 2500 schools. A philosophy of sharing and caring. Excellent platform for collaborative work and collective growth. Every year a national Sahodaya Conference is held on a specific theme. It is attended by nearly 300 principals. The annual conference for 2006 is to be held at Hyderabad on 13th and 14th October.
Comprehensive School Health Programme
The January-March Issue of CENBOSEC featured the theme of ‘Comprehensive Health Policy for Schools; Circular No. 09, dated was also issued with detailed guidelines to schools. The circular suggests that schools can evolve a school Health Programme which can be initiated through Health Club. This club would focus on the overall well being comprising emotional, social, mental and physical health of a child. It would also act as an organizational forum for conducting a number of activities related to health and wellness. The circular gives a plethora of activities for students of different age groups.
Strengthening the educational system -Board’s views reiterated
Students of primary classes need our best attention. We should make learning a joyous experience for the children. We can do it by following some simple procedures already suggested by the Board. No school bag for atleast classes I & II. Bags can be left in the school itself. No homework for children of classes I & II and Alternatives to Homework for classes III to V. Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation upto class V and extending it upto class VIII in a phased manner. Gradual withdrawal of pass-fail system. Classroom library to help children who come to school without books Greater importance and encouragement to learning of music, dance, art etc. Reducing the bag load by not prescribing excessive number of books Circular No. 06/ and dated
General Role of Principals in destressing students
It is seen that students develop a high level of anxiety and stress during examinations. Reasons are many: competition, parental & peer pressure, improper and inadequate learning strategies etc. So students and parents need to be counselled. Role of principal in this task is crucial. It is suggested that principals should take a few classes for class X and class XII every week. To stay in touch, to give guidelines, to counsel and to boost students’ confidence. Circular No. 8/
Conducive School Environment
General Conducive School Environment Schools should provide the right ambience for learners to achieve their potential. It will not be possible in an environment of fear and distrust. So it is imperative that schools do not use corporal punishment. Teachers should understand the needs of children and create confidence through caring ways. Circular dated
Circulars through e-mail
General Circulars through Board sends circulars to schools in different ways to ensure that they reach schools. by post By putting them on website: By printing them in CENBOSEC (which is now being mailed individually to all schools) To strengthen communication CBSE has started mass service by which schools will automatically get circulars from CBSE website. Schools are requested to send their current address to the Board in the following format School’s full address- Tel No.- Pin Code- Affiliation No.- ID- Circular No. 04/
Curriculum Organization in Schools
General Curriculum Organization in Schools Board publishes secondary and sr. school curriculum every year Curriculum indicates syllabi, weightage given to different units, allocation of periods per unit etc. These guidelines are given to help schools plan their academic schedule for the whole year so that there is smooth and effective curriculum transaction leading to stress-free learning for students. Some unhealthy practices adopted by some schools have come to the notice of the Board. manipulation of class schedules & timing especially for senior classes to facilitate coaching & tuition for competitive exams. Rushing of teaching at the end of the academic year to finish the syllabus for revision. Such practices are not helpful for the holistic growth of learners. Heads of institutions are advised to follow the guidelines of the Board. Circular No. 14/
General Safety in Schools Safety is vital in schools
Board has stipulated certain conditions in Affiliation Byelaws for school safety. Schools should develop a proper safety plan taking the following into account: 1. Fire Safety 2. Structural Safety 3. Earthquake Management 4. Stampede Prevention 5. Landslide Management 6. Safety from industrial pollution 6. Electrical Safety 7. Flood/ Cyclone Management 8. Electrical Safety 9. Safety from construction hazards 10. Safety in Playground 11. Water Safety 12. Laboratory Safety 13. Transport Management 14. Trauma Management 15. Safety of the Challenged Schools are advised to follow the guidelines of the Board vide Circular No. 28/
Physical Facilities in Schools
General Physical Facilities in Schools Attention of heads of institutions is invited to Rule No. 8 under Chapter II of Affiliation Byelaws pertaining to physical facilities: Classroom should be of adequate size and minimum floor space should be 1 s.q.m. per student Certificates regarding safe drinking water, fire safety, sanitary conditions, water/fire safety should be obtained from concerned Municipal Authority and submitted to the Board every five years. Adequate facilities should be provided for recreation, physical education and other activities for social, cultural and physical development of students. Circular dated
False Claims of Private Publishers
CBSE recommends only NCERT books in various subjects except in courses developed by the Board. But some private publishers are selling books, particularly Hindi edition of books saying that they are recommended by CBSE. Schools should not be swayed by such misleading claims. Circular No. 12/06 dated
Physical Education - employ a fully qualified PGT in the subject.
It has been brought to the notice of the Board that some schools do not adequately attend to effective transaction of the curriculum in Physical Education as an elective subject at senior secondary level. Schools should - employ a fully qualified PGT in the subject. - have atleast a 200 metres track with spaces for different games. Non compliance would attract the provisions of affiliation bye-laws. Circular No. 03/06 dated
The Future Paradigms Make the curriculum transaction experiential so that children can connect their learning with life outside. Provide a truly inclusive environment in schools to facilitate ‘Learning to Learn with Different Abilities’. Develop adequate support strategies to address the issue of Learning Disorders. In our preoccupation with the average and the disadvantaged, we should not neglect the gifted. Special enrichment packages under ‘Curriculum Plus’, model have to be developed and implemented.
The Future Paradigms (contd…)
We need a new mindset, a new thought process, a new paradigm of instructional leadership that can boldly raise questions such as Do we need homework for primary children? Why do we need Life Skills for students at upper primary level onwards? How do we strengthen our internal assessment system? What are the ways in which we can strengthen practical laboratory work?
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