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Repentance: a lifetime job

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1 Repentance: a lifetime job
“Before God can deliver us from ourselves, we must undeceive ourselves” (Augustine) “O Lord, grant me purity, but not yet” (Conf. vii. 17) Repentance: a lifetime job

2 I. Forewarning Of Repentance

3 1. Individual command, Lk.13:3
“If you could ask God one question, what would you ask?” Number one response: “Why is there pain and suffering in the world?” – George Barna, national survey What will happen to us if we do not repent? Focus on self: what do I need to do?

4 1. Individual command 2. Indispensable command, 13:3-4
Instead of asking why, ask what Answer: repent! Tragedies remind us to get ready

5 All who do not repent will perish We too may die unexpectedly…
1. Individual command 2. Indispensable command, 13: Inclusive command, 13:3, 5 All who do not repent will perish We too may die unexpectedly…

6 I. Forewarning Of Repentance II. Foundations Of Repentance

7 1. Sword of Spirit, Jn.16:7-11 Convicts world of –
Sin (unbelief). Ac.2:4…37-38 Righteousness. Ac.2:22, world missed it Ac.2:24…36, God overruled Judgment (satan doomed himself) Ac.2:34-36

8 1. Sword of Spirit 2. Sentence, Ac.17:30-31
“Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent, 31because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead."

9 1. Sword of Spirit 2. Sentence, Ac.17:30-31
3. Sympathy, Ro.2:4 (5:6-8) “But God is kind to us!” (He accepts them ‘as they are’) Truth: should lead to repentance Lord was kind to Judas

10 Worldly sorrow is worthless Godly sorrow is not repentance
1. Sword of Spirit 2. Sentence, Ac.17: Sympathy 4. Sorrow (the kind God wants) 2 Co.7:8-10 Worldly sorrow is worthless Godly sorrow is not repentance Godly sorrow is directed toward God (because sin is against God, Ps.51:4)

11 5. Suffering, Rv.3:19 2 Chr.33:12-13, Manasseh
1. Sword of Spirit 2. Sentence, Ac.17: Sympathy 4. Sorrow (the kind God wants) 2 Co.7:8-10 5. Suffering, Rv.3:19 2 Chr.33:12-13, Manasseh

12 III. Features Of Repentance
I. Forewarning Of Repentance II. Foundations Of Repentance III. Features Of Repentance

13 1. Change of intellect, Job 42:1-6
2. Change of emotions 3David: Distress for sins Ps.51:1-3 (Ac.2:37) 2Judas: Sorrow of remorse Mt.27:3 1Saul: No sorrow for sins 1 Sm.15

14 1. Change of intellect, Job 42:1-6
2. Change of emotions (Ps.51:1-3) 3. Change of will Repentance: change of mind Leads to change of life

15 Changed mind = changed life
God, Lk.15; Ac.9 Word of God, Jon.3; Mt.12:41 Nineveh: Faith Fasting Sackcloth Jonah: Sign Sermon

16 Changed mind = changed life
1. God, Lk.15; Ac.9 2. Word of God, Jon.3; Mt.12:41 3. Sin, Mt.21:29 4. Purpose, Ec.12:13-14

17 IV. Fruits Of Repentance
I. Forewarning Of Repentance II. Foundations Of Repentance III. Features Of Repentance IV. Fruits Of Repentance

18 Not only religious, but leaders
Mt.3:7 – Pharisees Not only religious, but leaders Accepted OT canon plus oral tradition Lk.7:29-30 – Thought they didn’t need repentance or baptism Washings were for proselytes, not Jews

19 Mt.3:7 – Sadducees Probably accepted entire OT canon
Did not take any of it seriously Their real god was politics

20 Fruits of repentance, Mt.3:8
It’s not enough just to be scared It’s not enough just to get wet Baptism: new life that bears fruit “Fruit” pictures men as trees. Cf.: Mt.7:17-18 good tree bad tree Mt.12:33 Known by fruit Make it good

21 Works of repentance, Ac.26:20
There's little difference in ethical behavior between the churched and the unchurched. There's as much pilferage and dishonesty among the churched as the unchurched. And I'm afraid that applies pretty much across the board: religion, per se, is not really life changing. People cite it as important, for instance, in overcoming depression--but it doesn't have primacy in determining behavior – George H. Gallup

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