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Slave – Servant? Slave suggests force Servant suggests employee Some were forced Gn.44:9 Mt.18:25 Some were hired Mk.1:20 Lk.15:17 Everyone serves someone.

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Presentation on theme: "Slave – Servant? Slave suggests force Servant suggests employee Some were forced Gn.44:9 Mt.18:25 Some were hired Mk.1:20 Lk.15:17 Everyone serves someone."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slave – Servant? Slave suggests force Servant suggests employee Some were forced Gn.44:9 Mt.18:25 Some were hired Mk.1:20 Lk.15:17 Everyone serves someone / something, Romans 6:16, 19

2 I. Christians Are Servants

3 Ps.100:2, gladness Mt.10:42, little things mean a lot Mk.10:43-44, no service, no greatness Firstgreat First ranks above great Slaveryservice Slavery is higher than service The lower the slavery, the higher the praise

4 Ps.100:2, gladness Mt.10:42, little things mean a lot Mk.10:43-44, no service, no greatness Lk.4:38-39, grateful heart Ac.20:18-19, expression of humility Ga.6:2, 10, our brother’s keeper

5 I. Christians Are Servants II. Traits Of An Ideal Servant (Genesis 24)

6 1. Dutiful, 1. Dutiful, 2-5, 8 Gathers info, considers all situations God spoke directly or indirectly This man could not know the will of Abraham w/o words Mt.24:46 so…doing Ga.5:1…13? Paradox 2 Th.2:9-12 Sign…truth?

7 2. Dependable, 2. Dependable, 10 Went…to Nahor…w/o absconding Not “just a lowly slave”  Ep.6:6a, no eye-servant  Ep.6:6b, not lowly (Gn.12:3)  Ep.6:6c, God uses nobodies Ph.2:12

8 3. Dependent, 3. Dependent, 12-13 Recognized his need for God’s help Servant (17) recognized a servant (21) Recognized her by (16-21): PurityService Work ethicCheerfulness CourtesyHospitality W/o grudgingSecond mile

9 4. Diligent, 4. Diligent, 33 Zealous stewardship; took commission seriously. Motivation:  34, Abraham’s servant. 1 Co.4:1-2  34-35, God’s blessings. 1 Co.15:9-10

10 5. Diplomatic, 5. Diplomatic, 41 Tactful; sensitive to needs of others Balances sympathy w. eagerness to complete his mission Commission depends on will of others

11 6. Determined, 6. Determined, 49 Realized that God might not answer as they wanted (5, 8, 49, 58)  Rear-view mirror Trust God to provide Work as if all depends on us

12 7. Devoted, 7. Devoted, 52 (26-27) 27, order: 1 Lord, 2 Abraham, 3 himself  Difficult trip 15:2, no envy or resentment “Success, which inflates the natural man, humbles the man of God” 2 K.5:2Jn.3:29-30

13 8. Disciplined, Dutiful, Dependable, Dependent, Diligent, Diplomatic, Determined, Devoted 8. Disciplined, 54-46 Family pressure now The steward will not delay: do it now Mt.6:33 = our priority? God has no sons who are not servants

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