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Rule 24 Data Process A Simple Example

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1 Rule 24 Data Process A Simple Example
June 24, 2013

2 Introduction In this example we start with a DRP that is registered with the CPUC and has a DRP service agreement. We will follow a single, individually metered service account, a 300kW Supermarket, from first contact by a DRP to meter data delivery to CAISO. Our example will illustrate the steps involved and use of forms as well the key players. Then we will follow another single, individually metered service account, a 300kW Supermarket, from first contact by a DRP to meter data delivery to CAISO. Our example will ultimately illustrate the challenges to provide the necessary information required.

3 The CAISO’s PDR process
Defined Roles DRP And DRP SC UDC LSE CAISO Undefined Roles MDMA Consolidating MDMA

4 The Proposed DR process

5 D. 12-11-025 Ordering Paragraph 12
Pacific Gas and Electric Company, San Diego Gas & Electric Company, and Southern California Edison Company, as the Meter Data Management Agent, are responsible for providing the actual Settlement Quality Meter Data to the demand response provider’s Scheduling Coordinator to facilitate final data submission in accordance with the CAISO tariff.

6 The Challenge RQMD SQMD

7 Meter Data Service account information is aggregated as defined by CAISO’s Demand Response System. The MDMA as an actor does not have access to this information. Service Accounts by LSE by MDMA LSE A LSE B LSE C MDMA 1 SA 1 SA 2 SA n MDMA 1 SA 1 SA 2 SA n MDMA 2 SA 1 SA 2 SA n RQMD is a routine process that MDMAs perform. ESP A LSE A MDMA1 LSE B MDMA1 ESP B LSE C MDMA2 IOU 10 MW 10 MW 30 MW PDR XYZ SQMD requires meter data plus registration data. MDMAs provide the meter data, but do not yet have access to the DRS registration data.

8 For Example DRP (Muir’s DRP Co) Processes Signs up a supermarket
Registers the supermarket in Resource B Registration B1 Processes UDC CISR form CAISO Demand Response System (DRS) UDC “ok” LSE “ok” CAISO “ok” Meter Data MDMA1 RQMD SQMD

9 Example continued DRP (Muir’s DRP Co) Processes
Signs up another supermarket MDMA2 Also registers the supermarket in Resource B New Registration B2 Processes UDC CISR form CAISO DRS UDC “ok” LSE “ok” CAISO “ok” Meter Data RQMD No SQMD (different MDMAs)

10 Here we go with the Example
Meet Muir’s DRP Company CPUC Registered All other agreements in place

11 Muir Co signs “Fantastic Basket Supermarket”

12 Muir Co completes Enrollment

13 Approvals UDC approves LSE approves CAISO approves DRP all set

14 Meter Data For one service account Revenue Quality Meter Data (RQMD) is the same as Settlement Quality Meter Data (SQMD). Service Account by MDMA 1 LSE A MDMA 1 SA 1 RQMD LSE A MDMA1 ESP A ESP B IOU 10 MW 10 MW 30 MW PDR XYZ Muir Co establishes Registration B1, containing one SA (Fantastic Basket). In this case SQMD = RQMD.

15 CAISO’s DRS Registration process

16 Muir Co signs “Play Foods Grocers”

17 Muir Co completes Enrollment

18 Approvals UDC approves LSE approves CAISO approves DRP all set

19 Meter Data The addition of “Play Foods” requires a new registration B2. Here the RQMD is not the same as SQMD. Service Accounts by LSE by MDMA LSE A LSE B LSE C MDMA 1 SA 1 MDMA 2 SA 1 RQMD LSE A MDMA1 ESP A LSE B MDMA1 ESP B LSE C MDMA2 IOU 10 MW 10 MW 30 MW PDR XYZ For an MDMA to keep track of the registration changes, it will need access to the CAISO’s DRS.

20 SQMD Process (?) The DRS information is critical for producing the SQMD necessary for supporting each registration. There may be times where there are multiple registrations requiring SQMD for the same DR resource. Service Accounts by LSE by MDMA LSE A LSE B LSE C MDMA 1 SA 1 MDMA 2 SA 1 RQMD LSE A MDMA1 ESP A LSE B MDMA1 ESP B LSE C MDMA2 IOU 10 MW 10 MW 30 MW PDR XYZ There is a need to consolidate the RQMD information from the MDMAs as defined by the registrations from the DRS to produce the SQMD. This could be done by the DRP or a consolidating MDMA.

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